
Double Crossed. HELP!!

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So I sold my RW suit to a guy over seas. Best way to transfer the money was through pay pal.

I did not have an account but my friend does, so we transfered the $226 to his account. Today my so-called friend since 4th grade gave me a check for $119 with a list of debt I supposedly owe him.

including gas money around town, pizza that we have ordered over the years, and a laptop hard-drive he said I could have.

He refuses to give me my money, and i told him "what about all the times you are at my house and i buy pizza or all the times we all go out in my car, i do not charge gas or make them pay for food at my house."

Is there a legal way of settling this? HE REFUSES to give me the money. All of our friends were at my house when he did this and they are SHOCKED as well as I am.

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Id say you just lost a friend. . .but probably not any legal recourse except in small claims and it would cost you more to file the claim. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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See? Me and JumpinJack are on it. Give us his name and address and we'll take care of business. We'll give him some much needed wall-to-wall counseling and put the fear of God back in the lad while all along knocking the taste out of his filthy mouth.

Not too harsh, am I?


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I'd beat the ever loving shit out of him, I'd take it out or the sorry son of a bitch's hide!
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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SOUNDS GREAT TO ME! My brother and all his friends are in on it too.

All I want is my money back. 1. THAT IS WRONG, IT IS THEFT! 2. I am leavign for flrodia in 2 weeks for boogies and need the money.

I called him and told him he has 3 days to get a check to me for the rest of the money or I will contact a lawyer.

I wish I could just call the police and have him arrested for theft!!!!!

By the time you read this you have already read it.

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Canada trip(tolls/gas) 20
Canada trip 2 20
Canada trip 3 20
Dominos pizza(on here 8x) 3.99
Little Ceasars pizza x2 4.99
Coke Cans 4.25
Coke 2-liter 2.11

PS Lap Top HD i just traded out even for your diablo 2 cd i still have

CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS!!!! There are not dates or anything on this. WAHT KIND OF FRIEND DOES THIS?

By the time you read this you have already read it.

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Who wants to pretend they are the county sheriff or a lawyer and call his ass up tomorrow?

Would be more intimidating for me to just call him up as a phsycotic, gun-loving, ex-military bad-ass who is extremely bored and having war-withdrawels.


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I got a better one.

If you were friends.

Locate the last girl to break his heart.

Fuck Her.

Send him the pics.

Thats pretty much, what he just did to you.

It won't be grand, unless she's in on it either.

Yeah. That'd be Haydukery.

Trust me. The pleasure of properly plotted and executed revenge will last for years longer than the satisfaction of beating his ass would. And if it's plotted and executed correctly... you don't have to worry about jail time either.

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So I sold my RW suit to a guy over seas. Best way to transfer the money was through pay pal.

I did not have an account but my friend does, so we transfered the $226 to his account. Today my so-called friend since 4th grade gave me a check for $119 with a list of debt I supposedly owe him.

including gas money around town, pizza that we have ordered over the years, and a laptop hard-drive he said I could have.

He refuses to give me my money, and i told him "what about all the times you are at my house and i buy pizza or all the times we all go out in my car, i do not charge gas or make them pay for food at my house."

Is there a legal way of settling this? HE REFUSES to give me the money. All of our friends were at my house when he did this and they are SHOCKED as well as I am.

Ever watch Judge Judy? This is almost a daily subject. Boy-girl ex lovers, Family members, Ex husband wife.Ex friends. Everyone has a list. They've been accumulating for years. Than there's also the argument over a loan vs a gift.

Small claims court the only way to go if you got the time. The loser pays the court costs maybe $25. BTW the court doesn't collect the debt so you got to know where your friendsB| bank account is.

Unbelivable!>:( but typical:S. Worst case a cheap lesson for the rest of your life because there's more like him/her out there.

Trust meB|


Good luck with the Knights:)

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