
Know what I miss about High school?

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I only left highschool just over 2 years ago so not much time to miss things... although i do kind of miss seeing all my friends every day. I miss having waterfights in summer, avoiding detentions, playing sport and basically the whole sitting around for 7 hours a day doing next to nothing... oh wait, that's all I do at my job these days anyway. B|

not that much has changed.

And you shed not a single tear for the things that you didn't need
'Cause you knew you were finally free - Death Cab For Cutie

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I think you're a Skinny Puppy.

Roflmao!!! good one lisa...bwahahahahaha

Oh and yes i know who they are....;)
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I miss the free drugs, booze and easy chix...

I went to an all boy Catholic Highschool. I got none of that.

Soooo... xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :o:ph34r:

I went to private catholic grade school xXXXXXXXXXXxxxxx :S

Public high school sucked, the only reason why I didn't get my ass kicked on a regular basis was I could ski like a mad man, and I had a bigger brother who was 'cool'

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I figured you knew who Ministry was you'd know "TKK".

Mmm...Ministry...'NWO' & Psalm 69.

Oh yah!!! You know Jesus built my hotrod. It's a love afair.

So you know some REVCO then? Do you think I'm sexy? ;)

I love Jesus built my hotrod....!!! n/c...:D
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I miss how you could miss a day and it didn't really matter....especially senior year. I think I spent more time at the beach than at class! lol....

It'd be so nice to be in high school again becuase if it were a nice day, I could say screw it and go jump without any real consequences (except getting yelled at by my parents). If i did that now id probably fail my class, and get fired [:/]

I also miss backrubs, and my friends, and all the fun things we used to do..I miss passing notes (well my we passed notebooks too), cutting class, lunch (haha my favorite period), I even miss some of my teachers! Football games, dances, oh and making the morning announcements -i loved doing that haha. I miss sports and that fact that all of the teachers loved me so i could get away with anything...it just doesn't happen like that anymore

But ya know, as much as I loved it, I wouldn't wanna go back...


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Ok, I hate to admit it. For the most part. I don't miss a thing. I was unsure of myself, a bit of a loner, had a serious drug problem.

However, there was one shining light. My band. We were incredible for a few guys that just slapped it together. We were incredible.

Aside from that? Well, I thought I was a rock star. Behaved like an ass, smoked enough pot for a small nation. Did way too many halucinogenic drugs and was a general ass.......

Only shining point? We rocked. There for but a short time, We Rock-n-Rolled big time.


It's a gas, gas, gas...

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I miss getting suspended for sexual harrassment. She deserved it though:ph34r:

But I'll bet you don't miss sitting in the vice principals office while he was telling me about it on the phone... now do ya? :P

Not a real "mom-like" thing to say I suppose, but that was so freakin' funny. :D:D:D

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Yeah you do have a point there. But god it is funny looking back on it. Me in the VP's office scared to death I was gonna get booted out of school(back in the day I really did give somewhat of a shit). Then I get home and my mom laughs about it. My mom kicks ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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