
London UK - Kitten wanted

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Interesting fact - kittens, like lambs, have a season. Generally they tend to be born from around April onwards, so they're in pretty short supply at this time of year. I only know this because my work colleague is also trying to get hold of one. Anyway, the bottom line is you may have to get a young cat born last spring / summer.

Whatever, don't forget that a kitten is for life etc. etc. They're great pets because they're pretty independent, but they still want breakfast long before you want to get out of bed... ;)

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Well, we got ours from a friend of a friend whose cats had had a litter (and we took two because we didn't have the heart to leave one behind by itself - plus they're good company for one another). I think that's always the best way if you can do it, so I'd recommend posting an advert at work or something - seems a shame you should have to pay for a regular mog when generally speaking you're doing someone a favour by giving it a good home. But I guess with 5 days to go you need to keep all your options open. Good luck!

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If you're going to get an animal you can't get a cat! What are you going to do with a kitten when you go jumping up at Chatteris for the weekend, introduce it to Kims Dobermans and ask them to play nicely??

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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Would go to a resucue centre but the only one I know of is Battersea Dogs Home (yes they do have cats too!) and it isn't that simple. They want to come round to the house to ensure it is a safe environment for the cat and to meet all of the occupants of the house. Then we all have to meet the cat. If we like the cat and the cat likes us then they will consider letting us take it home - and you have to pay £40.00

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You mean the ones that are all cuddly, and like it when they are petted, and given good stuff to eat, and kissed all the time?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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seems like a good resource, similar to Batterseas policies but you only have to pay £20 rather than £40! I didn't check to see if there are any shelters near round your way though as I didn't have time (read: couldn't be arsed to look) plus I don't like cats!

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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Heck, Simon, I'll tell you what - you can have one of mine.

He eats twice his own bodyweight in food daily, and five minutes after finishing a meal he'll be whining for more. He won't let you sleep beyond six in the morning and if you go around barefoot he bites your toes. He's too fat to get around much so mostly he just lies in your path and trips you up at every opportunity.

Sound like the kind of thing you're looking for?

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Try looking in the local vets, most Vets have people asking to advertise for a good home for kittens.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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My recommendation if you are a busy person with an active lifestyle.......do not get a persian, yes they are cute and cuddly, but they are more like a dog than a cat and want LOTS of attention and need tons of grooming. I just shave mine every few weeks, to save on some of the grooming work. Yet he still has matts.
Fly it like you stole it!

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