
Yankee or Dixie???

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Does that mean you call shopping carts "buggies?"
They're shopping carts damnit!!!! :P

Yah, they are shopping carts, or just carts. But when you say "I need to go shopping".. that means for clothes, shoes, furniture, etc... not for food. When you need food you say "I need to go to the store".


OH, and what the hell is a four wheeler? My truck, my car, and that broke down ATV all have four wheels, and all have had mud covering at least the bottom half. Whiskey Tango?!?

You go four-wheeling on your four-wheeler.. or you can call it an ATV if you want. You go muddin in your truck or jeep, which happens to have 4 wheels.
Oh, and I've said this before but its worth reiteration.. "Barbeque" is not a type of food.. its a method of cooking food. You can barbeque just about anything.. but "BBQ" is meat that has been barbequed.


Southern words suck.
Except for ya'll - ya'll is ok. But I still like youse guys better.

It's y'all. The contraction replaces the rest of you.
:ph34r: love y'all! :ph34r:

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89% Dixie. well that's weird. I'm mostly a yankee.

Ah but you see, that is the point! This is a dixie country and you yanks can't seem to realize that. See? We won! The whole country has been southernized!:ph34r: Hell, it always has been:D.

Sing with me folks!

I wish I was in the land of cotton,
Old times there are not forgotten.
Look away, Look away Dixie Land.
Then I wish I was in Dixie Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie,
Away, Away, Away down south in Dixie.
Away, Away, Away down south in Dixie.
In Dixie Land Where I was born in,
Early on on frosty mornin'.
Look away, Look away Dixie Land.
Then I wish I was in Dixie Hooray! Hooray!
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie,
Away, Away, Away down south in Dixie.
Away, Away, Away down south in Dixie.


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73% Dixie. Pretty weird considering I'm a first generation immigrant German.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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Hell I hate to say it but the McGregor's will smash the MacGregors and the Grants.

Of course I have to admit that we muddled our blood with the damn Grants and things ain't been the same since:P.

Mc and MAC Greg's are same family & they are ALL Greggors. Grant Clan= Law and "Soldier for hire/Black Watch" to The Kings of Swede, Den, Holland making the Family crest "THe 3 Crowns"
Both Clans made up the "Law of the Land" back in Britania;)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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What are y'all talking about?? The farmer in Peter Rabbit?

(oh, wait, "if it's NOT Scottish....IT"S CRAP!!!):ph34r:
see pics below and think off folks taliking more like Pirates, head butting and doing things on a dare (like eating our food,e.g. Haggis.)
We are STILL Yankee though!:D:D:D
p.s. if you have Celtic in you, the XYY can pop up and be hairy like "Wolverine":D=last pic;)
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Listen here you limey loving wannabe.

'S rioghal mo dhream

The MacGregors are decendants of the longest royal bloodline in Scotland. The McGregors are fairies who weren't brave enough to face rulers who outlawed the name, so they took on new names and then eventually changed them back.

[to those who don't know - the entire clan had been outlawed by 1604 and it became a capital offence to bear their name. They had become the 'Children of the Mist']

People so feared the MacGregors that they have been persecuted more than any other group in the history of the UK.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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We are ALL Yankees now( North won).
ANd Ask a REAL Irish person=we're all Yanks to them
Macs were Scot, The Irish Mc (or Mics) & Kennedys (and Gallaghers;)) were prsecuted by the other half of my family tree[:/] Clan Grant & Gregors. It can makes things difficult for me in the AOH (Div.89)
(My 1st Name is from our family's Martha Grant as Tradition to keep the name)
I can play the pipes til my ass falls off...........(wife is tired of same pipe tunes)
I'm born "USA" and always will be that.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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Tinkerbell, I didn't know you posted! Oh joy, i have a new way to fuck with you.... >:(

you mean your parents are first gen immigrants, and you're first gen american, right?

And how did you get dixie? You speak English....:P
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Yep, I'm first generation German. Spreken sie duetch? Nicht, est ist OK Ich kann English sprecken.
I must be one of the few (very few) children of German red neck wanabes. Got most of my vocabulary from my dad. weird.
How's stuff in Talabama?
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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Ich kann Deutch, oder ist nicht zo gut. Ich spretch ein bischen.
[I can't spell, I know]

Bama is boring. I can't wait to make it to the Carolinas, even for a short visit. This coming weekend in Moss Point should help though. B| yep, Mardi Gras Boogie here I come. Maybe make it to the Big Easy for a while too.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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