
would you pay $50 to shoot Bin Ladin

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Wow... People can be really full of hate.


It's amazing what killing 2000+ people will do to change your look on things and terrorism. BinLaden is far more hateful than anyone who would buy a chance to shoot him.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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> One it might cause the "true believers" to try something as bad for
> his freedom.

On the other hand, creating a martyr might be just as bad. "Die for Osama, he died for us!" Which is better for the US in the long run? Hard to say.

>I don't want to pay for the SOB's room and board. About 35,000 a
>year, last I heard.

So you'd pay $50 for a chance to kill him with your own hands but not ~1/50th of a cent a year to keep him in prison forever? Odd. But maybe there is something to that Five Minute Hate thing after all.

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