
TSA... priceless

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That's incredible.

Cool picture that they made there, but it sucks what led up to them making such a picture. I'm traveling with a rig for the first time ever in a few weeks, hope I don't get jipped over like that guy.


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Bring your rig as carry-on, don't let it out of your sight, keep it out of everyone else's sight. Have the cypress card showing the x-ray picture and have a letter or printout from the TSA and the airline you're flying saying a rig is ok to carry on.

Yes, they can do that.
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Hmmmmm seems that a rig is a life saving device and being that a reserve is sealed by an F.A.A rigger doesnt that constitute some form of trouble for TSA? I cant understand what would allow them to do this to a rig much less a reserve. Surely someone has an explanation for this

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Regardless of what that idiotic TSA letter says, DO NOT label the outermost bag as "PARACHUTE." Do you really want to draw more attention from those idiots screeners in the red jackets?

Keep it by itself and in your sight. Put it in the overhead across the aisle, not over your head. Put it in another bag if you can to avoid a passenger or screener grabbing it by that convenient silver handle.
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The explenation is that they are not following their own guidelines and are not to be trusted with our gear. Read the story on the site and then read to two links he has on page two. It's an eye opener.
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You should be concerned. They talk about the possibility of openning the canopy during a search. Um, I guess they haven't bothered to think through how hard it is to close a reserve? And that we're not all FAA riggers?
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Where the rig over your shoulders. You don't have to worry about it leaving your sight that way.


Regardless of what that idiotic TSA letter says, DO NOT label the outermost bag as "PARACHUTE." Do you really want to draw more attention from those idiots screeners in the red jackets?

Keep it by itself and in your sight. Put it in the overhead across the aisle, not over your head. Put it in another bag if you can to avoid a passenger or screener grabbing it by that convenient silver handle.

Thanks guy!! I'm sure it'll be alright.

If I have a CYPRES with me, that is not in the rig itself, do I need to make sure that it does not get X-rayed? And if so where would you recommend that I put it? Carryon? Check in? Thanks.


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If you have a cypress in the rig, make sure you have the cypress card. It show what the thing should look like under xray examination.

Carrying it on when it's not in the rig might be tricky. They dont tend to like things that have batteries, wires, and small boxes.

I would suggest getting a letter from the airline specifically naming your AAD and stating that it is acceptable for transport.

Also print out the page from the TSA on parachutes, found HERE.
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Hmmmmm seems that a rig is a life saving device and being that a reserve is sealed by an F.A.A rigger doesnt that constitute some form of trouble for TSA? I cant understand what would allow them to do this to a rig much less a reserve. Surely someone has an explanation for this

Why would they need permission to open a parachute? You don't have to be a rigger to open one, just to repack and seal it. The problem here is they aren't supposed to open it unless the owner is present and they did anyway. Nothing illegal about what they did, but hopefully the TSA person who did it will get at least a reprimand and will know better in the future.

Bottom line is this really sucks. Hopefully the owner was able to get it repaired and didn't lose any jump time because of it.

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I bet they can't even figure out which screener did it, and I bet they don't care. The only way this goes anywhere is if the red jacket smashed his nose when he openned it and wants his benefits to cover it.

Nothing they ever do is illegal, it's all for national security. :S

The owner was involved in a world record attempt and luckily was able to borrow necessary parts. It'd piss me off something royal if I arrived at a boogie and had nothing to jump.

That's why I will never check my rig. Ever. Period.
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It is quite fortunately, for the idiots that work for the TSA, that breathing is an automatic reflex! Otherwise, they would sufficate, since most of the morons are too stupid to breath! If they open a reserve, or in anyway damage someone's rig, which is personal property, the DAMNED TSA should be made to reimburse the individual! TSA should be branded as exactly what it is, an unconstitutional, illegal, rouge organization that only infringes on the rights of the citizens of this country!
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I dunno about all that, but my understanding is they are talking about getting him some kind of compensation. That's what his site said at least.
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Not that i want to be seen as standing up for them as theres no excuse for this, but...

I travled through the states recently with my rig. Carry on, in a small carry on suitcase. Each time at security i passed through without even a stopping. they knew what it was in the x ray (except one new girl and it really freaked her :D, but her pal behind her told her what it was no problems) and just let me go straight through.

no problems here :)
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Where the rig over your shoulders. You don't have to worry about it leaving your sight that way.

Thats just what I have done on the last couple of flights I have taken. I have all the paperwork but the rig is out in the open and I carry it on board.
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Did ya at least get to jump. I know not with your gear but did you borrow? Or did TSA ass you out?

Yeah Scott did, he was able to find a couple of skydivers out of the 300+ that had a spare reserve handle... and he isn't too bitter because evidentally TSA is going to pay for the damage...

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