
The Bytch Boogie!

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perhaps i'll teach a mud landing accuracy seminar. Today went up to sebaz and was coming in , used my rears to get just a litttttle more distance, which was a bad thing. i landed squat in teh middle of a huge slimy mud ditch, feet slid out fro underneath me, i was covered head to toe. YUCK! had to take a fully clothed shower in my jumpsuit, rinse off the rig (sans reserve area which i toothbrushed off and it's clean now), clean off my full face, bleach my gloves... ugh.

bytch saw the aftereffects and donated a nice trash bag or so to haul my wet gear home in. :)

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perhaps i'll teach a mud landing accuracy seminar. Today went up to sebaz and was coming in , used my rears to get just a litttttle more distance, which was a bad thing. i landed squat in teh middle of a huge slimy mud ditch, feet slid out fro underneath me, i was covered head to toe. YUCK! had to take a fully clothed shower in my jumpsuit, rinse off the rig (sans reserve area which i toothbrushed off and it's clean now), clean off my full face, bleach my gloves... ugh.

bytch saw the aftereffects and donated a nice trash bag or so to haul my wet gear home in.

yep but look at the style points you got :P That ditch loves skydivers. I saw someone miss it only to be pulled back into it by the wind lol. Hope it all came clean for you.

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Well not really.

I'd like an updated count so I know how much this is going to cost me.:$

Lisa and I were talking last Friday about this -- do we want to get a team room? It would give those who are camping a place to secure their gear and also provide a place to show videos of our kickass dz.com skydives.

Let me know your thoughts.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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while we would love exploding things - our airport management and the fine police force of Sebastian are not so found of fires and things that go boom. It would make for a very unpleasant atmosphere if we were having to deal with the police all night long. They leave us alone if we don't blow things up or race on the runway. (I know - I'm a regular to DZ's that have huge firepits, blow up paint cans and have drag races on the runway - it's a shame!)

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None of the old dz.com records got broken at the Byron Boogie. Hmmm...I'm not sure about the big way, but do we have the skills to break a 6 way hybrid? B|
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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RWS brought down a rig with the skyhook about a week ago. I jumped it - it was a lot of fun. The surprise mal was fun to try to fly, too. They said they would be bringing another one out soon with a larger reserve (since that one was a 106 and too small for most jumpers). Even if the malfunction and the cutaway itself is not a surprise or even all that exciting - it's still good practice to land a reserve canopy. There are a lot of people out there who have never jumped F-111 and could use the practice landing the reserve without all the confusion and adrenaline after a 'real' malfunction and maybe just maybe they wont pound themselves in unnecessarily when the real thing happens.

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Even if the malfunction and the cutaway itself is not a surprise or even all that exciting - it's still good practice to land a reserve canopy. There are a lot of people out there who have never jumped F-111 and could use the practice landing the reserve without all the confusion and adrenaline after a 'real' malfunction and maybe just maybe they wont pound themselves in unnecessarily when the real thing happens.

Hopefully Kolla will be able to bring some reserves that people can jump as a main....it was definitely an eye opener for me the first ride I had on a PD143(at 215 exit weight, about 210 after chopping the main).

When I was at Birdman last week, I saw a suit there that should fit you....just talk to Asaf(if he's going to be able to make it) or Ray so they can bring the right suit.


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Yeah, the cannon is too big to tote around on the bike and after a couple test fires was found to be VERY loud and reather efficent at cutting down most everything in front of it. Cool for here but I don't think the rest of the world is ready for it.
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Home of the Coconut Lounge, Spa, & Artillery Range

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.....there are a lot of people out there who have never jumped F-111 and could use the practice landing the reserve without all the confusion and adrenaline after a 'real' malfunction and maybe just maybe they wont pound themselves in unnecessarily when the real thing happens.

What a great idea Wendy!! I'll see if I can't pack some reserve demos, and after you demo the reserve, you'll fall in love with it, and buy one from Lisa. Or actually from Jack, since Lisa will be out playing :P
Get ready for hop & pops B|

Blue ones,
Blue Skies Magazine

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I can't commit to anything (until at least this time next week). But if possible I'd like to be there. :o Sebastian is high on my list of FL DZs to visit (#1 to tell the truth) and it would be really cool to meet the Bytch again (we met in Rantoul this year) as well as all the other cool DZ.COMers who will be there. I'll know more by this time next week. :P

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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