
Bad DZ.....

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Just wondering, we all favor certain dropzones for many reasons, whether it be the people, the planes, the vibes, the free beer, whatever. But has anyone here been to a dz that they absolutely hated and refuse to go back because it sucked THAT bad???

I have one, and I have my reasons (as well as half the people I know who have gone there...), but I won't post them here cuz I don't feel like being flamed today. ;)

So come on, post your nasty dz experiences.

For disclaimer purposes, you don't have to say where, when, whatever, unless of course you want to. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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So come on, post your nasty dz experiences.

Any DZ that has ever operated has -somebody- that refuses to go back there for any number of reasons. My reasons for not returning usually have to deal with safety issues like aircraft maintenance (surprise, surprise).

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My reasons for not returning usually have to deal with safety issues like aircraft maintenance (surprise, surprise).

Gee, I never would have guessed. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Don't tempt me!!!!

OK, I'll vent....please don't jump all over me for telling this story!

Let's just say, all dropzones have their positives and negatives. When the negatives get to me, I leave.
I have so many choices in Southern California.

Right now, I'm jumping at Lake Elsinore.

The most important thing to me is Customer Service.

Larger dropzones tend to hide the politics better.

I know I'm gonna take shit for this but recently I was jumping in Taft. As many of you know, I shamelessly promoted the aircraft there(hint).

I was very happy there but the last time I was there, I got yelled at because I told a tandem student to bring somthing warm to wear (on his tandem jump) because we were all jumping into an alternative landing area due to clouds and I thought we were going to do another jump there.

I don't know why or how this got misinterpereted, but next thing I know, out of nowhere, the manifest girl is yelling at me saying "instead of getting involved, why don't you let us do our jobs!" then the DZ owner walks up and she starts saying "Ohh Scott's just getting involved" then the DZ owner yells at me and says "We can handle it Scott!"

They sounded so angry!

I didn't understand why I was getting flamed for saying this. A few minutes later I walked up to the manifest girl and said, "look, the only reason I said that was because the students asked me if they should bring somthing warm and I said yes! so why am I getting yelled at?"

To make a long story short, she apologized.

I was really hurt by all this and it left a really bad taste in my mouth. I considered these people friends because we all hung out together, I don't know why they would just turn around and treat me like this. I went out of my way to treat everyone there with respect.

I haven't gone back since.

It's been 2 months.

Oh well, I still love Perris and Elsinore!

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Right on bro, that would have left a bad taste in my mouth as well.

The dz I have a problem with has good planes, and an alright location, but the people always came off as major skygods. This isn't just from me, I've heard the same reaction from many people visiting there, even several who were trained there. They all have this attitude that if you aren't a regular there with 1000 jumps or didn't learn to skydive there, you're an unsafe jumper and shouldn't be in the sky. You'll receive lots of awkward glances and people will be looking down on you from their thrones. They always brag about "We're the best this, or our people are this, or our stuff is the best of this" and it sickens me. Jumpers are jumpers, and if a dz gets in people from out of town, out of state, or out of country, they should treat them with respect, and quit being such egomaniacs. :( Really. :(

BTW, people that know me, it's prolly not the dz you're thinking of....or is it? Or is it not? Or is it??? B|B|

Okay enough of my ranting. Tell us some more people!! ;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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I'd like to address this. Its not so much that what you said was inappropriate; as much as saying anything to a student is inappropriate.

It is very difficult on a busy day to sort out; 1) what another skydiver "suggested" as BS, from one of credence, and 2) even the smallest kind gesture can cognitively result in a student lacking confidence in the Instructor or situation.

Let me give you an example. I was taking a student on a static-line jump. During the training, I noticed the student had ignored the recommendation to wear sneakers. In talking with a "back-in-the-day" Airborne graduate (whom I did not know) about going on a jump was told not to wear sneakers; but to wear boots.

And of course, the boots had hooks. While I'm off getting some duct tape, another skydiver starts off on the student about how they can't jump today because they have hooks on their boots.

So, 1) they didn't do as recommedend - FUBAR number 1. Then I come back to "Well, so & so says I can't jump today because I wore boots with hooks." OK, now I have to undo that.

After a day of undoing FUBARS the frustration meter pegs out and being human, you reach the point of thermonuclear.

Ya know... being an instructor or staff is a difficult task. One can have all the waivers in place, but most of the instructors I know still have an overwhleming sense of personal responsibility to ensure that student has a safe skydive. Factor in the number of "undo's" and external variables that can reduce confidence in the Instructor and the result is; your communication style can change from nice guy to Drill Sergeant in about an eighth of a second. In the end, we always wind up apologizing. Not so much for the message, but for the tone.

Wanna make an Instructor or staff love you? When approached by a student; no matter what the reason - tell the student, "Ya know, you have a guy/girl that has gone through a lot of training to get that rating and has been training skydivers for a long time. What ever they say - do that."

Unless you, of course, see an immediate safety related issue and even then... if you have the opportunity - take the Instructor or Coach aside and point it out.

Now - give us a break, an occasional hug and point the students back to us if approached. That's all we ask.

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Generally I don't talk to students. If I do, I'm careful of what I say to them.

It was a weekday and there were just a few of us hanging around waiting to jump.

It was not a stressful day.

I was one of the DZ's biggest supporters because of Mike Mullins King Air. I would drive and hour each way to Bakersfield Airport just to pick up some German skydivers who were visiting the area.

It made me so mad, This is the thanks I get?
My only regret is I can't jump out of Mikes plane anymore[:/]

I feel better now that I'm telling you about this. I haven't told anyone about this incident until now and its been kinda eating at me.

Thanks for listening!

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Just wondering, we all favor certain dropzones for many reasons, whether it be the people, the planes, the vibes, the free beer, whatever. But has anyone here been to a dz that they absolutely hated and refuse to go back because it sucked THAT bad???

So come on, post your nasty dz experiences.

Here's just one for now if the thread continues I'll be back with another one, and if......:)

Went to my favorite DZ for a nice laid back holiday, fun in the sun 3 times zones away from my home.

They used to have two L.O.'s for walkup loads. One for low time jumpers the other for experienced jumpers. Time's have changed management has changed etc. Tandems, AFF are where the money is at.

We got bumped off a nine way with the L.O. so my buddy and I could babysit a guy with 70 jumps.

No bitching, no complaining, No wailing or flaying, just took a seat and watched the action.

L.O. "aren't you going to manifest"
L.O. "Why"
Don't want to.
Manifest "We need three more people to manifest befor the AC can take off"
:)Manifest "We need three more people to manifest befor the AC can take off"
:)Twin otter load sit's on ground for 30-45 minutes waiting for three more jumpers.
We didn't have any wheels so for the rest of the week we just lurked the walk up loads and got on some sweet skydives, some better than other's.

A friend tells us later. Dude they don't want you coming back.:( To bad not their decision I'm the customer I won't be going backB|

No reason to name the DZ. It won't happen to me again at that DZ. The DZ won't miss my business. We're even.B|:)

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Didn't you ever have only 70 jumps? Would it have been so bad to make one jump with that guy? He might have surprised you on a really fun three way. He might have learned something from you and increased his skill level.

Sorry you got bumped off the nine-way, but your attitude sucks.

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i like to talk to the tandoms that come out to the DZ , but i never never tell them what to do or what not to do. I just like to talk to people, find out what they do, where they are from stuff like that. And then i tell them to have fun and i go on my way. someone did this with me when i was fresh and new to the sport (likei have lots of experience now) and it helped me to calm down a little. I was nervise as hell, but once again i never never give advice... do yall see anything wrong with that?
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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I favor Elsinore.

It's not the largest. But the overall layout of the facility is perfect. ...and the vibe...

...The Vibe...

The best anywhere in my opinion. I wrote a review about it here, in fact.

The support for low-time-jumpers is outstanding. The DZOs are always involved and making things happen. Seasoned jumpers always find a good time there it seems (whether RW or Freefly).

Occasionally, I'll talk to students, but usually nothing more than being a cheerleader...just to get them psyched up.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Maybe I am wrong here, but haven't you ever done something to a friend and realized later you were wrong?

You say she apologized. A friend would accept that apology. That seems like little reason to leave a dropzone you love. Maybe I am miunderstanding, and I can accept that if I am. But we are always gonna do something at some point that rubs our friends wrong. The test of friendship is, will a simple "I am sorry" be enough?

Now if there are other reasons you are not saying then that's cool. And if there is more to it that you are not saying, fine, but it just seems that that is not a good reason, especially after an apology was made, to leave your home DZ.

And if I am missing something, feel free to point it out. Just my opinion is all, and as usual it could very well be wrong.;)

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I gotta agree here. It is a shame that someone with 1300 jumps considers jumping with someone who has less than 100 as babysitting them.

That was a missed oportunity to give back to those who helped you out over the years. This is certainly not the attitude I hope to have at 1300 jumps. If I do, someone slap me silly.

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give us a break, an occasional hug and point the students back to us if approached. That's all we ask.


Actually, done on a regular basis. The only time I'll give advice to a tandem is when they're my friend doing it - "wear something warm/cool, wear tennies, eat a light breakfast, and I'll see ya there!" kinda thing. After that, it's utterly up to you instructors.

As for the hugs, everyone who knows me knows that's how I greet peeps - hugs and kisses.

So when'm I gonna get to greet you, Keith?;)


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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They all have this attitude that if you aren't a regular there with 1000 jumps or didn't learn to skydive there, you're an unsafe jumper and shouldn't be in the sky.

I think we don't like the same place. :D For those reasons and I think their pilot is downright dangerous. He seems to have NO clue on flying jumpers. .02C

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Ask around enough and you will find someone that hates any DZ out there...just part of the sport. Sometimes the reasons are as subjective as why people like Pepsi over Coke.

I have noticed a trend in the warmer states that tend to see a large influx of weekend warrior jumpers.....the locals tend to band together and get clickish and avoid the tourists. I'm sure after years of seeing hundreds of new faces every winter it gets old, but I still love seeing new faces at the dz.

There are large "cultural" differances between dz's across the country. This can lead to the negative reviews from the visitors and the locals will get a sour taste about the jumpers from that dz. This is where a lot of the spinning prop comes from.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I wasnt going to respond to this thread but I decided to anyway. In my days of doing 4-way vids then skysurfing vids and competing I have been to many diferent dz's around the U.S. and Europe. I have only been to 2 that I will never go back to again. It all comes down to customer service and clicks.

I refuse to name DZ names here. One DZ in the north-east I was at for a swoop comp afew years ago. It was so clickish I could see a traveling jumper having lots a problems getting to jump with people. Not to mention they looked and me and my teamate with the board and treated us like shit.

The second was a dz in FL. I didnt hear the call for the load I was on, so I walked up to manifest and asked what the call was. All I got was a screaming woman saying "You dont ask me that here you go to the window around the corner and ask!!!" Mind you I was new to this DZ and let the yelling go figuring she was haveing a bad day. What really pissed me off was when I got to the second window the same woman turned 90` to her right and politly asked how she could help me. I wanted to reach in therer and strangle her!!

Needless to say neither DZ has ever or will ever get another dime from me.

What could possibly go wrong?

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I've jumped at "a few" dz's, and there isn't one I wouldn't gladly go back to.

That's not to say I haven't had experiences that might cause other people to not return... I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. Because I had one "bad" experience at a dz doesn't mean that dz is like that all the time.

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I really hate to see this particular topic, because all it will do is give many people here, who routinely do it, yet another chance to groundlessly bash, and takle pot shots at my home drop zone, ASC, whether they have ever been there our not.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I really hate to see this particular topic, because all it will do is give many people here, who routinely do it, yet another chance to groundlessly bash, and takle pot shots at my home drop zone, ASC, whether they have ever been there our not.

I've been there MANY times so I can bash it all I want right? :D

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I really hate to see this particular topic, because all it will do is give many people here, who routinely do it, yet another chance to groundlessly bash, and takle pot shots at my home drop zone, ASC, whether they have ever been there our not.

LMAO!!! Noone had even mentioned your home dz - until now. :D :D :D

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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