What would draw you to a competition or boogie?

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My team is again sponsoring an intermediate freefly competition. If your curious look in Events.

I was curious what the incentive would be for someone to go to a specific competition or boogie.

Is it the prizes, money, after hours festivities, location, etc?

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I know for me, if it isn't Nationals, location has a the biggest impact. I'm probably not going to fly all the way across the country for a local meet UNLESS I'm trying to network in some way and I feel that being there would be important.

In the 4-way world, that's why the NSL is so good...it provides more opportunities to compete because of the diverse locations.

Good luck with your competition! Advertise it well and you'll probably get a lot of participation!
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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I would compete if you have a Flailing catagory. I am SOOOOOO good at that!

LoL...;)...I would have to say a diverse set of aircraft and location...I am just now thinking about competition, and training for that matter...sooo...depending on how much a plane ticket is or whether it is a driveable distance is the main question...
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I would compete if you have a Flailing catagory. I am SOOOOOO good at that!

Hey clint, in all seriousness, this is a beginning/intermediate competition. GR's are trying to promote more team freeflying. It is a fun comp. I have been to the previous two and not competed. This year i am trying to get a team together.B|

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I would compete if you have a Flailing catagory. I am SOOOOOO good at that!

The common misconception of our competition is the skill level.
This is for the intermediate and beginner freefliers.
Everyone learns alot and its fun to compete.

BTW Kim and Paul are not competing this year.

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OK, I'll put the serious hat on -

I have only seen the TSL meets and the stuff going on there. Wasn't really aware of alot of it. What would draw me, since I am not competing, is the ability to jump with and learn from talent that is not usually around.

Swoop comp would be AWESOME - I would love to be able to watch one, and just for the record - There are WAY to few of them around - swooping is the only portion of skydiving that is for the spectators, and it can entrance a whuffo crowd. Besides, "It's styley and it feels good".

Can I go back to being a smart ass now?

(Edit: I was writing this when you posted the 100/200 jump deal - Yeah - I agree 100 percent - :)
NOW can I?)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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No swooping.

This is focused at younger skydivers and I don't feel like promoting a 100/200 jump freeflyer to be swooping under the pressure of competition.

That's a good call, but I wanted to compete...:P

I don't really feel like competing with FF, though...*shrug* oh-well.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Extra planes so that people who aren't competing can still jump. Night life with a theme. Also, once jumping is over commence night time activities with video of the good jumps for the day. That'll draw everyone to a central location to kick of the night's festivities.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Rather then just limit it to a freefly competition, have RW also. This will attract more jumpers that what to learn about low level competitions.

You also asked about boogies. For me it has to do with aircraft and load organizers. I'm not going to travel hours and hours to jump from a 206. Having enough organizers to meet the demand of the different level of jumpers, keep them in the air, spending more money on jump tickets.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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As for freefly...I think the way they did the Eloy money me4et this year was really good. You don't have to have a team...just show up and you'll be paired with someone for each round.

A scrambles is a really good way to get people interested in competing without the pressure of having to form a team beforehand.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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The last two years people have just thrown teams together and have learned alot from the competition atmosphere.

As for the swooping, you can refer to my reply to AD above. Plus we don't have a swoop pond and most swoop comps are held over water. Water hurts less than dirt, trust me I speak from experience.:D

And your always a smartass!!!!!!!!:P

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A scrambles is a really good way to get people interested in competing without the pressure of having to form a team beforehand.

You took my words! :ph34r: Scrambles take the pressure off of finding 3-4 other relaiable people to committ, doesn't necessarily involve training, and allows teams to be evenly matched up. pretty sweet!


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Plus we don't have a swoop pond and most swoop comps are held over water

We did one at a local golf course. Check with them and see if that is possible. Instead of a comp for swooping, why not do a workshop/seminar with a person that knows what they are talking about. The name Brian Germain comes to mind.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Scrambles take the pressure off of finding 3-4 other relaiable people to committ, doesn't necessarily involve training, and allows teams to be evenly matched up. pretty sweet!

This is something like scrambles, we do advertise that you don't need a whole team. Last year we had a couple teams build right before the competition started.

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Guess the bottom line for the swoop and RW question is.
We do all of this out of our own pocket and in our spare time. It is hard enough just organizing this for freeflying.
In years past we had more events but it just got so hectic for the three of us we decided to scale it down to 2 events.

We actually had swoop last year and nobody showed up.

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