
Mardi Gras Boogie RECAP

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This was a hard boogie to leave and as such I was the last one out.[:/]

Things that rocked!

Mike Igo and the great staff for a kick ass boogie! Kick ass planes, Todd and Lisa for their hospitality, all of the Pink Mafia girls, drunk bowling, Laurel's drunk bowling dance (hehehe), The Shed, meeting all of the wonderful DZ.comers, Amazon for letting me live, great food, great parties, beads, wedding jump, the Jacuzzi and the beach jump.B|

Things that made me go hummmmmm!

CLAY: I don't know what is worse, the fact that they really make anatomically correct inflatable sheep that baahhh when you slap its ass or the fact that clay has one!:S

Wondering if the number of pallets that were acquired for the nightly fires were going to cause a national lumber shortage.

Things that sucked! Rain and leaving.[:/]

Hope everyone had a safe trip home and see ya next year.

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The next time I come down to jump, I want you to make me the honorary male PMS. I will cross dress if needed. I fully support you and Mel and the rest of the women for joning women together!!!!

Cograts to all the new PMS!!!

Congrats for sure! Allison, any chance you would do a little organizing of PMS at Rantoul? I told Don about you ladies, and he asked me to extend a warm welcome, so WELCOME! PM me if you would like

drake shelby


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you know, the one you couldn't keep up with..

Dude.....220+ isn't "Free Flying" I think that's a whole new sport. I did manage to keep you in video frame. :D

I didn't hit 220 the whole boogie, you pussy.....it was 210 MAX on that one....160 average...you slow ass goobers just can't keep up.. :P


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I wish I had more time to spend at Mardi Gras Boogie[:/]; however needed to spend time with "the folks" in Mobile and leave early to New Orleans and watch my brother sail in the Mardi Gras Regatta. Hindsight is 20/20, but I wish I chose to stay at the boogie for Sat and Sun also. Friday was awesome weather and I had a FIRST!...got todo a run jump from a CASAB| It was so much fun! Also, I got to meet Casie, Clay, Aviatrr, JumpinKramer, and see some familiar dz.commers who I previously met in Eloy over the holidays. One big happy family!

Kreg, did you ever get the dz.commer photo? I had my shirt on Friday and so did Casie and others, but I think I missed the photo opp..[:/]


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I just remembered what I DID miss!!!...the Rodriguez Bros Initiation and PMS initiation..:( Casie and I wanted to do BOTH, of course!

And, I will say MANY THANKS to Mike Igo for putting on a great boogie! and Scotty and Tammy Carbone for the AWESOME GRUB! yummy yummy! Giddyup on the chix scampi and antipasta salad! :P


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s'ok, you didn't miss that either. There was no tequila to be had, so no initiation to be done. They've been put on hold. Kinda worked out for me because I didn't get to jump with a brother on Saturday. I'm just going to have hunt Chuck down until the tequila flows freely and the nig noggery is back in full effect. B|
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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YAY! I didn't miss that either..whew! Any Rodriguez Bros going to Eloy for Easter?:SB| I'm not for sure...but it sure sounds gooood to me! Hey! I can finally get my first RIG!!! YAY! I demo'd a Javelin Odyssey during the Mardi Gras Boogie and it was much better than the student/rental rigs; more padding!B| and lightweight. So, now onto the fun of shoooopppping!:)


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WOW where do I begin.

All of you done yourelves proud.

Yall made me feel right to home.

To Mike Igo.. thank you for a wonderful venue for all of us to hurl our bodies from airplanes at and the wonderful clean bathrooms that are such a pleasant creature comfort.B|

I am sitting back here in Redmond WA with tears in my eyes. I have read thru the whole thread and have SOOOOOOOOO many people to thank...

I just had to get down that way and meet MelStarr. :$She has ALWAYS said the kindest things about me and that was based soley on my posts.:$ I hope that now that she has met me I don't let her down in any way. The Barbie pass jump for my initiation was just the best.. and if you want to do some super hybrids.. I will be more than willing to oblige. All of the Pink Mafia Sisters I met are so beautiful and such wonderful women.:)
Ali, Brooke, Laura, Leanne, Laurel and all the rest of the Gold Coast Sisters welcomed all of us newbies to their home DZ in such a gracious manner, hospitality is alive and well in Dixie. I hope that Leannes mother follows thru and one day joins us in the sky as another of the older sisters.

I got to meet so many of the East Coast jumpers that I have seen online in this first year on DZ. Com.
Here is to you and to even though I dont know ALL of your names I enjoyed meeting Y'ALL.

The list is long of people I got to give Amazon Hugs to...
Kennedy... for your 100th.. good skillz and I hope you enjoyed the rodeo rides;)
Clay the Sheep Shagger out there keepin us safe thank you for the fun dive and yes I will cop to the quote.. I HAVE CORN ISSUES.... I tell ya that stuff is out to kill me so if its jumping in the midwest once its higher than knee level I will pass.:S
Ms Deva you SOOOO looked like you were just having way too much fun.
Cora and Kramer some of the jumps may get sketchy but we do have fun on them:P
Casie you are such a dear young thang...hope your parents got to see the good things skydiving has to offer.

Dove I love the way you told off those.. uh.. less than gentlemanly guys... rock on sistah I got your back.
Packaho( take the time to get in the air a bit;)
Yoshi.. you is one radical young man...cute too
Yardhippie.. fly like the birds man..
Kansasskydiver.... DUDE I have SO got the picture for your avatar as soon as I download them... Lose that silly ass avatar.
Bettina and her squeeze such a wonderful pair.
Superwoman Wings over the world.. fly girl fly its not that far to LP and the flock will be on in the BIG SKY at the end of July. Get your butt to LP.
Nightjumper .. Mike we may not have got off our nightjump but the Sunset Beach dive was AWSUM.. I am sure we will meet and jump together again. The sonic Booms Over Keesler AFB were memorable.

And to old friends well met at boogies past.

Aviatrr Mike ..Hey at least I was in the same part of the sky with you guys.. that is always appreciated..

Rosa my littlest Skysister and sweetheart extraordinaire. I still owe you a 200 MPH+ dive dahrlin:)

Chucky and Katie the cutest monkey couple I know you are truely the best and thank you for the beautiful necklace

I can't believe you up and dissapeared.. you will have to make a dive with me.... someday.

Last but certainly not least ... Kreg.. you are such a dear sweetheart for coming over and picking me up at the airport and then showing me around the Deep South that you call home. I still need to get some REAL honest to goodness Spanish Moss ( they do call it Moss Point after all) for me to grow in my greenhouse. I did manage to find some acorns and when spring rolls around here there will be some Live Oaks growing here in the Pacific NorthWET.

For all of you... The Lost Prairie Boogie is coming.... may we all meet again in a completely different venue for mad par tays and fun jumps. Come to our little corner of the NW and join us in the BIG SKY Country. Its not my home DZ but its the best boogie we have around these parts.

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Wtf, how did I miss you, again, girlie? When were you there? Please tell me that I didn't miss meeting you again...

At Boogies, I think I have a way of quietly browsing the crowd. I arrived on Monday 2/23 and stopped in on my drive to Mobile to see my buddy, Kreg and to meet Aviatrr and freeflier29 and tempt SkyMonkeyOne with my screamin' monkey. Then, I stopped back by during another unjumpable day and just hung out and socialized and watched kuhl videos and did my jumpy jumps on Friday outta da CASA and Super Otter! YAY!


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I am sitting back here in Redmond WA with tears in my eyes.

Oh Jeannie, stop...you are making me teary-eyed, sweetheart. What a truly lovely post.


I just had to get down that way and meet MelStarr. :$She has ALWAYS said the kindest things about me and that was based soley on my posts.:$ I hope that now that she has met me I don't let her down in any way.

Oh, you didn't let her down, Jeannie. She loved you and so do I. We talked about your jump later that night, and she loved it. I feel the same way about Meli. I HAD to go to the boogie to meet with her and all the other sweeties, and I also hoped not to let her down.


The Barbie pass jump for my initiation was just the best.. and if you want to do some super hybrids.. I will be more than willing to oblige. All of the Pink Mafia Sisters I met are so beautiful and such wonderful women.:)

Agreed. They are the best in every way...beautiful inside and out. You, included, Jeannie.


Rosa my littlest Skysister and sweetheart extraordinaire. I still owe you a 200 MPH+ dive dahrlin:)

Of course, Ms. Amazon...I am sooo looking forward to the speed of the Jeannie. I loved the talks when all of us were sitting cuddled by the fire the last night...Mel, Bettina, Dove, me and you. It was so sweet. Feel the love, girlfriend...:)

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Jeanne! Awesome to see you again!B| My cheeks hurt bc you are so hilarious!B| I love the story about the "lite" beer. And, I'm so glad you're okay after the rear riser canopy ride and landing. Whew! Thanks so much for the heads up to practice steering with my rear risers instead of cutting away when I have a toggle break off. Keep me posted on your Boogie Tour and we'll see each other again soon, I'm sure! B|


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And, I'm so glad you're okay after the rear riser canopy ride and landing. Whew! Thanks so much for the heads up to practice steering with my rear risers instead of cutting away when I have a toggle break off.

Its just another one of those things that comes with training and experience.

IT can and does happen. on my old canopy it used to happen alot.. about as often as nosebleeds from slammers. In those days I had a round reserve so I got fairly good at them. rather than cutaway with the Capewells and ride the 26' Lopo down.

When I reached up and unstowed the brakes and the toggle came loose I was like WTF.. here is my toggle in my hand and my steering line streaming out behind my Triathalon. I was at 3000' ft over the swamp on the other side of the runway and airport. Here is its dusk sunset load.... and I have an iffy situation.. do I chop and ride my brand new reserve I have never seen or fly the perfectly inflated canopy over my head with one steering line gone.....ok.. Controlability.. I can riser it just like I have practiced.. left turn... hard.. no steering toggle.. but doable... right turn... steering line still attached but.. it still pulls down the tail more.

Now time for the biggie.. will it flare.. you have to realize that a rear riser flare is NOT the same thing as a regular flare.. you are changing the angle of attack of the canopy to a flatter configuration and you can stall it far easier. a few trys and... ok I can do this. I am still above my hard deck . I am flying back over the airport and setting up for my landing over at the NW corner of the cement pad ( no way I am taking this thing in on concrete.. aim for the grass) where its grassy and relatively dry.... looking at the wind blades dangling there with no wind... eeesh. I would have prefered a bit more wind.. as I approached the ground I got into a GOOOD Prepare to land for a PLF if I have to. So I come in smokin down at the ground.... and FLARE.. it surfs out fairly good for the Triathalon with a bit of asymetry due to the still attached toggle. I manage to touchdown for an awsum altho ego bruising buttslide. ( 1 to 1 , 300 jumps on the canopy pilot with 700 plus jumps 250 in last year.. thought I better add that for the inquisitive types that are SURE to ask:o )

I thought about a chop.. but I was REALLLLLY not wanting to go meet SWAMP THING out there with all his little reptilian playmates in the dark.

Lessons learned... double check my friggin steering toggles as well as the rest of the setup that I had double checked after loaning my rig to some of the loacals here to try out their base canopies.

I do not think I will be repeating that loanage again.>:( I put 30 or more jumps on it the way it was but the toggles were not attached to the loop thru the long portion of the toggle loops.So even though they looked ok... it was a malfunction just waiting to happen.[:/]

Would I do that same thing under my New Samurai... hmm I don't know how it would fly yet but you can be assured I will practice landing it that way just in case I ever HAVE to.

Practice your emergency procedures... they may come in handy to you sooner than you think.

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Yo wassup?!!!??

Ducky tuning in. Had a blast with all, just sorry I had to take off and miss the party on Sat. night. All is well though think I am still feeling Thursday night @ "Michaels". Thanks for the jumps everyone.

Sometimes your the bug, sometimes your the windshield. Sometimes your the hammer sometimes your the nail. Question is Hun, Do you wanna get hammered or do you wanna get nailed?????

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Doug, I'm so sorry that you lost your ID...:( Mel and Jason told me about it just as we were leaving and I was worried for you! I do hope that you enjoyed yourself during the boogie, though.

Nice to finally meet DJL! :)
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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It was a pleasure meeting you. Ill definately have to make it up to the NW to see ya sometime. You were one of the first DZ commers I met there... I turned around and saw all that red and was like "hmmm red...OHH SHIT ITS AMAZON!"

I cam over and said hi and the first thing you did, before saying a word, was gave me a bone crushing bear hug (mind you I was fully geared at the time as well)... my hat goes off to you... I am not huge, but there are not too many people who can pick me up and shake me like a rage doll especially when I have all of my gear on!

take it easy!
this space for rent.

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Jeanne, you are so super sweet and I really enjoyed your company!!! I was really impressed when you picked up both me and Mel (at the same time) and wiggled us around in your arms! Girl, you're amazing...:)
I'm so glad that you finally got your PMS #. Mel told me how much fun she had with you on the initiation jump. She said that she was actually knee flying with you on your belly...that's quite an impressive fall rate you've got there!!!

I'm really looking forward to visiting with you up in Kapowsin in the near future. We'll have to put together some hybrid stuff and a PMS party!!! Sound good?
P.M.S. #3

If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions.

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