
Full auto Glock videos

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I've noticed a lot of people here talking about guns, and Glocks in particular. Some other thread got hijacked with talk of full auto Glocks... So, I thought I'd post a little something for all you Glock nuts! And sorry if some of you don't like guns... : )

This first one is a full motion video of some guys rippin' off a few magazines. This video is of a regular Glock (looks like a 19 to me) that has an installed selector switch. Watch the video and notice when it shows a closeup of the gun that there is something hanging off the rear part of the slide. Thats the selector conversion. This conversion is of course illegal in the States, but apparently it is readily available abroad.

This second video pretty cool... Slow motion clip of some schmoe thats firing a legit G18. Again, notice the slide, there is nothing back there hanging off. The selector on the G18 is on the other side of the slide. Hehe.. the first shot might have hit the target, but the rest of them were WAY high!!! Still very neat... look at all of the casings in the air at one time!

This last video is really cool. It shows a close up, slow motion view of the G18 in action. Pretty impressive. Notice the vibration of the frame right under the tip of the barrel as the rounds rattle off. Heh... plastic guns...

Have a great weekend all!

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Sorry, I'm just kidding. Had to take my best shot at turning this into a flamming hot post. :P

Those videos are pretty awesome. I'd like to buy a gun sometime in the not too distant future.


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The one problem is if you dont hit the target with the first round you would hope they die of a heart attack cause you aint hitting him!

That's why you go deer hunting with a fully auto (shaved assembly) SKS or AK-47...:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I've got a book on the nistory of the glocks but this is the first time I heard and saw a full auto. I'm guessing this is what the 32 rd mag was made for.

When reagon was shot one of the secrete service guy's whiped out a uzi from under his suit jacket.

I'm sure the G18 has a special purpose:|

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Yeah, um, they are the secret service. They get to decide what's right for them. What president, congressman, or judge would fuck with them? The SS guards their freaking lives.

Wow, secret service, SS.....

uh, nevermind, I never noticed the similarity. what similarity?
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Yeah, um, they are the secret service. They get to decide what's right for them. What president, congressman, or judge would fuck with them? The SS guards their freaking lives.

Wow, secret service, SS.....

uh, nevermind, I never noticed the similarity. what similarity?

I was going to use that shortcut than said whoops don't go there. The secret service needs to use whatever tools available do their job. Or we wouldn't be happy.

They got a tough job 24/7 360 degree's. I don't know if it will happen in my lifetime but I expect the president will eventually be a talking head on T.V. because of the threat. Like book 1984:(


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The one problem is if you dont hit the target with the first round you would hope they die of a heart attack cause you aint hitting him!

That's why you go deer hunting with a fully auto (shaved assembly) SKS or AK-47...:P

I have a SKS.. awesome toy for target practice...
though I still have the bayonette sp??? on it
so if I can't hit them with 30 rounds I can stab them while they are laghfing their ass off...... the deer that is;)

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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I'm guessing this is what the 32 rd mag was made for.

No, that's what the 100rd mag was made for. It sticks out the bottom of the magazine well something like nearly 12". I've never seen one in person, although it would be a seriously cool piece to have. Not for any other reason then to just have a 100rd magazine while standing on the range. That'd get some attention.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm guessing this is what the 32 rd mag was made for.

No, that's what the 100rd mag was made for. It sticks out the bottom of the magazine well something like nearly 12". I've never seen one in person, although it would be a seriously cool piece to have. Not for any other reason then to just have a 100rd magazine while standing on the range.

That'd get some attention.:P

I was curious so I got out the ruler (man thing) the 32 rd glock mag is 8.5 inch's long and extends 4 inch's past the bottom of the magazine well. so I'm guessing at 3 times the ammo 3 time the length mag would be approx 24" long and extend 20" past the bottom of the mag well.

A 24" mag with 100 rds of 9 mm upside the head would cause someone a big headach. Not bad for a backup in case the gun jams but to damn heavy to carry around (the mag). Plus a 24" mag would probably get ruined hitting some hard head:)
I can hear the babes now "Is that your mag or are you just happy to see me big guy.":P That woud also get some attention. Off rangeB|

Better leave the ammo home if the mag slips down your pants leg and hit's you foot bad news:o


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