
Someone with a DZ.COM account tried to get me fired today

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Karma, Steve....that's the one thing I know.

People who do that kind of stuff to others will get theirs. Karma will reach out and bite them on their bottom and it will hurt....

Let me know how I can help. I will be more than happy to do so. I'll even smack them (verbally, of course) should the situation merit it. And I think it just might.

Out them when you know, and let us all find out who the jerk is. The person who did that is someone without integrity, and not someone I would trust to let me know my chest strap is loose...and that's someone I want to make sure I never jump with.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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same thing happened to me 2 years ago...

it developed in internet stalking. Please be careful of what you do - I got threats at my home, my parents home and my work place...

All because of some psycho chick I met on a message board...

Arianna Frances

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I must be getting lazy as the years go by, because I can't see going to all that trouble to mess with someone. I get my fill by shouting at idiotic drivers...with my windows rolled all the way up, of course. :DB|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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ya, cause legally... you can't go anywhere.

I knew all about the chick that was doing it to me... had her name, license plate, car make/model, address, where she worked and phone numbers

yet, I couldn't touch her legally (and to discover this after paying a lawyer $300 for her time :S).

The best thing you can do is get a group of people together to attack that person like they are attacking you (within legal limits of course).

Arianna Frances

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The best thing you can do is get a group of people together to attack that person like they are attacking you (within legal limits of course).

I'm glad I'm from the South. We tend to see things differently. ;)

ya really.... that is kind of scary...

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I for one say, what an asshat said person is!


See benny, we can agree.

Hey, me too. Found something I can agree with Benny on.;)


Skydivers do NOT do this sort of crap to other skydivers.

I'd go further than that and say people don't do this to people. Only, the cowardly, weakhearted take this approach. The least they owe is a face to face. Of course that might result in a face to fist. I'll testify, "Really sir, I saw him beating the crap out of Canuck's fist with his face."


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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Really sorry to hear about that.

Messing with someone's ability to earn a living is crossing the line for any reason since we are talking about doing damage to one's reputation!

I have seen this kind of thing happen in co-workers unfortunately. That is where you can sometimes find a jealousy or whatever motive. It's pretty unusual to have someone that does not really know the person at all or even well to try to backstab.

Can't help but think... who is it that has no skeletons in their closet, that they feel confident in trying to hurt another person this way??

Very lame -

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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had a similar thing happen a couple years back. Turns out our friendly web geek (WFFC) proved that the guy was providing the harassment from HIS (the harassers) place of employment. The Board of Directors didn't look kindly on it.....hmm, amazing how fast the harassers job was on the line....

it's cool that you can track 'em down, and I hope that you can prove something similar. This guy needs to worry about HIS job, and just let you do yours.

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isn't putting a sniffer on your networkIf my sources come through, this person will be exposed and they won't just be exposed here on DZ.COM. In fact I WILL seek legal council if my evidence pans out.

This person should be exposed AND hot forked to HELL!
A fellow emplyee at my work **Who I took for a TANDEM!, called Verizon Security on my and said that I was Skydiving while on restricted duty & comp.
At that time and now>I have limited use of my right arm (shoulder is cut & torn), and can't pull my P.C. (or wipe w/o pain)
My boss told me IT was her, now her GPS is showing that she goes home rather than work.
I can't wait until you catch the "worm"!
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Wow! That person should be taken care ofB|. I for one may not always agree with everything that people say on this board But I still respect everyone here as potential friends and also as part of my skydiving family.

Best of luck to you, I hope that your matters are promptly resolved;).

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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