
proud of GWB ??

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Forget everything about Iraq/Terror/abortion-life/All other issues for just 10 seconds....

Economic policy takes a few years for the effects to start showing up........ Following the basic principles of Macroeconomics, Bush is doing the right thing for the economy and we will see the results in the near future.... Lets just sit back and see what happens.....

I am not claiming to understand foreign Policy or other Issues, I just know my Economics.

Small, short term deficit. Those are Bush's OWN words in 2002.

Small = largest in history?
Short term = not predicted by Bush's own budget director to go away before 2014?

If you "know your Economics", I think you have just re-defined the economics dictionary.

How did you like his prediction just last year that 1.7M new jobs would be created in 2003? In fact, 433,000 jobs were lost in 2003.

Now (earlier this month) he said outsourcing was good.

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No nation building / don't know what this is

Smaller government / he's working on it


Really? Have you any idea how much the Federal bureacracy has grown since his inauguration?

"Compassionate Conservative" / no doubt about it

small, short-term deficit / time will tell, what's short term?

More than 10 years according to his budget director's predictions. And "small" means all time record high.

1.7M jobs to be created in 2003 /can't get em all right the economy is improving and in fact is in great shape right now!

In that case, why did he say there would be 1.7M new jobs? He only said it in February 2003

Uranium from Africa/ Sadam tried to get it!


The intel was bogus, and Bush had been warned about it BEFORE he made the speech.

"We know where they are" / I believe they did know where some were when this was said.

Iraq can deploy its WMDs in 45 minutes / Iraq could have deployed chemical weapons. Our troops were not wearing all that protective gear for looks.


Have you been asleep for the last 6 months. Even the administration now admits there weren't any.

It may take 1 month, .... or six / The war on terror is a long and dangerous fight is what he said.

"I can eat a pretzel without choking"/Won't dignify

Improved funding for veterans' care / Has there been?

No - his budget has not made the promised appropriation.

No Child Left Behind / Great program it was stated from the get/go it would take 10-11 years to prove itself, but hey this is an election year so the dems are going to judge it after just a little over a year. The funding for it has gone up over 37 percent.

"These trailers are mobile WMD laboratories. " / We still don't know what the hell those trailers were


We know what they AREN'T though. They AREN'T mobile WMD labs

"45 percent of all of the dividend income goes to people with $50,000" (It's actually less than 15%). / Tax cuts can't benefit the people that don't pay taxes and nor should they.

No doubt, but the quoted speech was a lie designed to get lower income people to support tax cuts from which they wouldn't actually benefit

Iraq is "six months away from developing a [nuclear] weapon.". / Never heard or saw anything of this sort.

You should pay more attention to what your hero and his cronies say

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The fact that some people still think Bush is a straight shooter never ceases to amaze me.

Just because the man uses small words and short sentences, and maintains good eye contact, does not mean that what he says is true. IT'S AN ACT.

If you actually listen to his words and compare them to reality from time to time, what you get is a smorgasbord of misdirection, excuses, and flat out lies.

If I'm ever arrested for something, I would like one of you folks that thinks Bush is honest to be running the interrogation, so I can lie my ass off and walk, without anyone suspecting a thing.


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You CAN eliminate that question and come to the 52/48% answer that you showed but why?(You could drop the ones that aren't proud of Bush and he would look even better ) These people by their answer are "proud" of GWB for some actions, and not for others. They don't fall into the "I hate Bush", "I love Bush" camp.

I think you're safer leaving them out. I'm one of them, and there are things I think he handled well, so I can't say I'm not proud of him in anyway.

But it would be even more unfair to place me with the "mostly proud" contingent.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Small, short term deficit. Those are Bush's OWN words in 2002.

Small = largest in history?
Short term = not predicted by Bush's own budget director to go away before 2014?

If you "know your Economics", I think you have just re-defined the economics dictionary.

How did you like his prediction just last year that 1.7M new jobs would be created in 2003? In fact, 433,000 jobs were lost in 2003.

Now (earlier this month) he said outsourcing was good

Hmm ...........Maybe Geroge Orwells 1984..... NEW SPEAK has finally arrived with a vengeance.

The Patriot Act sure reminds me of that book.

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I gotta say three things on this:

1- In no way do I believe the federal government should share exactly what they do and do not know (or how they found it out) with the general public, this is a stupid thing to do (no offense). The president was elected to do a job, let him do it.

2- Kinda funny how Libya decided to give up their WMD programs the same day we started bombing Baghdad. And because they did (because we invaded Iraq) we know alot more about the international trade in nuclear technology.

3- And now North Korea is (seemingly... knock on wood) ready to entertain the idea of dismantling their nuclear weapons programs.

So yeah, I guess I'd have to stand solidly behind GWB on this one, him and Rumsfeld are doing A-OK internationally, at least they've got some sack. Domestically I must admit that I dislike the way he's trying to put the tenets of his religion into my constitution but... thats what the other two branches of the US gov are there for.

Sweet Gravity...

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The Patriot Act sure reminds me of that book.

You mean the Patriot Act Kerry helped write?



I think she means the one signed into law by Bush.

BTW, this is a Bush thread, not a Kerry one. You get all upset about mixing topics, remember?

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Why is there ALWAYS discussions on GWB on this forum?! TO be honest....who really cares?!!? ;):P

Just my thoughts!! :$

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