
Single SkyBabes ?

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I guess I'm the only good little consumer here. :$

I was referencing that credit card commercial.

It has some al bundy lookin guy sittin in his chair, and some cheerleader voice dubbed over him, saying something like:

"when I saw this cute little leathers bustier. $1500? Who cares? It lifts and separates. Besides, it's not like it's my money. ha..."
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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heh who would have ever thought it.....now I just have to never put up that Gimp avatar or ill scare them all away.

OMG, I read all the other post after this, and not one of you said it, so I will.

Jake sweetie, the avatar you have now scares people away:)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Btw, it's so cute that you call me "Ro" because nobody else calls me that... except for Melstarr. When she began to call me that with her little accent, I thought that it was just adorable. Whenever you call me that, it reminds me of her and makes me smile.

Well, I've seen Mel do it here in one thread or another, but I have a Colombian branch in my family tree, and one aunt is named Rosa. I saw Mel do it and it made me smile [I haven't seen her in a while].

Besides, though gimpy beat me to it, anything to make a pretty girl smile. Cool, my munchie-buddy will be smiling - always a plus! :)
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Besides, though gimpy beat me to it, anything to make a pretty girl smile.

Thank you. That's sweet. Oh yeah, you are a fellow latino...sort-of...lol. ~


Cool, my munchie-buddy will be smiling - always a plus! :)

Lol...I reread that other thread where I said that I could OUT EAT you, and, omg, I guess that had possible sexual connotations if misread. At least, you kept your answers clean, even if it was a struggle. :$ Thanks!

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Thank you. That's sweet. Oh yeah, you are a fellow latino...sort-of...lol.

I have to admit I don't qualify. They are all in-laws. Aunt Tar married my mom's brother. But I did learn all the best Spanish curses by sitting on a grandma's knee. B|

Whatever happened to the famous "latin lovers?" Like Cubans used to be the most desired men in the western hemisphere. Now they're revered as scavenging boat builders. How did that happen?


Lol...I reread that other thread where I said that I could OUT EAT you, and, omg, I guess that had possible sexual connotations if misread. At least, you kept your answers clean, even if it was a struggle. :$ Thanks!

Well, you make it hard don't always make it easy, but a good man has to run his thoughts through the "how bad will this piss somebody off" detector before spitting them out. :P




see, free association is a dangerous thing around you, Ro.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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But I did learn all the best Spanish curses by sitting on a grandma's knee. B|

My parents are quite proper and quite conservative. I have never witnessed them cursing EVER. I know NO curse words in Spanish, myself.


Whatever happened to the famous "latin lovers?"

I don't know. I guess that you could always ask the men that I have dated, since I am latin myself...lol. Personally, I have noticed that I tend to date caucasian men. I have nothing against dating any particular race, though.

see, free association is a dangerous thing around you, Ro.

Oh no...sorry. :ph34r:

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My parents are quite proper and quite conservative. I have never witnessed them cursing EVER. I know NO curse words in Spanish, myself.

They are the least conservative set in my family. They practically taught me to drink when they taught me to ski. (my brother got to me first)



Whatever happened to the famous "latin lovers?"

since I am latin myself...lol.

deep breaths, baseball, cold showers, deep breaths, baseball, cold showers, deep breaths, baseball, cold showers......


Oh no...sorry. :ph34r:

I'm not. ;)
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Lol...see Jake, now you have all the ladies swooning over your comments...lucky guy...;)

Did I swoon?!?! :D Nope, but I'd love to meet a guy who actually made me want to swoon as opposed to hurl...:S...Sorry, got hit on by a random guy at Best Buy yesterday...came on waaaaaaaaay to strong...B|

Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Sexiest guy I ever knew was a Packing CRW Dawg!

I agree with you Eiley!!!!!

I miss you and Porno.


You scopin' mah man, beeatch??? >:(:ph34r:

I miss you too, but am still on track for a visit for Rantoul! Expect MASSIVE hugs... and I expect to be thoroughly entertained for the week. Bring on the jelly shots! :D

By the way, my friend Hayley will be a packer at Hinckley this year and I need you Hinckley Hotties to look after her a bit... and make sure she gets her butt to the WFFC. :)

nothing to see here

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It took me a while to figure out that she was in the door.

Really? Damn....I saw the guy with the camera behind her and the "DIV" on the right side.. I guess my mind wasn't in the gutter the first time I looked at the pic...well, the first time, anyways.. :o


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Okay in my defense. I really don't examine avaitars, I was too busy look at what was in the foreground. So sue me i'm a guy. Alright...alright I'm just stupid.

Yeah innocent and skybabe is like nitro and glycerine. The wild ones are usually passed out early, the innocent ones the ones you catch doing Tequilla shot from between the instructors legs at 2 am.

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