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Oh and we initiated 4 new Pink Mafia members this weekend - Zoe, MC, Mary, and Annette. When you chicas get here - come find me, Brooke, LeAnne, Donna, or any of the other Gold Coast sisters.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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I am leaving here (downtown houston) on wed afternoon (tomarrow), you are more than welcome to go with me. I am coming back on sunday morning (I am also bringing someone else home and since I am in a jeep there prob wont be enough room with all of the gear and stuff for a ride back) but I can get you there! just let me know... pm me if you want more info...
this space for rent.

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damn.. no i have to stay around until thursday afternoon, i cant leave before then. the plan originally was for me to head out around noon on thursday with a couple people from my dz, but one of them lost their handles (reserve ride) and the other just doesnt feel like goin i guess. oh well. Thanks for the offer anyway bro.

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found out that my ride to moss point has been eliminated, so unless i find somebody from the houston area tomorrow or friday thats going, i'm out of the running. sorry folks, i was looking forward to this.

Me too. Flaky people suck. :( I still have one possibility for a ride but it's pretty remote. Anyone going from florida on Friday who can give me a lift?

Fall in dove.

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Sorry Dove. Looks like I'm out of riders too. I'm leaving Birmingham Thursday afternoon/evening, maybe Friday, but that doesn't help anyone not coming from ATL or higher on the East Coast or Tenn.

Good luck.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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just had another thought.. I dont know if any of you are "hippie" types, but i am going to bring a couple drums (bongo type) so if anyone wants to get a drum circle goin around the camp fire please bring more along!
this space for rent.

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cool. well Ill have a couple drums and I am thinking about bringin my guitar also to have a little fun when the sun goes down and the beer light goes on.
leaving for mosspoint in T minus 15 hours!
this space for rent.

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I don't wanna hear it! I've got 40 or more hours until I leave, and now it looks like it's just me, myself, and Jimmy Buffett along for the ride. B|
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Laurel..the weather didn't cooperate Monday or Tuesday! Hopefully a PMS sistah will work with me on Thursday! I hung wid dah boyz last night and Tammy Carbone a lil last night and had fun in da mud...LOL! Kreg said that the King Air is going to 16K for $18! how kuhl is THAT! And the heli will be there manana (wednesday) YAY! Did Mardi Gras parades with my bro all day and night today in Mobile..a lil insanity as I'm recovering right now after "Awful House" (Waffle House) Loaded hash browns..Yikes!...See Y'all Thursday and Friday!!! Giddyup!


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You can update your list to show that F1Freak and I will definitely be there.

We gotta have an anniversary party for you 2. How about we have a nice dinner at Waffle House so Travis can get his hash browns smothered all the way...:P

Giddyup on the loaded hashbrowns! Where are you Sunshine? haven't seen you yet! and you usually are easy to find..LOL!B|


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snow white and streaker showed up yesterday in time for the beer. the swooppond is ready(the whole freaking landing area) and rod tinny is here to jump(wish he was flying jumpers)so the place is rockin'...
and as the saying goes if you are not here....YOU SUCK!!!!!!:P:P
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
my site

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Right the F#^$ on! I am back on schedule for Mardi Gras.B| Whatchoo talking about bad weather? Here's what I'm seeing:

Feb 27 Mostly Sunny 59°/42° 10 %
Feb 28 Partly Cloudy 62°/52° 10 %
Feb 29 Mostly Cloudy 72°/51° 20 %

Looks damn skippy to me! Get your pink on!B|

Fall in dove.

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