
Shameless Attention Seeker

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I haven't jumped since October 18th :(

And now I just can't afford to be retrained and to stay current. I don't want to get back in the sport if I can't stay current, there is no point. I'll have to wait a while before I get to the point again where I can jump steadily (which so far has never been, even when I was "current")

But the weight loss is something to focus on for now, and when I was jumping, I was always telling myself how much easier things would be if I was the right weight. So when I get back into the sport I should be light enough to play with everyone instead of only the uber fast fallers.

Wlie could keep up with me, but he usually went headdown at some point to catch up...while I was flat flying, and I mean FLAT, trying to fly as slow as possible.

August of last year, omg...I was 275. Over the course of 2 months I dropped that down to 250, then stayed there until late january, early february when I got a second wind, and I've dropped another 20-25lbs in about 5 weeks :o

My weight loss has slowed to a much healthier pace though, over the last two weeks I've only lost around 2lbs per week. I think I can keep that up for the next 6-8 months to get to my ideal weight of 175. Right now I'm 225.

I'm also tracking my body fat %, a very important part of dieting. I'm down 2% from February 12th when I started recording my weight and BFP daily.

Oh yeah, and I'm only 5'8.25" tall

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Noice, how did you do it, losing weight and getting in shape is one of the best things ever. . .I have lost 153 lbs so I know how you feel. . .should I add mine? I love to be a shameless attention seeker. . .

Before is Apr 16, after is about a 2 months ago. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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HOLY SHIT! THAT's FKN AWESOME! That is really something to be proud of as I'm sure you know. Totally...just...wow!

Good damn job girl! B|

I looked at that pic again...I can't even tell the person on the right is even related to the person on the left...

I wanna be like Mikey SKYYHI!

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Thanks, you too. . .its sure fun to get peoples reactions isn't it. . .course, I started jumping AFTER I lost a bunch of weight - mostly because I was so out of shape. . .

Keep up the good work, you are doing great. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Damn, now I feel bad for kinda hijacking the attention. . .lol!

But since he has done such a good job and looks great now, I just got excited. . .lol!
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Well I got a couple requests to say what I am doing. I thought about writing everything in a journal and selling it like every other weight loss program, then I could afford to jump again hehe

Nah, here's all it is.

I was walking through the store grocery shopping one day and saw a rack of slimfast on the shelf. Same as pretty much every other time I've been to the store. Except today, I decided to ignore my feelings towards it was a junk program for people that want to waste money, and I bought a rack of slimfast drinks.

Later I read the label on the can, "Drink one slimfast daily with two sensible meals to maintain weight, drink one for breakfast and one for lunch with a sensible dinner to lose weight", or something like that.

So I did it. I had a slimfast for breakfast, and lunch, and had a sandwich or something for dinner. Later on I started adding snacks in there to tide me over between shakes/dinner.

I did this for 3 weeks and in that time I dropped from 244 to 225. The last week I have just been eating normal food, but healthy food. Plain ol' cherios for breakfast with a banana or something, a pear or an apple as the day goes by. A turkey sandwich for lunch or dinner. I pretty much stick to foods low in carbs and fats and high in protein. But in no way to I stick to a strict regimen. I've found if I try and follow something so strict, I end up cheating myself and going backwards.

Well, anyway, the three weeks of drinking slimfast, water (lots of water), and small healthy dinners, trained me to be concious of what I'm putting in my body. I don't eat candy, or drink soda (except for yesterday at my going away party at work, it was my last day and they had cake and pop and stuff). I only really eat when I am hungry. And that is KEY! It's a hard thing for most overweight people to learn to eat when they are hungry, instread of when they feel like it.

As far as excercise, I have been riding my bike a LOT (when the weather is nice though), I like to go on long bike rides, 20-60 miles. I was also jogging at least 4-5 times per week for an hour. Well...most of the time I walked, but I jogged when I could. There is a track about a block from my house. When I first started I could barely run a half of a lap, now i can run for a full mile. My time is a bit high, 9:09/mile but it's a lot better than it used to be and it's continuing it's downward trend. Although the last week and a half I have been pretty dormant. That'll change soon.

Basically, I'm doing the same thing everyone else does to lose weight. I'm eating right, and I'm exercising. The problem most people including me have, is getting over that mountain between thinking about it, and DOING IT! You have to realise that it is a lifestyle change, not just a temporary thing. You have to be ready to cut nearly all your fast food out, nearly all your soda out, no sweets. But you can really only do that when you are ready. When you realise that you NEED to get in shape. You have to do it for yourself. For your health, for your benifit (for your sexlife too if you don't already have one :o)

If you've tried and tried and feel like there's no hope...there is, I promise. I've been trying to lose weight for the last 5 or 6 years, but only now am I actually doing it. I honestly have no desire for candy bars or soda, or any sweets. Now, fast food...I do crave that occasionally. In fact I treated myself to a "Huge Burger" and large fries at the local Basco's Burgers last week. Mmmmm that was good. But that was the first unhealthy food i had eaten in over a month, and I had no craving for fast food since then.

Well, that's about it. I eat healthy, I exercise, I lose weight. It really is all there is too it. :)

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Okay, I don't talk about mine too much because I had some surgical help.

I had a RNY gastric bypass in April 2003. HOWEVER, I had to relearn how to eat and completely change my eating habits. Now that I am nearly a year out from surgery, I COULD ruin all my hard work so I must diligently keep myself in check food-wise.

I eat pretty much a modified atkins type diet. Lower carbs (but not elimination of carbs) higher protein and veggies galore. No soda, no junkfood, no refined sugar at all in my diet. My only vice is beer at the dropzone on Saturday nights.

The problem with my chosen method of weight loss is that the doctors can rearrange your insides but they can do nothing to help your mental state or the reasons why you overeat in the first place. At this point in my life, if I had it to do over again, I would have chosen seeking help of a nutritionist (which I did at about 3 months out from surgery), a personal trainer, and a psychiatrist to help with the mental aspect of overeating. . .

Losing weight rapidly has inherent risks - the MINOR one being loss of muscle tone. . .you just CANNOT exercise enough to keep up with the weight loss.

Anyway, that is my two cents. . .I can't believe I put that out there. . .oh well, if you see me in person, I will usually tell you anyway, might as well go public. . .lol!

Edited to add: For those of you who think gastric bypass is the "easy" way to diet, I ask you to talk to those who have had it. It is DEFINITELY not easy.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Well, surgery doesn't make your success any less significant! You've been through a lot to get where you are today, congrats! And I hope that over time you will get over the mental aspect of overeating. It was, and still is on occasion, a problem for me, but luckly if I do overeat...it's with carrots or turkey or something, and exercise compensates for it.

Yes, gastric bypass is a last resort when nothing else works. A long and hard road follows after that, and you HAVE to be very very conscious of your diet after having that surgery done

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Josh, thanks. . .I have worked very hard to get over the mental aspect of overeating. . .I am conquering it and no longer struggle on a daily basis. . .only moments - I will NEVER allow myself to get where I was before.

You have done excellent my friend. I congratulate you on your successes. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Careful Dude! I've read a lot on these forums about the dangers of downsizing too fast!

ROFLMFAO. . .that was a priceless one. . .

Oh, and for the record, we keep UPSIZING. . .lol!
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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