
Single SkyBabes ?

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Guys that drive fancy cars and live in a fancy house don't impress me.



It's what's inside that counts.

Damm again!!


(I do have standards when it comes to showers, shaving, teeth brushed and so on)

I guess I'm out. Damm!


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I have good taste B|

I have excellent taste. I even comment on it from time to time. ;)

There is two situations that offend women.
First, when they are hot and you make some remark to that effect (and you are not the target audience). Second, when they pass by and no one makes a comment. :ph34r:

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VERY VERY Well said Ro*!!! you always Perfectly state the sweetest reply! and i thank you for your thoughtful comment! you always make me smile just like this ===> :)
Remster is Also a Happy-Sweetie with a Happy-Honey! B| he wasn't necessarily seeking her ~ they just fell in love ~
et c'est la vie! :)

~ meL* Pink Mafia / Tunnel Mafia Sister

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I had your number a long time ago. I wasn't born yesterday you know. I just wish the picture I had taken of all of us out to dinner during your visit her to Colorado had turned out. Then the women here would know just how lucky Karen is.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I hope you don't think that I am upset with being single. I like being single, all i am saying is that it gets old and i wiould like to meet someone one day.
i am not depressed or unhappy about being singe.


hey dude, I remember a point in my life where I kinda felt like that. I cant see the future, but I would imagine that you'll find someone. Youre allright, just dont overdo it.

Its really amazing how sometimes, when you least expect it, a wonderful person comes out of nowhere.

You should do some travelling w/ me this spring/summer. Going to other DZ's increased you odds!B|

Good luck.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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What do you think is high maintenance? Looks or life style? I can be dressed and shower and out the door in 20 mins.

I don't doubt you're low maint as is Heather, most skydiving peeps are pretty down to earth. That's one of the things I like about the sport.

But I work in Boca Raton FL and every girl there is basically high maint. My friends and I call them Boca Babes. It's just a classic laugh when one of them claims that they're not high maint, so I brought it up as a joke.

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I am not high maintence

Every time I hear a chick say that, I think "yeah right".

What do you think is high maintenance? Looks or life style? I can be dressed and shower and out the door in 20 mins.

I've meet Heather, she doesn't seem to be the type that is high maintenance.

Life Style maintenance. There are a few people that post here that can back me up when I say I live a simple life style. I don't drive a fancy car, and I don't live in a fancy house. Guys that drive fancy cars and live in a fancy house don't impress me. It's what's inside that counts. (I do have standards when it comes to showers, shaving, teeth brushed and so on)

When I think high maintenance I think of the amount of effort a relationship requires. Some women are very secure of themselves and don't mind the guy having alone-time or female friends. Other women completely smother their boyfriends and require your undivided attention 24-7, try to tell you who your friends should be, what you should wear and do. Now that's high maintenance to me.

I made the above reply gender-specific based on my own experience but this does not mean that men aren't high maintenance.

The problem I've had is that it's hard to figure out what's happening/happened until after the fact, when the fog-of-relationship as lifted and you see how easy things can and should be whether you are in or out of a relationship.

Gotta go... plaything needs to spank me
Feel the hate...
Photos here

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When I think high maintenance I think of the amount of effort a relationship requires. Some women are very secure of themselves and don't mind the guy having alone-time or female friends. Other women completely smother their boyfriends and require your undivided attention 24-7, try to tell you who your friends should be, what you should wear and do. Now that's high maintenance to me.

I call that self confidence when a woman feels secure enough in themselves and their relationship.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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