
Lovin' the one you're with?

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8) Working on me.

No, not "working on me"...that is not what they meant really. They said "concentrating on me". I think that is very different than working on yourself.

8. "Alone and happy"
is a much better choice.

Personally, I have been head over heels in love and very, very happy and I have been alone and very, very happy, too. A person's happiness and self-esteem shouldn't be determined by whom they date or are married to, right?

I think that in life we should strive for our own personal happiness and fulfillment. Being in love is just a bonus. However, sometimes, being alone and able to really connect with various people and devote much time to your relationships with your friends and family, etc., not just on a romantic scale, is a very, very beautiful thing. Therefore, sometimes, being alone is a bonus.

"Working on me" implies that something is wrong and that something is missing. "Concentrating on me" means taking care of yourself, your needs and enjoyment first...because you can. It means going out with friends, pursuing adventures, travel, time alone pampering yourself, etc. :)

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Looks like there needs to be another choice?
8) Working on me.
Geesh. That's the last time I put together a poll when I'm listening to sappy Chicago tunes ...;)

Need anyone to sing them tunes to ya?

TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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I love the one I love and am repulsed by any other. It makes my skin crawl if someone else tries to even touch me!
Unfortunately due to my Daddy's recent death I have to be in CA. with my Mommy and can't be there in DeLand with the one I love. I will be there for my B-day at end of March and his in April. Geography is getting in the way, but my love for him has not waned one bit!
I just hope he still feels the same way. He is gorgeous and popular, and has lots of women after him all the time! :(
I am cute too, but don't want anyone but him!

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i cant be with the one who i love and love me
it`s sad but true
dont ask me the reasons:(

Won't ask the reasons...will just offer ((HUGS)).:( It's sad when you can't be with the one you love.:( You never know though, things might work out.:)
"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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Hey, I thought you were stalking me now? Man, I can't even hang on to a stalker! :S

You mean I got the job?:o I figured since you couldn't check my references, you found someone else for the position!:P
"It's not just a daydream if you choose to make it your life..."

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Be honest and 'fess up. Anyone happy out there?

Deliriously happy..married for 11+ years to my absolute dream person....

God in Heaven only knows what I ever did so right to deserve someone like him....

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Geesh. That's the last time I put together a poll when I'm listening to sappy Chicago tunes ...;)

Need anyone to sing them tunes to ya?


Have you had enough tequila?:D
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used u

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Hey, I thought you were stalking me now? Man, I can't even hang on to a stalker! :S

If you figure it out, let me know. I've always wanted my own personal stalker.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used u

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Hey, I thought you were stalking me now? Man, I can't even hang on to a stalker! :S

You mean I got the job?:o I figured since you couldn't check my references, you found someone else for the position!:P

A true good stalker doesn't let little obstacles stand in her way. I guess you just weren't up for the job. Oh well.


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Well I am another happy to be with me! I truly enjoy when im single....no one to worry about but myself (and my doggies)

Dont get me wrong, I love having a partner in crime, someone to go skiing with, or skydiving, or take road trips with, wake up in the morning and snuggle with. There is nothing in the world like having someone to share your days with, to love and cherish, thru good and bad. But it is not needed...just a bonus.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
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Well I am another happy to be with me! reply]

Oh? Who's the other happy to be with you? Snowdog and Showdog?;)
(You should know by now you need to be careful how you word things I'll be reading!)

"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used u

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dzdiva u r always so sweet and optimist?
thanks for hugs

Diva/Laurie is such an optimist that I saw her cheer herself up on the way to alititude once (between 9,000 & 13,000;))
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Me, happy?

Holy crap are you kidding? I don't think I've ever been this happy in my life!

I have a beautiful fiance that actually loves me as much as I love her, as crazy as it sounds that someone could love a goofy country boy like myself.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Have you had enough tequila?:D

Let me check...nope only half an empty bottleB|...you know I don't get in tune until at least 3/4 of a bottle;)...let me see what I can do

TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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Alone and lookin' for the one I love.

It gets tough sometimes...

Edit follows (I guess I had more to say):

I've been feeling conflicted. As I stood around and watched all my close friends from high school and college get married and have kids, I began to feel like I am the only one who didn't do that. I pretty much am the only one.

I love being in love. I love having someone to give my affection to, and receive affection from. I love sex and lovemaking. I love to treasure the other person, body and soul. I just have not connected with a long-termer. Add to that the fact that I tend to be a little underconfident (picking up girls and dating tends to be the only thing I lack confidence in), and the fact that I don't get out much lately, and don't work in a job where I meet a whole lot of women, and there you have me, pretty lonely.

But like many others here, loneliness does not mean for me that I am not having fun and enjoying my life. It's just that lack of love does leave a big gaping hole that I am ever-conscious of.

At the same time, I'm conflicted. I like my freedom, and unattachedness. I can sleep all day if I want, do the dishes when I feel like it, spend my time however I want to, as well as my money. I didn't have to compromise on what kind of car I bought, or how much I spend on golf frisbees and skydiving gear and food and drink, or even the cat I picked out at the animal shelter. I can arrive home at whatever time I want (or whatever day). I can watch whatever I want on t.v. I get the whole bed to myself (except for wherever the cat is lying), and I can stretch out all over it. The bathroom is entirely mine, and I don't have to work around someone else's stuff, anywhere in my house.

All these things are great aspects of freedom. But I don't pretend that I would not change some of them in order to have love. I'm open to it, receptive to it, even eager for it -- but it just hasn't found me. The big bummer of it is that all the time spent without it leaves the mind idle to wonder and conjecture about what it should feel like or will feel like, or even if it's a realistic possibility. When I see others walking around who are obviously couples in love, I stop and try to get into their heads and think about how it is for them, and see if my mind works in that configuration. I sure hope that it does when the right girl comes my way. I am very happy with the person I am, and I feel relatively complete (or at least complete while knowing I can always grow more and learn more). If that's happiness, then yes I'm happy, but love is the last item on the list remaining to be checked off.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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