
Wow...this is fun...

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Or not. I'm so incredibly bored right now. I'm taking care of my moms dogs until wednsday, up here in Spokane. I was going to go hang out at a friends house that I was going to meet for the first time tonight, but she negged on me, had to babysit. Oh well, going to a hockey game with her tomorrow. But right now I'm dieing of boredom. I keep picking up my guitar, but I keep playing the same damn thing over and over. And I can only watch TV for so long before i have to DO something...

Oh yeah and it's cold as hell up here right now. Ok, well I'm sure for some of you its much much colder, but I'm just bitching. I would go jogging...but I'm a pussy...it's too cold.:D

Is there anyone in the Spokane area that wouldn't mind hangin out sometime in the next week? Lemme know :P

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bored here too. Just sitting at work listening to Modest Mouse. There are no pbx alarms to work and no phone calls coming in. The other guy here is watching a movie on his laptop. *Sigh* At least today is my Friday and i get a 3 day weekend.


--"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM

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Is there anyone in the Spokane area that wouldn't mind hangin out sometime in the next week?

If you happen to be driving down Longfellow in the valley.....around the 16 thousand block and see a blonde chick with big hooters crossing the road. Feel free to drop your cell phone on the floor board and take a NICE LOOONG look for it while you hit the gas. ;) Oh wait...was that out loud?

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