
The Bytch Boogie!

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Congrats my bytch, if anyone can do it, you can.

BTW, the pants look great on you. Those are sure to get you laid ;) If not laid, at least lots of hands all over you.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Drove six plus hours yesterday and had a great time. Met a buttload of people and jumped with five; Sky:ph34r:one, Katiebear21, eeneR, SkydiverBrian, PLFKing. Had a great jump and several of the things we did on that jump looked vaguely like things done during the dirt dive. Were the winds honking? I did a 270 degree riser turn and stopped dead as soon as I came out of it. Swoop? Not. Consensus winner of the "Most Likely To Wet His Pants With Excitement" award goes to CanuckinUSA, who didn't think he was going to get a Florida jump, but did. I think he said first jump at sea-level, too. Need I bold more? Congrats.

Also learned yesterday that when you set up a tent, never use the crescent wrench hammer when you need the 2X4 hammer. Skymama and Stacey have tentis envy. Truly for them, size does matter.

Will post head shots of people with as many names as I can remember. Will take a while. I am on a dial-up connection. It was either the PC-110 or a T-1 line. I have my priorities.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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We had the official Bytch Boogie film review this morning in the Zoo bar... very epic! I made a decent vidiot and promise to get a copy in some form out to all the dz.commers who PM me with their address. I guess I'm going to learn how to edit real quick 'cuz I did leave the camera on a few times!:$

Despite the high winds, the vibe here was incredible! Thanks to Keith and Jeff for an awesome free spaghetti dinner last night. Definitely good chow. Bendywendy can make jello shooters for me
ANYTIME. That girl can also set off some explosives!;) I missed her tiki bar and pool Saturday night but Jib has some great stories I'm told!:) SkymonkeyONE was killin' it as expected and left Vic a nice burnout on the deck. I think we need to engrave it with "Chuckie Blue was here!":ph34r:

Had some awesome skydives and even got the Bytch up today for some brilliant train action courtesy of Brian.B|

Life is not sucking at Sebastian!:)

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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Oh my God, I had the absolute best time in Sebastian. Yeah, we did a few skydives, but it was more the comraderie that was so awesome. I say this even though I was made fun of so many times that I can't even remember all the comments. But, I do remember my good friend, Chuckie, slinging me over his shoulder and telling me I have a fat butt. :P Let's remember that I AM taller than he is! My clevage got more attention than ever before, Jimbo is not as much of an asshole as he is on the forums and I learned the correct way to give a jello shot to someone. :) Thanks to eveyone who showed up and to all who organized things to make the weekend so much fun!

Oh yeah...I did 4 skydives too. :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Well I am home and funny thing is...I just siad bye to Katie - SkyMonkeyOne was no where to be found :( and alls I did was smell her yummy little pre-dinner perfume the whole ride home :)
It was great to meet the bunches of ya and I am anxious to see pictures and video. Of course - once again I was a party pooper and disappeared around 9 pm for my hour drive home but came back Sunday DESPITE the winds.....still desperately trying to make my head plumet toward the earth before my feet ;)

I can't wait for Eloy - this was the pre-party vibe.

Thanks to Lisa for the occasion to gather the masses and play. See everyone again soon.

Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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I so do not remember getting picked up by Jimbo and getting my butt slapped!:)

The mugshots were great. Wendy absolutely rocks and those pics do very little for how incredibly gorgeous she really is.;)

Andrea - I am still the master of the jello shots!:)

Stacy - you really made me proud with that initiation! Mama!:P

The111, Wendy, eeneR, JWVB, Bytch, RDutch, Asaf, Dagny, Bubbles, Chuck and I just came back from dinner and I think we ate ALL the food at Hiram's!:P Oh no, we left one wing and two pieces of grouper (according to The111 who's proofing this in case I'm too drunk to post)!

Life is still good at Sebastian!:)
Jimbo - how 'bout that AFF?!:P

Edited to add: Nightjumper is the absolute frickin bomb-diggity! Thanks so much. We owe you - like in prison!;)

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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My ass got a lot of attention.

Hmmm...could that have anything to do with the fact that you kept bending over and asking people to spank your ass? It's allll on video. :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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