
Bin Ladin captured?

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Considering that there -are- conspiracy theorists out there that believe GWB is actually responsible for the events of September 11, you HAVE to consider the possibility of something a bit less nefarious as being within the realm of possibility as well.

If some nut case says that Bush caused 9/11, then I have to consider that the ramblings of another nut case might be possible? :S

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But, like I said, if Osama is somehow magically captured just before the elections -- people are going to wonder.

It'll seal the election for Bush, regardless of the left wing conspiracy theories.

Why would this seal the election for Bush. In reality, people are already starting to hold things other than the war on terrorism in high priority. Therefore why would the Republicans want to go and basically take the issue off the table. No longer will the American public believe they need Georgie there to protect them. They will breathe a collective sigh of relief that the man (OBL) is gone and wake up the next morning to the realization that many of them still don't have jobs and that those who do are facing stagnant wage growth.

No, better for Bush's chances of staying in office would be if he doesn't catch OBL before November and there is another non-US terror attack, like on the scale of the Bali bombings, sometime in the fall. I personally think the idea of a never-ending war on terror is the dream of these old white men who run our nation. Ok, I'm done with that.

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I personally think the idea of a never-ending war on terror is the dream of these old white men who run our nation. Ok, I'm done with that.

I'm right there with ya Benny! This nation would be so much better off with less "old white men"! What say you start off with improving things by shooting yourself in the head. You do fit the description, do you not?

Or you could stop talking out your ass.


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So you're accusing President Bush of media manipulation. Yet you have no problem with deleting my post. Hyprocrite!

A. No. I'm not. I'm only saying that it's possible that he could in the future and we'd never know about it.

B. I don't know what deleted post you're talking about.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Here it is...


If, for some reason, Osama bin Laden is captured in an "October Surprise" (just before the elections) I think we'll need to look long and hard at exactly how that was done.

It's nice to know that Bin Laden can roam free from late Summer through early Autumn because idiots are willing to use our current struggle to further their partisan bickering.

I don't care if this is the my last post on Dropzone.com, it will be worth it....

Quade, you are an ass.


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exactly...apparently just after Saddam was captured, some political figure...Condolisa Rice? or some other female democratic bigwig has suggested that they had already captured him and that Bush was planning on bringing him out later on towards election time. It was on CNN and all the other news stations...interesting, anyways.

Dude...your kidding...right?
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
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Sorry to tell you this, but I never touched that post.

Believe it or not, I don't as a rule react to personal attack on myself. I don't have to.

1. Because, well, it's just silly.
2. I can always win if I want to.
3. Usually one of the other Moderators beats me to it. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Fallrate, relax. Silly to argue with people like that. There's some people who are just blind and see things with eyes wide shut. Besides, arguing about topics like this are silly. No one is going to change anyone's mind about anything. The sole purpose of these threads is to start arguments.


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I almost never choose to lose.

If I actually lose (and it can actually be proven), I'll even admit it and buy you a beer.

However, I do frequently choose not to give a shit. ;)
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Fallrate, relax. Silly to argue with people like that. There's some people who are just blind and see things with eyes wide shut. Besides, arguing about topics like this are silly. No one is going to change anyone's mind about anything. The sole purpose of these threads is to start arguments.

I agree, Fallrate needs to relax. I also agree that noone's mind will be changed. I also wonder if I am the only one who sees the irony in the bolded statement... and maybe it's not really eyes that we should worry about being open here, but minds.

Now, I wouldn't dare suggest that Bush or his proponents would ever do something so sinister as orchestrate or even wish for a terrorist attack. Then again, I can see the logic of such an attack helping their political aspirations.

And tuna, I apologize for replying to you when this was most directed at Fallrate. But Fallrate, as for putting a bullet in my head, I'll do it if you go first and sho me how it's done properly:P

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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What say you start off with improving things by shooting yourself in the head. You do fit the description, do you not?

Or you could stop talking out your ass.


Quade, you are an ass.


Uh-oh - seems like somebody's getting a just a wee bit testy. Too many insults to our fine president, maybe? It's really OK, FallRate - just because some of us hate him, it doesn't take anything away from your love for him.

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And now for the folks that were questioning the possibilty of goofiness surrounding the future capture or kill of Osama bin Laden, I'd like you all to have a look at the following link.

Clearly the situation in Haiti is much smaller, but look at all the bru-ha-ha it's whipping up about the ouster of Aristide. He's claiming that he was kidnapped by the U.S. and the U.S. is denying it.

Please, somebody tell me how there's any way -we- the American public could ever hope to know the reality of the situation?

Do I think Aristide was kidnapped by the U.S. -- no. I certainly hope not. But how the heck could any journo ever hope to prove it either way?

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I personally think the idea of a never-ending war on terror is the dream of these old white men who run our nation

Out of context poke. "You all look alike to me."

"I'll be sure to pass that along to Condi Rice and Colin Powell"

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Well, unfortunately this whole Nation Building thing is probably the one thing the U.S. sucks at the absolute most and is why a lot of the rest of the world hates us.

We've NEVER been good at it and I can blame Presidents from both parties that have tried and failed.

In reality, we're so involved in the world that we're really screwed no matter what we do. If we try to help, people will get pissed. If we try to stay out of things, people will get pissed.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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:D:DHey you know what ever the Iranian government controlled radio says is true ( Darius trys not to laugh out loud):P

Hey every thing they say is true kind of like Foxnews LOL:D:D:D
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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apparently just after Saddam was captured, some political figure...Condolisa Rice? or some other female democratic bigwig

Do you really think that President Bush's National Security Advisor is a democrat? That's as ridiculous as LtDiver trying to tell us that John Boy Walton flew a supersecret airplane.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Personally I say we cut off his head and put it on a stick in front of the White House, with a big sign that says "Don't fuck with us." :)
They'll get his ass....oooooooooooooooh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah they'll get his ass. >:(>:(

Wrong Way
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