
Skydivingmovies.com, time to open the floodgates!

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Alright folks, skydivingmovies.com is ready for some real testing. For now, I'm only going to post the link here. After getting some feedback, I'll open it up to the rest of the world. Here goes nothing...


On the site you'll find:

1200+ skydiving videos available for download
33 categories of videos
a file rating system
a file comments system
7 languages to choose from (english, spanish, french, german, dutch, norwegian, and portuguese)

So, take a look, download some videos, and let me know what you think.

edit: instructions for uploading a video...

At the top of the page, click upload.
When the upload page opens, it loads a java applet. If you don't have java installed, it will ask if you want to install it. Say yes and it'll download java directly from Sun. After it installs, it tells you to restart your computer. Worked fine for me in win xp without restarting though.
If java is installed, it'll ask you if you want to accept the security certificate for the site. Say yes.
Fill out the form on the upload page, then click the add files button at the bottom. It's important that you fill out the form before the upload actually starts.
When you click on add file, it'll let you browse to the file you want to upload. After selecting the file, hit the "upload files" button. You can only upload one file at a time. Although you could open another upload form to add another.

Once you get confirmation the upload has completed, it's done. You can go to another page.

Happy downloading!


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Holy Shit!! :o Have you watched the third clip in the CRW section? Put it on pause and find 1 minute 29 seconds.

I reitterate: Holy Shit!!
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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One small thing though, it would be nice to see the file sizes alongside the date and reviews. Makes it a bit easier rather than having to go into each file's details. Might save a bit of time for those with limited bandwidth.

Otherwise, what I said above - nice! B|

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