
Brother is about dead...Too much boose.

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Steve I'm sorry to hear...I read your post yesterday, but didn't really know what to say...:| I still don't.

I'm sorry...I think the best I could offer is hugs and prayers, and thankfully your brother is out of pain.
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I took a 19 year old kid to an AA meeting last night. I had to carry a pair of surgical wire cutters with me "just in case",(jaw wired shut) He just got back from San Diego day before yesterday where he was hospitalized for 2 weeks. Drinking has been out of control for about 2 years now and recently the kids car lost a fight with a brick planter box and a palm tree. Alls I could really tell the kid was that I really hope this was bad enough to at least make him question whether his drinking is a problem because, as you know, it CAN get worse. He's also going to be arrested any time now, looking at several felonies due to the same wreck.
I really dont judge people who drink. Hell, if I could handle it, I would still drink, but I cant, so I dont.

Hang in there man.

The Dude Abides.

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