
The Passion of the Christ

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I see that the movie contains dialogue spoken in Assyrian

From what I have heard from the interviews is that there are a lot of old languages that can be heard. I guess some of the things said in Aramaic are qoutes from the Gospel that will add fuel to the fire over the whole "the Jews killed Christ" thing.

I haven't read much of the bible but a friend of mine is a Pastor at a Saddleback Church here in California. He says if you look at the books of (I believe he said) John, Luke And Matthew. You will see that each book progressivley blames the Jews more and more for The Death of Jesus. I guess the first book just kinda mentions that a few Jews asked for the death of Christ and by the last book it has grown to the entire Jewish people cried out for him to be killed.

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It should be noted that the actor who was portraying Jesus in the film looks like all the paintings and depictions of Jesus that we have seen for many years.

I would also like to point out, that this actor and all the paintings of Jesus that we see, dont look anything close to what Jesus looked like.

There is a very vivid description of Jesus given in the Bible, and its suggests that Jesus was not as handsome as the paintings or Mel Gibson would have people believe.
Read Isaiah 52:14, and Chapter 53:2,3.

It tells us that Jesus "has no form, or comeliness ( pleasant to look at) and when we see him, there IS NO BEAUTY that we should desire him.
He is dispised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and we hid as it were, our faces from him, he was dispised and we esteemed him not"

53:4 " we did esteem him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted" The Jews of that time, wanted him stricken (beaten or scourged)

When he was presented by Pontius Pilate to the crowd, the people were asked to choose between Jesus and Barrabas.The chose Barrabas.
If Jesus physical features were such that there was NO BEAUTY in his appearance , it might have made it easier for the crowd to have him put to death...as "he was dispised and rejected of men"

It is possible that the physical appearance would have made it harder for many Jews to accept Jesus as the Messiah and to follow him. He did not meet their expectations in either the manner in which he was born (in a stable) and the way he looked.

Consider it

Bill Cole

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>I just saw the Movie<<
This will give you some help.
Read "Isaiah".
A group of people (Pharasies/Jews & Romans), conglomerated to execute a man they felt threatened their power and faith.
Jesus was to die to take on "our" (all World's then and Now) sins.
NIV (New Int. Version/ plain modern english) States the event and that it was for told. The Romans actually executed him and I don't plan to lash out on Italy for it. *I sinned I will again, no matter how hard I try not to.
**If someone is to blame, then: I am to blame for his death.
This is what I believe to be true from what I have read in the Bible. (It took me until 1-4-04 to admit that/after 16 years of study[:/], better late than never
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I'll be waiting, Bill! LOL!

Actually, I've always thought about the "comeliness of Christ" from a different perspective, not just between him and Barrabas at the end.

If someone is very good looking, people will almost always "flock" to them not for their message, but for being with the "pretty" people. It happens all the time - if someone is pretty, then they are not alone, irrespective of their knowledge, message. So maybe it was more as if the message is the beauty, and not the messenger...

I dunno....it's just a thought.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Your posting about the "pretty people" is exactly what I was refrring to. "Perhaps" barrabas was one of those pretty people, an Christ was not (according to Isaiah 53) and that would have made it easier to sway a large gathering to call for Barrabas' release and the crucifiction of Jesus.

Its still much the same today....handsome polititians usually draw people to support them.

Bill Cole

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cool movie ...never seen a movie opening night or cried in a movie before that. most powerful movie i ever saw. i love jesus and he's definatley with me ...and everyone. and love is the ultimate power. that by the way is some of the shit i think about on the way up. ........ peace.

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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I am going to see it Friday night.

I see what you are saying.

I guess what I am suggesting is that maybe it became a very small thing at first (jews being just a part of the crowd).Then over time as the gospels where written there was more anamosity (sp)and this shows up in the later gospels. Human nature. Over time there participation just became exaggertated.

Just a thought.

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I read an interview with Jim Caviezel a while back. It's a very interesting story. Bear with me, because my memory is not the best. Anyway, it is true that Jim possesses great hollywood looks. He is also a devout Catholic. He spoke in the interview that when he was young he felt a strange calling to be an actor. But Jim dismissed this because he wanted to become a professional basketball player. So he pursued basketball and ignored acting. One day he severely injured his foot and that was the end of his dream of playing basketball. That's when he turned to acting. He played many bit parts and was accepted to Juliard. Right at that time, his agent got him an audition for the movie "The Thin Red Line". This would be his big break. He was asked to meet the director at his house. On his way there, he took out his rosaries and prayed the rosary. Upon his arrival, he got out of his car, forgetting the rosaries were still in his hand. A woman answered the door, who he assumed was domestic help. He noticed she was wearing a miraculous medal and that he still had the rosaries in his hand. He gave the rosaries to the woman and said, these are for you. The amazing thing was, the woman lost her rosaries that morning and prayed to find them. And here this man handed her a pair. It turned out the woman was the wife of the Director.



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If it hasn't been discussed, I found Gibson's depiction of Satan to be interesting. Any thoughts on what was meant by him holding that 'guy' (for lack of better description) when Jesus was being lashed?


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Ok...don't blame me for bringing this one back up but, since it is, I have a question. I saw the movie last weekend and thought it was excellent. My question, however, is with the scene in the garden with the devil. In the gospels, it reads that an angel from heaven appeared to Jesus to help him and provide support as he was praying. In the movie, it's just the opposite with the depiction of the devil tempting Jesus. I understand and am ok with adding stuff in like Jesus being thrown over a wall as he was being tortured. That could have happened. It's dramatic interpretation. However, I don't like it when the actual storyline is changed. Not that it really takes away from the movie or the message at all. I just like things to be in order and that doesn't appear to be. Anybody have an answer for that? Again, don't flame me Skybytch for responding to a non-skydiving topic.

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In the gospels, it reads that an angel from heaven appeared to Jesus to help him and provide support as he was praying. In the movie, it's just the opposite with the depiction of the devil tempting Jesus.

I haven't read it (the bible) in awhile. But I distinctly remember Satan appearing before Jesus as he was on the cross trying to get him to denounce God with his dying breath. I don't recall if there was or wasn't an Angel giving him support.

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I'll be more specific. "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. Luke 22:42-44

I'm speaking of when Jesus was in the garden praying right before he was betrayed and taken. Like the beginning of the movie. Not when he was on the cross. I know, at times, he was tempted by the devil.

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If it hasn't been discussed, I found Gibson's depiction of Satan to be interesting. Any thoughts on what was meant by him holding that 'guy' (for lack of better description) when Jesus was being lashed?

Perhaps it was the son of satan? The son of God was dying, being sacrificed for all of mankind. While the son of satan safe in his father's (satan) arms.

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Hey Jay - haven't seen the movie yet and I'm unclear about the subject at this moment, but read Matthew 4: 1 - 11 and see if that sheds some light. If not, I'll look into it for you..............brain is firing on two cylinders at the moment lol.

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Not criticising your religious beliefs, but you do realize that this is a movie that has been criticized by many biblical scholars and historians for being fairly inaccurate.

That's funny, the Pope saw it and replied simply

"It is as it was".

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Catholic. But from what I know of the Pontif, he knows his stuff.

But now that I think of it, you didn't offer any names of your "biblical scholars and historians" did you?


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During Mardi Gras Boogie, Lorian (a Pastor) had a group discussion about this movie and it peaked my interest to see it. My mom said she would suggest that I don't see it alone and that she left awestruck; my manager and his wife just saw it last weekend and said that they are glad they saw it, but wouldn't see it again.:S I have a hard time with war movies or any which are graphic and violent; perhaps it's the bloody scenes which get to me. I am really curious to see this movie, but can I handle it as I don't know really what to expect. Mom said if I do, make sure I eat before, not during:S:P


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