
How would you vote? Kerry or Bush

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the entire issue of Flordia weould have been irrelivent if Gore could have won his own state... Flordia just happend to be the battle ground. BUt it iwll be close on nov. 5th
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> who is Florida voting for??

Fear not; we have god watching over us this time.
At a press conference at the Florida State Capitol, Tallahassee, Fla. Pax Christi USA, the national Catholic peace and justice movement, will announce its plan to bring election monitors from the international community to observe and monitor the November elections in Florida. Pax Christi USA will also issue a call inviting other state and national organizations to join them in monitoring the election, especially in Florida, in an attempt to make the democratic process transparent and free of the kind of controversy witnessed in Florida during the 2000 election.


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Uh.... need I remind anyone that the popular vote really doesn't count. The question is... who is Florida voting for?? :P

Florida was just a victim of the libs. They saw a chance to steal the election and went for it. They'll try it again in any close state the next time. They should be embarrassed though, they had to admit that they were too stupid to push a pencil through the correct hole on a ballot.

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Uh.... need I remind anyone that the popular vote really doesn't count. The question is... who is Florida voting for?? :P

Depends....how many people will the RNC be able to disenfranchise this time? ;)

You gotta hope just exactly enough to balance the military folks disenfranchised by the DFL, and the bums bribed by the DFL and bussed in by the DFL, and the illegal aliens bussed in to illegally vote by the DFL.

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