
Dating Prejudices?

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I will not date someone who is dishonest.
I will not date someone who is mentally, physically or emotionally abusive.
I will not date someone who is not loyal.
I will not date someone whom I do not have an overwhelming attraction to...

That sounds a lot like a dog...:P


Now THAT was funny. Really funny.


D 27808

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I will not date someone who is dishonest.
I will not date someone who is mentally, physically or emotionally abusive.
I will not date someone who is not loyal.
I will not date someone whom I do not have an overwhelming attraction to...

That sounds a lot like a dog...:P


Now THAT was funny. Really funny.


D 27808

I do what I can...:ph34r:...

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Must be intelligent

Must have a life. I have one, a very busy one. I have time to date, but I can't spend every waking second with you. If you want a successful partner, you have to deal with this.

No Skydivers (This is going to be a break from the trend here) I've dated 2, and both have failed miserably. However, she needs to be able to deal with my jumping. I don't need TWO people in my relationship that have enough issues to cause them to repeeatedly jump out of a plane :)
I must be somewhat physically attracted to you, but that attraction can easily develop over a bit of time if you have a good personality. The last girl I dated was very much like this.

That's it.

not TOO picky.

Blue Ones

D 27808

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1. He has to be intelligent as to be thought provoking.
2. He has to have a strong personality. No doormats or rugs allowed here.
3. He has to skydive. Won't deal with someone that doesn't understand why I do what I do.
4. He has to take pride in himself.
5.He has to be soulful.
Well heck...no wonder I'm still single:P

you do still owe me a date little one....:)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Wow! There have been a couple of 'skyhottie' threads that I remember - but I dont remember seeing that porch photo before! ;)


I just saw those pics of Nightingale. OMG...unbelievable.

Kris, those two have got to be the most FLATTERING pics that I have ever seen of you so far, girl. WOW!!! Yup...those are definitely MUCH better than the ones that I snapped of you in the plane. :ph34r: :P

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Kris, those two have got to be the most FLATTERING pics that I have ever seen of you so far, girl. WOW!!! Yup...those are definitely MUCH better than the ones that I snapped of you in the plane. :ph34r: :P

Noooooo! I'm confident that she looks like that all the time!!:P:$

Don't deny me thinking that!B|:)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Not a lot to add to everyone elses... as far as one date goes? Cute and available! ie. not married, engaged or going out with a mate.;)

For longer than one date? The right (natural) smile and the right (natural) smell. :o

Al Pacino was right - the scent of a woman is important!B|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Hey Vanillaskygirl! you ARE up late... and on a school night! Bad girl!;)

Did I mention that a willingness to break the rules is also a dating plus?!:P;)B|:)



Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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obligation? lol you dont have to make it sound quite so much like punishment...well unless thats what you wish :)

i'm trying littleone, but damn work keeps sending me to the east coast at the moment...

should be around for a week or so near the end of march....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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obligation? lol you dont have to make it sound quite so much like punishment...well unless thats what you wish

Bwahhhhhhh yes that didn't come out quite right now did it?:$
Punishment? Oh honey you have no idea the pains I have been enduring...punishment would come off as a walk in the park;)


i'm trying littleone, but damn work keeps sending me to the east coast at the moment...

Aren't they aware that pixies and skydiddlydiving don't take well to NOT being a priority! LOL
What were they thinking?:)


should be around for a week or so near the end of march....

Wahoooo! We are finally down to one layer of clothing. A bright 87 degrees here today and perfect skydiving weather:)

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