Man_Whore's_Inc is looking for a few Evil men

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Soooo....As a poor skydiver in need of gear and more jump money....I figured it was time to look to other member of the skydiving comunity for help.

Man_Whore's_Inc. will not only be benifical to me...but also other skydiving males with few scrupples....as a new "service" trying to break into a already overcrowded market...We(the company) will have to find a area not allready crowded with man whores.....Retirement homes is where the BIG money is!!!!....so what if its a tad crusty[:/]....

:SOK...lets not dwell on that....its a job...the money will be good!...suck it up and do what is necessary to get that new rig.

A company moto and promotional idea is needed though.....plz submit any ideas that may work.

Man_Whore's_Inc A FREE roast chicken with every serviceB|

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First off, you really need to change the name of the company.

Da ladies usually are a bit more sophisticated than most men when it comes to sex-for-hire and usually a poor choice of business name is a tip off to poor quality service. That, and it's just poor usage of an apostrophe.

Most men might not have an issue with going to "The Bunny Ranch" and while they also have some female clients, most women don't want that sort of sleazy atmosphere. What most of them want is to be transported off to a mystical fantasy world of beauty and massage. If the male masseuse also happened to look like a Chippendales dancer and the women knew ahead of time that a "happy finish" was also on the menu, my guess is that it would be far more profitable.

Also might be a bit better than having to service the elderly.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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is this not an equal opportunity employer???

you will have to get authorization from my pimp (aka wife), but if she gives the go ahead for some extra cash Ill give it a go...

do you provide leads?:D
this space for rent.

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:SOK...lets not dwell on that....its a job...the money will be good!...suck it up and do what is necessary to get that new rig.


I have been going about it all wrong! I didn't know I could get paid for being a manwhore, I have been giving it away for free.

I used to think skydiving would be cheaper then smoking crack!

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Don't forget the lying part.

You gott lie like a sonofabitch.

Part 1.2 Subparagraph b, section c.

Can't be a good ManWhore unless you lie like a sumbitch.

there you have it

Oh no! I could never lie, ever! Especially not to a woman. Golly gee they would never have to worry about me lying to them. :):P;)

Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me
Feel the hate...
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