My mind is like a parachute...it functions only when open.
billvon 3,027
> The actions of his will, mostly recently, have put the WORLD in
> tailspin from which no good has come or will come. It deserves no
> name and no mercy!
Which is the same sort of philosophy that the 9/11 terrorists used to convince themselves that killing 3000 people was a good thing. One of the tools used by governments to get people to do what they want is to convince them that the enemy isn't human; that they are evil blackhearted murderers who would sooner eat your kids than look at you. It's a lot easier to justify violence against such people; a lot harder to justify violence against them if people realize that they are people too.
Bin Laden? Get him and either put him in jail for life or execute him. The important outcome is that he can never again organize terrorists. To wish anything else is to pander to one's (selfish) desire for revenge. It's an understandable sentiment, but one of our less-noble desires, and in the end it makes the world a worse place.
QuoteThis tread started out as dark humor about a situation ( plinking OBL) that will never happen, ever! I and others replied they could and offered other tortures of double taps, catapults, jail forever and pig part parties.
You got all realistic about our collective meanness and lack of humanity.
I agree I did so... I realize this may just be an outlet for anger towards him and thats cool too, maybe I look too deep into the topic.
And you quoted Yoda on hatred. Thanx padawan.
I think yoda/g.lucas has a very good point.
There are all kinds of people, There are all kinds of people that have taken others lives, for all kinds of reasons. From a soldiers self preservation, law enforcement officers duty, death row correctional officers occasional nasty task, a murderers personal greed to a psychopathic killers bloodlust. Some of the above could kill without hatred.
The point is that you would be killing the intent of revenge an hatred. I dont see cops killing people because of these reasons, therefor its unfair to group them together.
A simple task that needs to be done, like a housewife squating a fly. Many more people could squat OSB just like a fly without remorse and without the need for counseling afterward
This is exactly what makes me sick, people taking lives without even flinching or a thought behind it. How is that any worse than what osb did? its not!
I am just me, I didn't get the official humanity judge T-shirt that comes with the job.
You have your right to your own opinions, I however Do not think you or anyone else here has the right to make that decision.
But I could pull the lever on the Osama F**ker or anyone of the cronies involved in 9/11 without emotion, not for glory, not for fun, without remorse and be eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich ten minutes later.
That to me is just as bad as anything osb would do. How are you better than him if you did that?
Sean In Thailand
No GWB conspiracy here, I'm convinced he is less than human. He personally raised the bar.
Bin Laden? Get him and either put him in jail for life or execute him.
Jail for life next to noriega and saddam would work for me too. Bill
To wish anything else is to pander to one's (selfish) desire for revenge. It's an understandable sentiment, but one of our less-noble desires,
I don't have any revenge trip on OBL. He hasn't effected me personally other than the problems he has caused the world..... And they are many. Revenge would be if I had a deep personal loss in any attacks performed by the group. I could pull his lever without being selfish........and we don't even want to get into my sick less-noble desires.

Just a guess.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.
Just my personal beliefs
Sean In Thailand
Gawain 0
QuoteNo... you are correct, My sentiments might have changed, but I would never take the life of another human being for any other reason than self-defense.
Just my personal beliefs
That was my belief until 9/11.
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!
Never said I was better, I'm probably inferior to Osama in many other levels of being. From education, accruing financial support for a fringe movement, personal conviction to philosophy and the whole great leadership ability. I'm pretty sure he has got me beat.
We may be tie in a hairy ass contest, but noone cares.
I think I would win judged on freeflying ability, household and automotive repair and I tend to spew less hate. Well most of the time, no honest really.
Oh yeah, and I didn't kill( directly or indirectly) thousands of people.

Kennedy 0
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.
That to me is just as bad as anything osb would do. How are you better than him if you did that?
Never said I was better, I'm probably inferior to Osama in many other levels of being. From education, accruing financial support for a fringe movement, personal conviction to philosophy and the whole great leadership ability. I'm pretty sure he has got me beat.
We may be tie in a hairy ass contest, but noone cares.
I think I would win judged on freeflying ability, household and automotive repair and I tend to spew less hate. Well most of the time, no honest really.
Oh yeah, and I didn't kill( directly or indirectly) thousands of people.
I did not mean to imply that he was in anyway better than you, I was simply trying to make a point that killing for revenge would make you just as bad as the person you were trying to get revenge on. dude... dont even compare yourself to him... you are so far above him.(lol although he is still human) hahah.
As far as freeflying im sure of it! Maybe we can make a jump someday and you can teach me and thing or two

I am sorry if it seemed like I was comparing you and him.
Sean In Thailand
scottbre 0
Seems like this is just the sort of thread that serves no constructive purpose what-so-ever, and in fact is more harmful to the general atmosphere of DZ.com than anything.
For whatever tiny amount my opinion is worth, maybe some all powerful greenie could lock and/or remove this stupid thread.

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
My Art Project
QuoteJudgment is between him and God. I'd like to help arrange the meeting though.
Nice one, junior.

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

turtlespeed 221
QuoteNo... you are correct, My sentiments might have changed, but I would never take the life of another human being for any other reason than self-defense.
Just my personal beliefs
First - It would be retro active self defense - as well as self defense insofar as to rid the world of someone that has the mind set and resorces to potentialy of influence others to plan and carry out another incident, be it similar or worse. So yes, it IS self defence - maybe not yourself - but some American's self - and that is worth it! It is worthi it to me to keep from havinmg to install so many security precautions that are decreasing our freedom.
Second - If it weren't for OBL we would still be enjoying a level of freedom and security that was ALOT more desireable. I'd whack the Mother Fucker just for that. Grow some and stand up a bit for the ones that paid the price for the freedoms that we are still holding on to. Try not to piss on the graves of the men and women that died in defence of this country, or on the momories of those that forged the way with principals and a dream. A dream that nothing to do with - "Oh, well, I guess I should really study how they Feel about me." I bring up a motto that should still be stated with pride, integrity, and guimption, "Don't Tread On Me".
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun
The feeling that there is never a reason to take another life is valid and wonderful and would be the cornerstone of a utopian society. Something to strive for.
But we don't live in that place. We live in a world of human adaptations, mutations and deformity. What makes an otherwise normal housewife want to drown her children or an otherwise quiet young man want to kill other young men and eat their flesh? Far from Utopia. But all part of our humaness like it or not.
What some people are missing here is that, in the case of Osama, some people could eliminate him without HATRED, without PREJUDICE, without CONSCIENCE. Not out of selfish hateful motives. This adaptation in our humaness ( like it or not ) is what brings balance to our very non- utopian world.
Back to the comedy!
Kennedy 0
QuoteNice one, junior.
Thanks princess. I can't take credit, though. It's a bad paraphrase of something I heard from a force-recon marine a little while before he shipped to Assramistan [in early 02]. Wish I could remember the words, his sounded better.
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.
Quotewhen he is caught and if he is convicted, would you buy a $50 lottery ticket for the chance?
Can I buy more than 1?
billvon 3,027
> some people could eliminate him without HATRED, without
> PREJUDICE, without CONSCIENCE. Not out of selfish hateful motives.
> This adaptation in our humaness ( like it or not ) is what brings
> balance to our very non- utopian world.
Good point, and an approach that most soldiers have to take to stay sane, I think. I still worry when I hear people chortle with glee about the ways they would torture him - it makes me think that a great many people would both feel and enjoy the hatred you mention above.
wmw999 2,473
It would be better if we could find a better way to spew our less desirable feelings than to post them on a public forum for everyone to see...
Wendy W.
QuoteAfter the sex change, he/she is released to live a long and happy life as a woman.
I gather he is rather tall, so he/she won't be able to buy a burka off the rack...
lol winsor you are a riot

QuoteBin Laden? Get him and either put him in jail for life or execute him. The important outcome is that he can never again organize terrorists. To wish anything else is to pander to one's (selfish) desire for revenge. It's an understandable sentiment, but one of our less-noble desires, and in the end it makes the world a worse place.
I have a little trouble with the Jail for life thing. One it might cause the "true believers" to try something as bad for his freedom. I don't want to pay for the SOB's room and board. About 35,000 a year, last I heard.
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