
Are people really this fuck#$% stupid.

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In my line of work I deal with a lot of different people.
We sale ergonomic products chairs, desks, ect.

I have people who are so incapable they can’t even set up a chair.
Trust me it is very simple. It is a two step process.

Now my point isn’t just that people are becoming stupider every day, but people feel there entitled to every thing if there a customer. I have people tell me they don’t like green any more so they want to return there chair. Keep in mind they are the dumbass who ordered the green chair.

Does any one think wow I fucked up no one else should pay for MY mistake but me?

I think what happened is are technology got way to far a head. There are people who should have died at birth. Unfortunately they survived even if in the old days they would not have the skills to survive.

I can’t stand people who can’t do any thing for themselves.
Yes this is a long vent. I know but I have had about 10 stupid phone calls today if I get one more I am going to lose it.:S>:(

So feel free to bitch-complain or any thing you like.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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*breathe deep*

It's all good. Work is work. They pay you the same to work hard as they do to just sit there today.

I just got a nice ergo chair myself. My boss left yestrday so I got her AllSteel chair - its like $800! But its so nice!

Just think... the countdown is less than a month now :D

Did you find out about next weekend yet?

Arianna Frances

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Well, did ya notice you censored everything bad EXCEPT fuck?? ;)

I kid, I kid!! B|

No worries brah, you just relax and remember that other people suck, but at east you don't. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Where were you when I had my editor's meeting yesterday?????

I manage all the printing of books and other products for a division in my company. Last week an editor made me stop the presses on one of her critical titles so she could check to see if she made a change on one page. I explained to her that by doing so, she would jeopardize her deadline since a new press time would have to be scheduled. She said she didn't care. The next day she was mad at me because her book was not finished printing.

So in answer to your question - Yes. People really are that stupid. Thank God it's Friday.

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There are also people that could be conciously abusing your return policy for their benefit. I had a roommate that would buy a brand new $2000 or so Bose stereo every three months, and after 3 months return it and get a new one. Large enough companies never catch on. It works for TVs, computer monitors, and all kinds of stuff.
I started skydiving for the money and the chicks. Oh, wait.

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True enough Darius, however, many times it is the fault of the product. Take for instance the lamp table I purchased the other day at Walmart. "How many parts could a table have anyway", I'm thinking. I dumped the contnent out of the box and I swear to you, there were at least 25 parts to this thing. I started putting it together and the particle board was so thin in places that it just fell apart.
I boxed it back up, took it back to Walmart and the first thing the guy at the return counter said was "Oh, another one of these".>:(>:(
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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I had a guy buy a guitar from me. Came back three months later and said it wouldn't play. He sets it on the counter and points at it, "see?" "Won't play?" Says I, pick it up, play every note up to the 17th fret
He looks at me and says "oh, is that how you do it?" Picks up the guitar and walks out of the shop. Stupidest guy ever.

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Not only are people freekin' stupid, they're stupider than you can possibly imagine.

No matter what level of stupidity you think you've reached, there will always be another customer or client that will lower the bar.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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