
The Bytch Boogie!

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What is the best way to get from Tampa/Zhills to Sebastian? (driving directions)


A car

Speaking of....you going for a ride this weekend Mouth? :)

You know you want to......
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I'm not as funny as Lisa, though.

It's ok, we'll still let you come. But, we still claim the right to point and snicker at your unfunniness. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Shoot straight across 60. If you see the turn for it take a left onto 512 - it only turns left off of 60. It's a little road that sneaks up on you sometime after you pass through Yeehaw junction. If you get on 512 stay on it - you'll go through the lovely town of Fellsmere (sarcasm) and then cross under 95 go about another 3.5 miles after that and you'll come to an intersection with Roseland Road. Take a left and about 3 miles you'll see the sign for Sebastian Municipal Airport turn in there and park in Skydiver Parking. IF you miss the turn for 512 just stay on 60 until you intersect with 95 - jump on 95 N for about 10 miles to the next exit (156). Go right off the exit (this is 512) and then you can follow the previous directions.

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Sure hope these damn winds shut down by tomorrow. YUCK! Beautiful blue skies and here where I am working, we have 20 mph and gusting higher.

Aww who cares......those winds don't affect ya to awful much in freefall.

See ya in about 24 hours gang!

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Yes indeedy, that's what they are doing here right now. I'm sitting here watching the flags whip around right now. I think it will still be pretty windy tomorrow but the early forcast is much better for Saturday.

But it is warm and the sky is beautiful and what an awesome crosscountry we could do. I'll do a cross country if it's this windy tomorrow if anyone is up for it. We can get out over the ocean and fly on back to the dz. (Just don't forget that you do still have to land the canopy when you get back).

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I'm game for a cross country....now where can I stick that little disposable camera to snap some bad ass pictures ;)

Hmm...now I am debating if I should take the half a day off or not.....I only work til 11:30 on Fridays and was gonna take it off but only so I could jump my ass off and see if I can FINALLY get on my head [:/]

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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Do you know what is happening tonight in Sebastian?

We will be taking over my kitchen for the jello shot making process. Oh yes, there will be much jello making going on tonight.

The fireworks are ready - it's going to be a pretty good show. It will be a lot of bang in a short period of time. If you draw it out too long - the police will come to check it out and we don't want that.

Is everyone ready? I'm making a payment to the wind gods right now so that by Saturday at least this ridiculous stuff will be gone.

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Sorry, hon, it just slipped out and my fingers typed it. I'll be a good girl...I promise. Forgive me?????

Don, you'll NEVER be as funny as I, but you can try.:P

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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Glad to hear the weather is looking good! Someone mentioned that it may be windy this weekend, does anyone know what the story is on that? (hoping, hoping, hoping for the weather to play nice!)
EDIT: See that's what I get for missing page 26 of this thread. What can I do to appease the weather gods??? Guess I'll be bringing my bike in case I get stuck on weather hold.[:/]

Oh, for anyone who is going to be tenting it on Friday night (especially if you're trying to sleep around midnight), I'm going to just apologize now. I bought a tent (cheap, but hopefully it'll work) and I can't get to Sebastian before midnight due to work. Sooo, it looks like I'll be trying to set the thing up around then using the headlights on my jeep to see. I'm not sure what's going to be louder...the tent as I set it up or me cussing at it. If I wake anyone up, sorry, but I'll make it up - come share a beer with me!

Looking forward to meeting you all and having an awesome weekend! :)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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Wendy, you are soooo right about those couches! Thanks for the offer! It'll be a lot easier for me to lay out a sleeping bag than erect a tent in the middle of the night. Cool, then I'll just go straight on to Hiram's...see you there! :)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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If you only have one more sleep until you get here - you'd better make it a good one!

Believe it or not, I am hoping to get a decent night of sleep tonight as I know sleep isn't likely to be on the menu this weekend (not with guys like SkymonkeyOne hanging around Sebastian).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Um not planning that this weekend.....was it on the schedule? Did I miss something? B|

Woo hoo....24 hours and 19 min, and my flight takes off for MCO!!!
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I know I said that I wasn't going to check this post any more, but I couldn't help myself.

You all have a great time. Be safe, and don't use the Bytch up too much. I get her the end of the month and she has to have some energy left.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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I was going through boxes in the back room last night and I found a whole box of Halloween stuff - yes, Friday is Halloween! I'm far too decorating-challenged to put them up in the store (or is that too lazy to take them down afterwards? hmmmm), but I did find seven cute little masks that can likely double as "costumes" when we head off to Hiram's.

I'm claiming the >:( one. The other 6 are up for grabs, first come first served.:D

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Yes Don, submit. This lady's knob goes to eleven.

Excuse me....I think you're looking at her VOLUME knob. :D:D


Yeah, that one too, but with Monkey ONE, and Little Miss Monkey in the house, HotMamaMonkey will be tearing up the carpets.

It should be amazingly fun and entertaining.

Supposed to rain here....


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