
300lbs jumpers

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Interesting you bring up fallrate. I talked to AlphaMale and he did his first AFF jump today (328lbs) and the instructor finally gave up at about 40seconds and pulled for him. He said it was like 176mph. Obviously I havent talked to anyone else but Im sure he'll post his idea of his first jump.

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dang man

i dont fall that fast... but im about 154 is what i have maxed at, and that was in a crappy jump suit.

My last 4 aff jumps i never saw my instructors. They were always over my head and i just went on with the jump plan and they watched. I was fine they said, so hey im only 10 jumps off my A now so....
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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Interesting you bring up fallrate. I talked to AlphaMale and he did his first AFF jump today (328lbs) and the instructor finally gave up at about 40seconds and pulled for him. He said it was like 176mph. Obviously I havent talked to anyone else but Im sure he'll post his idea of his first jump.

Put a drogue on him.

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yeah man i fly flat. Im 5'6 and currently shrinking, but i was about 200 last time i jumped.... military is cutting my weight like freaking crazy, lost like 6 lbs this week and seriously my pants were falling off today.
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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lol my protrack had me at like 154 one time, thats my max, but when i am jumping with giys like 140 130 it really sucks

I need my new suit so freaking bad!!!
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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Interesting you bring up fallrate. I talked to AlphaMale and he did his first AFF jump today (328lbs) and the instructor finally gave up at about 40seconds and pulled for him. He said it was like 176mph. Obviously I havent talked to anyone else but Im sure he'll post his idea of his first jump.

Hi Mr atsaubrey

Can't wait to hear from Mr alpha about his first jump sounds like he had a blast:o. No pun intended.:)
IMO you need to get over the other guy's negative vibes, notice he's been laying low lately:)
Lou says there's a MX rig good for 430 #'s so watch out little guy, I mean Mr atsaubry. There's gonna big a real man showing up one of these days. You have to work your ass off to be able to match his fall rate.:)
Jump your ass off, be happy, have fun:)

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I didnt once say I could out fly or out "fall" Amazon but I does thinks I could out drink her. (as long as it aint beer or wine...those two things screw me up). Give me whiskey and its on for sure! 430lbe rigs...yeah I heard of that, but haven't seen one jumped that heavy. I will just say I am the only Super duper anvil jumping on a consistent basis. Although AlphaMale may take my title if he continues.:S

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:$:$:$ Aw Mike you say the nicest thinsgs:$:$:$:$

These guys who are talking about fall rate.. BWAHAHAHA I can FLY with the fastest...

I think I drank about a dozen beers ( Shiner and Corona and a Heineken or three... OH and I cant believe someone tried to hand me some VILE lite crap there... this does not endear me to anyone by the way) by the bonfire there at Moss Point.. and there was the Goldslager... the Jeremiah Weed the folks from Louisiana gave me .. and I lost count of the jello shooters...... never even had an effect on my being able to remain standing;)

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Lou says there's a MX rig good for 430 #'s so watch out little guy,

Its not the rig, it just the main canopy. It is a MT-1Z. Made by Para-Flite, it has a ZP top skin and comes in two sizes. 308 sq. ft rated at 360 pounds, main or reserve. 370 sq. ft. rated at 450 pounds as main only.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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