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No doubt...Especially today. I don't know if I got up and put my pants on differen't this morning or what. I had several differen't women flirt with me at work today. I get lots that are "nice" every day but I even had one telling me how great my shoes were. :D I have to figure out what I did differen't today so i can repeat the sucess. B|

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Especially today.

Yeah me too.

Something about dancing naked to loud techno in my living room every night for the past three nights has got me all worked up.

It's either that or the fact that I haven't gotten any lately.

It could be both.

All Day I Dream About Sex. :D

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I know you've had sex more recently then I have so shove it

And you know this how? I haven't jumped since the beginning of December and it was months before my last jump that I got lucky.

Why am I announcing this to the entire world? I must be drunk.

All Day I Dream About Sex. >:(

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It's either that or the fact that I haven't gotten any lately.

Dammitt....I should have called when I was stuck in Florida last night!!!! :D

Didja have your handcuffs with ya? If you did, then yeah, you shoulda called. :ph34r:

All Day I... ah, nevermind, you know what I'm tryin' to say...

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I haven't jumped since the beginning of December and it was months before my last jump that I got lucky.

Ouch.......and I thought I was doing poorly. :D

So now you understand why.....

All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About Sex

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Something about dancing naked to loud techno in my living room every night for the past three nights has got me all worked up.

All Day I Dream About Sex. :D

Phew, I thought I was the only one who did that...;)...Plus, for some reason, everytime I go into a restaurant lately, I have every waiter hitting on me...:SWhich just makes my friends crack up and pick on me...B|...Single= 1/2 the time it Sucks...and other 1/2, it blows...I'm going to go get drunk now...:D:ph34r:
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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Something about dancing naked to loud techno in my living room every night for the past three nights has got me all worked up.

People do goofy things naked. My neighbor confided that she runs the vaccum naked, and vaccumes herself into bed, every night.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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Single= 1/2 the time it Sucks...and other 1/2, it blows...I'm going to go get drunk now

aww that's a shame........ if you were here or i was there i would take ya out... then we could both get drunk and talk about how being single sux...... or maybe how being single blows.....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Sweetie... I'm a child of the 80's... I know my music :D

I know you've had sex more recently then I have so shove it :D

Ya but that's cause you picked the wrong chickie recentlyt if you wanted that. :P;)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I've heard it claimed men think about sex for one in every six seconds.

I think about jumping another one, self preservation another one, random daily shit for one, important long term stuff for one, and probably another one for sex.

No wonder I haven't cured cancer or found world peace. I'm only devoting 1/6 of my potential. See, if I got more, I could really be a significant positive force for world good.

Some come on laides, do you want to make the world a better place or what?
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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