
Need Upbeat Music

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I am running out of ideas... I am a minor official for a 4 day waterpolo tournament. They want to play 20 mins of music inbetween each game, and I have been elected to pick the music. I did the math, and I need around 10 hours of good, upbeat music. I only have about 2.
Any help is appreciated, if anyone has just one or two songs that they can either post the name of, or can upload, it would be greatly appreciated.

You can upload here -> ftp://dz:com@

Thanks again.

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I need clarification on "good, upbeat".

Is this a kids tourney, so we need to keep things PC? Actually it's not about keeping it PC for the kids but for the kids' parents.

A great source for fast paced, high energy music are soundtracks from action movies. You get a variety of artists, but all the music is typically along the same tempo. Problem is, most of this stuff is a little over the top for kids (or their parents). BUT, just to shower you all with my opinion, check out soundtracks like:

Matrix Reloaded
More Fast and Furious (the second sdtrk from the first movie)
Mission Impossible 2

I get the feeling this stuff might be a bit rougher than you want... but check 'em out.

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