
My Son Is Smiling

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He will be home shortly.

His recovery in the last few weeks have been nothing short of amazing. He went from death's door (the other side of it) to standing upright and punching me in the arm in 30 days.

Last nite I watched him in the rec room, sitting with his first love, watching a movie. Smiling from ear to ear, both of them were.

We've still a long road to haul. There's much more rehab to be done as well as additional therapies. Bottom line though, I got my hug and kiss goodnite tonite.

Thanks to all that prayed and offered support and love. Keep it up. My hope is he moves forward, continues rebounding and has a shot at all the things we all want out of life.

Much Love to everyone of you for your support. It warms my heart and makes me proud to be a skydiver.

You all truly Rock.


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How wonderful - proof positive that love conquers, prayers are answered, and life is beautiful.

How blessed is this. Best best best best news I've heard in about 6 months....


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I am soooooooo happy for you and your family. Enjoy each other every day!!!!! Still sending hugs, vibes and prayers your way that everything will continue to improve.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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It may sound crazy but it's really taught me to look at people differently.

Many Many Many people are so touched by the overwhelming pain of a situation like this. It's really incredible how many people just stop in their paths and tell you, if you need anything, let me know.

It really makes you stop and reassess your life as well, pay attention to what's really important and to hell with the rest.

For instance, there are alot of bickering fights on this site. Petty things. However, when someone here needs love, help, sharing, etc.... Everyone stands up and offers their best. Good Stuff Folks.

Find anything better than people standing up and reaching out, go ahead, I dare you, try.

You all really have made me step back and pay attention. Truly.

Thanks For All Of It,

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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I can relate very much to what your son is going through. I also had good news, but have another year of recovery.

My prayers are with your whole family, especially your son.

Take care bro,

BTW, I never realized how much this affects a family until I saw the tears coming from my mom and sisters many months ago.


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Big Time Chris, Big Time.

My son has been the center of my universe since he stepped into this world.

However, as depression often does, it clouds vision, takes away what is truth. Distorts, puts up barriers.

Our entire family has been devastated by it. Were all trying very hard to pick up the pieces. The fact that he is still with us makes it all bearable.

But were still frightened, we don't want to lose him.

So, I know why your family had tears, it sounds to me, like me, that they got to keep the one they loved too, which is big, way big.

Much warmt to you and your family, Looking forward to jumping with you some day.

It's a gas, gas, gas...

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Oh Jack, I am so very, very, very happy that things are going to be OK for you and your son. I am so thankful that our prayers were answered, and that your son is smiling, again. Please hug and kiss him for me, and please know that I am sending my love and best wishes to you. Call me if you need, anything, Jack. Let me know the next time that you are to come out this way, and I will celebrate your son's recovery with you. :)

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However, as depression often does, it clouds vision, takes away what is truth. Distorts, puts up barriers.

This is such a true statement. I know Michele can relate.

I too look forward to jumping with you. And guess what, you'll be smiling because things will be looking way up for your son.:)
My prayers continue buddy,


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