
Why did you start skydiving

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I've wondered this for awhile and it may have been asked before but... I am planning my trip through AFF right now and would never have thought about doing this if it hadn't been for Lummy. How many people got into skydiving because of a relationship?
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I didn't get into skydiving because of a relationship, but I got out of a relationship because of skydiving.

Ha! Me too. I think a LOT of people can relate!!! :D Now I'm lucky enough to skydive and have it part of my relationship. :)

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I started skydiving because I had always wanted too do it, it just took me awhile to get around to doing it.
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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I went for the first time on a dare, the rest is history. The other two guys who went with me have never jumped again, my wife did until she broke her back on level four B| that is another story.

"Don't! Get! Eliminated!"

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I did it all on my own, for myself, by myself. I had never even met a jumper before my first day at the dz, during my AFF ground school. Shoot, I hadn't even wanted to jump. Nope, not me, no way. That stuff is craaaaaaaaaaaaaazy. Decided on a Thursday, was airborn the next Sunday. Kinda surprised everyone. And surprised myself completely. And then when I continued, boy howdy. Especially after the mal and all.

Now, family and friends are used to it - they even ask me if I've been jumping, and how the sky is. I'm not used to it yet. Still amazes me everytime I play in the sky that I am really here, really doing this...and really loving it.



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I started skydiving so that I could post here and have more than just a few jumps while I post whore!:D:D:):P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I didn't get into skydiving because of a relationship, but I got out of a relationship because of skydiving.:P

Hey me too!!! Welcome to the club!! B|B|B|

And there's nothing better than being in a relationship with someone who is equally obsessed with skydiving!! B|

Edited cuz I'm too dumb to spell things correctly.

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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Well, the sky was there and this airplane was sitting there and this guy had this tandem rig on and he said" Let's go".

And so I did.

And that's my story and I'm sticking to it!:P

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

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i guess my x wife could say becourse of a relation ship... she hatede me skydiving as we were together,we got a divorce and i took the chance to take up BASE,which caused me to not beeing so popular at my dz..Now 2 years later my x shows up more often at the dz than i do..Not making it more fun to me to show up there.. however i wont ask her to stop as she got freinds there aswell(as i lost some of thouse i thourght were my true freinds..:()

So you can kind of say im walking out from the dz,not only based on my x but it has a big factor..[:/]

Atleast i still have BASE,and found out who i could trust and who NOT to...including the loss of what i thourght were one of my best freinds..,and well found out all this as i were down by a broken leg...

What dosnt kill you makes you stronger(or perhaps it should be colder:| )

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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I think that I have wanted to skydive ever since I was a kid and first became aware that people could jump from aircraft. It just always looked so cool, and free, and exciting. So when I was old enough, I went out and found out where I could jump: I ended up doing a static-line skydive at Skydive Long Island, back when they were at Spadaro Airport ('91). Certainly no one brought me to do it or tried to encourage me to. I just did it.
"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Yea i did it cause I lost the remote to the tv....

and figured hell since i am up!!!

posted this cause to lazy to type the real story..''
but for the readers digest version....
ex gf wanted it as a b-day present.....
my goal after jump #1 was to make one jump solo (ie after aff) jump #4 thought this is cool jump #6 was addicted.... jump 14 gf became ex because of anomosity of me jumping and her not![:/]

The Angel of Duh has spoke

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My friend Jeff brought it up. While in college he and some friends went, got trained and then got winded out.

Fast forward a couple of years and he decides it's time to go again. This time when he asked me I had both the money and the time. After deciding that I would jump, I saw the Golden Knights jump into Veteran's Stadium (in Philadelphia) and knew that I just had to try it.

Did my tandem and 2 weeks later I was back to continue the progression with my father and sister who made their first jumps that day.

I'm kind of glad that they got winded out the first time so that I was able to go the second time. My 2 year anniversary of my first tandem is at the end of April. :)

swooo #3 MB #3587 P.M.S. #66
"so let go, jump in...what're you waiting for? it's all right 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown"

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Because if I went another day without fullfilling a 27 year old dream I was going to loose my mind. Because I knew it was the one thing I was absolutely born to do. Because it was a fire in my blood and each day that I did not try it my blood burned inside and it was painfull. Because . . . it is a deep seeded NEED!B|

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It was my ex's (b/f at the time) fault. I'd wanted to do it for about 10 years at that point. He found a dz within 45 minutes of home. I had a bunch of excuses why I couldn't do it yet and insisted that we do it together. He went and did a static line jump one Sunday without telling me he was going to jump.

I didn't let him talk about it to me for the first three hours after he got home (yes, I have always been a bytch). Then I let him tell me everything, and he babysat my kid the next Sunday so I could jump.

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