
Double Crossed. HELP!!

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Also, the punishment ought to fit the crime.

Build a scenario to fuck him out of exactly the same amount.

If you have to wait a year, enlist others help, whatever.

Most important part, is when the fucking is done.

Send him a lil note sayin thanks for bein on the show.

What an ASSHAT.


I'm never for revenge, but, I think people that have no sense of whats right or wrong, well hell, sometimes everyone needs to set them straight.
It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Locate the last girl to break his heart.

Fuck Her.

Or if he has a cute mother.....

"$107.00 yea your mother was worth that...but she give shitty head..."

when he swings on you (in front of witnesses, arrange it.) you get to kick his ass, charge him with assault and you just screwed his mom...

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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In the early eighties, Apple Computer had these special white seat cushions emblazed with their logo on them, and they placed one on each and every seat at the Super Bowl game at Stanford stadium. After the game, a person was murdered in the parking lot over one of these cushions, and the killer received a lengthy sentence. About a year later, I saw one of these cushions for sale at the Capitol Drive-In flea market in San Jose, CA on Capitol Expressway. It was badly faded from sun light, and it had a price tag on it: $1.00

Your friend did you a cheap favor by showing his true colors at a discounted rate!

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I got a better one.

If you were friends.

Locate the last girl to break his heart.

Fuck Her.

Send him the pics.

Thats pretty much, what he just did to you.

It won't be grand, unless she's in on it either.

Excuse me....I must go exact revenge on an old friend.. >:(


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List him in one of the internet gay dating personels. Make sure you give out all the phone #s and addresses.

DAMNNNN That is one awsome Idea :ph34r: filing that one away for future reference

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Beat his ass hard and every time you see him in the future.

No, I won't charge you for these words of wisdom. This session is on me.

Tuna seems to have the simplest and most satisfying resolution to your quandry, OSU...:D:D:D
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Great if you can get your own back - but at least you found out what a twat he was cheaply - finding this out about a friend of mine cost me 700 quid... >:( so could have been worse - could have been over a girl.

BTW, this guys mother did offer - but she wasnt my type! B|:)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Threaten him with a lawsuit if you like, but don't bother suing him - it simply is not worth the arse ache. I'd be surprised if the police counted it as theft, more likely to be a civil issue. I'd be even more surprised if they gave a damn.

Fuck his mom and film it. I hear kazaa is a good place to share, then send him a link.

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Is this "friend" of yours in the Military too? If you can't get him to come around then a few phone calls to his CoC would probablly get you your money pretty quick;) If he isn't I say consider it a small fee to have had to pay to find out the extent of his friendship and walk away.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Friends since the 4th grade eh? Dude that's seriously WEIRD!

Perhaps pull him aside and ask about money problems? Do you know if he has any? If that's the case, perhaps you could work something out?

Other than that, that's pretty low and I'd say you just lost a pal ... a pay pal, it would seem. lol

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I would seriously just stomp a fucking hole in his ass!!

I once had a friend cheat me outa some cash and he's no longer my friend and walks with a limp. Bet he never fucks a "friend" over again.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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That sucks bro. [:/] Is he in Chillicothe? Lemme know his address and I'll give him a "house call". B|

Didn't you already fuck the last girl who broke him??? ;);) Hahaha

BTW, don't bother with legal action, it'll cost you more in the end. Also, watch what you do, he's a money grabber (obviously) and if you lay a finger on him, he'll not only sue you but the publicity and your new nasty record could get you thrown out of the GK. Don't waste your dreams on this piece of shit, you're better than that bro.

Just have me beat him. I can claim insanity. :S:P;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Well, we know your friend is a piece of shit that probably needed the money really bad for something. That's lame as hell that he charged you for pizza, gas, etc. I'm sure you gave him back just as much if not more of those things over the years.

Sometimes you gotta cut away all the bullshit in your life to make things better. I wish I could do that but I can't even get a hold of him. At least you have contact and can try to work things out if you want. I would suggest not and just cut your losses but its hard to say goodbye to friends who are that close to you.

Hope it works out for you!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Did you not just get selected for the Knights? Are you seriously soliciting someone to assist you in administering an ass kicking in a public forum? Dude, you seriously need to check yourself. Sometimes its just not worth it. Be happy he only got you for a hundo. Move on.

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