
And today I am....

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Name: Green Sister
Secret Identity: Kristi Snow
Special Power: Blazing Finger
Transportation: Magnetic Bike
Weapon: Ice Flare
Costume: Chain Cape
Sidekick: Clarence
Nemesis: Nancy the Black
Tragic Flaw: Clumsiness
Favorite Food: Banana Cream Pie

Yuck! I hate banana creme pie! The food choice for the name daizey was more accurate...yummy tacos!

Name: Flame Gal
Secret Identity: daizey
Special Power: Flaming Bat
Transportation: Electric Minivan
Weapon: Meson Cutlass
Costume: Leather Helmet
Sidekick: the Professor
Nemesis: Marvin the Mad
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to yogurt
Favorite Food: Tacos


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Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:

Name: Blue Panther
Secret Identity: Lee Wood
Special Power: Invisibility
Transportation: Psionic Jet
Weapon: Gamma Cannon
Costume: Lead Sport Coat
Sidekick: Jumpin' Jim
Nemesis: Nancy the Mad
Tragic Flaw: Fear of commitment
Favorite Food: Stroganoff

Invisibility could be cool I guess. ;)
Cool weapon I have sounds like it could really kick ass! B|
Cool transportation too B|
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I put in my user name and I get :

Costume: Electric Leotard

Then I put in my RB name, Famosa and I get:

Costume: Fibersteel Bikini

Gee, I really would like to maybe get some better clothes :S
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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NO, you wear the ones you are given - No Arguments - and we will need pictures to confirm this!
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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A Kevlar Cape if I am Turtle Speed
Or if I'm my real name I am supposed to wear Golden Skin

If I'm a vidiot - I get Hardened Underwear - Gotta love it.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Name: JTVAL2
Secret Identity:JTVAL
Costume: Birthday suit:D
Sidekick: Sangiro:D
Nemesis: Skymonkey one:P( he was the only one to ban jtval2 and in effect killed him so Chuck has to be his nemesis:D)
Tragic Flaw: WORK
Favorite Food: imported beer:ph34r:

THAT MORE LIKE IT:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
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Or if I'm my real name I am supposed to wear Golden Skin

I can't post what I was thinking:)

Sunny, sooner or later that turtle has to come out of his shell.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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me, me, me
Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:

Name: Lightning Raven
Secret Identity: Gia Merrill
Special Power: Walk through walls
Transportation: Alien Rollerblades
Weapon: Graviton Grenade
Costume: Spandex Mask
Sidekick: Starling
Nemesis: Nancy the Flatulent
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to noodles
Favorite Food: Sardines

Raddest ho this side of Jersey #1 - rest in peace brother
Beth lost her cherry and I missed it
.... you want access to it, but you don't want to break it.

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Name: Angel Gal
Secret Identity: Sarah Carr
Special Power: Electric Breath
Transportation: Turbo Bathtub
Weapon: X-Ray Whip
Costume: 100 Percent Cotton Bikini
Sidekick: Withers
Nemesis: Jasmine the Clever
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to corn dogs
Favorite Food: Stroganoff

*this is some crazy shit....


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Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:

Name: Blue Snake
Secret Identity: myownway
Special Power: Mystical Lips
Transportation: Turbo Bathtub
Weapon: Graviton Bolt
Costume: Spandex Mask
Sidekick: Bud
Nemesis: Cindy the Elder
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to noodles
Favorite Food: Melon

i like my special power :$
all good things are wild and free - Henry David Thoreau

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Check out my tragic flaw! I kid you not, that's what really came up!:D:D

Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:

Name: Blue Boy
Secret Identity: Chris Muenkel
Special Power: Bionic Pinch
Transportation: Electric Bike
Weapon: Psionic Bolt
Costume: Spandex Leotard
Sidekick: Jumpin' Jim
Nemesis: Ming the Blue
Tragic Flaw: Fear of falling
Favorite Food: Salad

My description also sounds like a wimpy super-hero. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.:)
Chris #1


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Oh, this is really fun! Fear of heights?!

Got the "Light Gal" and "Kinetic Force" right, though. :^)

Who's Pollonius?


Name: Light Gal
Secret Identity: ltdiver
Special Power: Kinetic Force
Transportation: Turbo Chopper
Weapon: Ion Spear
Costume: Electric Robe
Sidekick: Pollonius
Nemesis: Jack the Elder
Tragic Flaw: Fear of heights
Favorite Food: Banana Cream Pie

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Sidekick: Mary Anne

Hey, at least you have something that's alot of men's dream!

When asked if they wanted Ginger or Mary Anne, most men went for the brunette. ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Calculating your superhero identity for the day...

Checking with NASA...
Looking high and low...
Following a trail of cyber-crumbs...

Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:

Name: Duke Panther
Secret Identity: ###########
Special Power: Mystical Lips (huh??)
Transportation: Magnetic Train
Weapon: Quantum Blade
Costume: Golden Cowl
Sidekick: Dirk Deadly
Nemesis: Eric the Elder
Tragic Flaw: Fear of cats (funny since mine is on my desk right now)
Favorite Food: Cheese (not steak or pizza?)

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Weeeee...this is so much fun!

For Rosa Alva ~
Name: Lightning Sister
Secret Identity: Rosa Alva
Special Power: Freezing Finger
Transportation: Nuclear Chopper
Weapon: Gamma Sling
Costume: Jewelled Evening Gown
Sidekick: Gilligan
Nemesis: Melvin the Flatulent
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to squash
Favorite Food: French Fries

For Vanillaskygirl ~
Name: Barbarella
Secret Identity: Vanillaskygirl
Special Power: Incredible Energy
Transportation: Alien Bathtub
Weapon: Flame Grenade
Costume: Electric Evening Gown
Sidekick: Squeaky Sally
Nemesis: Eric the Ripper
Tragic Flaw: Addicted to email
Favorite Food: Cheez Whiz

For Rosa ~
Name: Gravity Wolf
Secret Identity: Rosa
Special Power: Flight
Transportation: Space Umbrella
Weapon: Ultra Blade
Costume: Jewelled Nightgown
Sidekick: Caruthers
Nemesis: Marvin the Ripper
Tragic Flaw: Fear of peanut butter
Favorite Food: Cheetos

Except for the favorite foods part (cheeze whiz...wtf?), I love all my new identities and "traits". Yay...I get to wear gowns, too. Lol...:)

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TODAY.... I will be my alter ego, Flygirl03

Your Superhero Identity For Today Is:

Name: Green Raven
Secret Identity: Flygirl03
Special Power: Flight
Transportation: Turbo Bike
Weapon: Psionic Pistol
Costume: Stainless Steel Leotard
Sidekick: Jumpin' Jim
Nemesis: Arnold the Unspeakable
Tragic Flaw: Narcolepsy
Favorite Food: Green Beans

LOL At the Narcolepsy... Considering I WAAY overslept and

akfdnalklfsd/kjfouhbrtng;hqjuvvbnj qv,q

oh,sorry.. I just woke up and my head was on the keyboard:S

I must REALLY like green beans[:/]

earthbound misfit

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Name: Ice Muffin
Secret Identity: trash hoor
Special Power: Psionic Fart
Transportation: Turbo Bathtub
Weapon: Psionic Spray
Costume: Chain Skin
Sidekick: Black Dan
Nemesis: Melvin the Assassin
Tragic Flaw: Good Looks
Favorite Food: French Toast

Lookout Melvin the Assassin.. here I come to get you in my Turbo bathtub...

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