
This sucks

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I'm not going to read it because judging everyones reactions it must be horrible and it will make me sad/mad. I think i'm going to quit watching and reading the news for a week. Too depressing... Just watched the local news now and it's nothing but death. uggggggggggg...

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Some people just need killin'

Seriously. That's the sort of sick stuff potential serial killers get off on. It starts with small animals, and progresses... not your run-of-the-mill pulling wings off butterflies cruelty, but deep seated psycho sickness.


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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That's so sad. Why would people want to do that to poor defenseless creatures like that? Poor things
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
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Seriously. That's the sort of sick stuff potential serial killers get off on. It starts with small animals, and progresses... not your run-of-the-mill pulling wings off butterflies cruelty, but deep seated psycho sickness.

I agree there are some deep-seated psychological issues with the person who committed this egregious crime. I have four dogs at home myself and I would take great offense to anyone harming them. I think the punishment for this individual should match the crime. I’m not advocating setting someone on fire but if they happen to fall into an open fire pit and nobody helped them escape, I would not have a problem with it.

Big Ed

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I think that just ruined my day...
I love sophie (my dog) sooo much....
and all dogs are awesome....
animals period....
they look up to up with such admeration, and love.
I would beat the living s!@$ out of someone who did something like that...... and I too am not a violent person....
yup that is depressing

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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I hope they catch the person who did this so he/she/they can be duct taped and burned slowly.


Another serial killer in the making.[:/]
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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I regularly do volunteer work for the RSPCA in the UK and unfortunately see this sort of thing too often, to my mind, even 1 case like this is too much. For the majority of people, its a misunderstanding of what having an animal involved and not getting the right information before they start. These people can normally be helped, as most cases would come under neglet rather than intentionally cruelty. Unfortunately, this incident looks like someone who intentionally did this and maybe actually got a kick from doing it. Im a very inconfrontational type of lass but wouldnt it be great to pour battery acid over them and peel their skin off slowly!!!!>:(....no duct tape for them, i wanna hear them scream

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I saw that on the T.V. this morning and was happy to hear that something had been done.
The newscaster was saying the same thing I was thinking, that this kind of behavior is the first step to worse crimes.
I hope they make this guy do lots of hard time with a really nice cell mate;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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