
Five-star or hostel?

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I am presently cultivating some contacts because I want to change jobs, and one person I spoke to told me that one of his interview questions was always, "when you travel for pleasure, how do you go about it?" and he gave me the options above.

Having spend quite a bit of time "sowing my wild oats" and travelling on a budget, I picked the back-pack answer, because I honestly can't stand to be "pampered" surrounded by a bunch of plastic wannabes around a pool... He smiled and told me to e-mail him my resume ASAP. :)
So I'm curious to find out who travels how in this motley crew....


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I also voted for the backpack option. If I'm gonna travel, I don't have to be pampered. I want to see everything that is possible for me. Went to Europe a couple years back, backpacked half the time so I could travel more, see more & carry less. Had a great time doin itB|

I should add the first week in Europe was at a 5 star hotel, but the last week in Europe was a backpack adventure.
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I also voted for the backpack option. If I'm gonna travel, I don't have to be pampered. I want to see everything that is possible for me. Went to Europe a couple years back, backpacked half the time so I could travel more, see more & carry less. Had a great time doin itB|

Been to Europe several times and backpacking is the way to go. Saves you cash to spend on traveling and you meet cool people. What more could you want?

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If I'm paying for it, cheap as possible.

I used to travel quite a bit for a previous company, the avg night at a hotel was $200. This was really typical for anyone though. Our company had a deal with Four Seasons for a corp rate of $149, so this Fortune 100 company never had a problem. I never had anything rejected from an expense report.

Just depends on how often you have to travel, IMO.

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I also voted for the backpack option. If I'm gonna travel, I don't have to be pampered. I want to see everything that is possible for me. Went to Europe a couple years back, backpacked half the time so I could travel more, see more & carry less. Had a great time doin itB|


I did the cheap hotels, backpack and camping.... Now, if in a city, I'd rather a nice small hotel, but not too expensive.

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Not to sound like a wimp but i chose 5-star. I work hard enough if I am taking a break from work, I spend the money and go to a nice place where I can just chillax all day. However most places that I choose provide quite a few activities, or go into the town(or village or whatever is there) and spend a good part of the day there.

Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.

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I meant staying at five-star resort but having the option of getting out and seeing your surroundings and not be wholly committed to resort activities all the time.

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I've only stayed in a five star a couple of times. I rather enjoyed it, especially since the price was good.

I do not expect much. This may be due to the fact that Ive stayed in Army barracks, and even racked out in a pup tent on a freaking swamp whilst trying to avoid mosquitoes. Very little is too bad for me.

Still, on my last trip to SF, I booked a cheap room at the Howard Johnson's next to the Courthouse. I arrived at about 11:00 at night and saw the place. "FUCK THAT!" came to mind and I found a Holiday Inn Express by Chinatown.

Two or three stars is fine. I don't mind it. Camping is fine. I dont' mind it.

Five Stars is great when I can afford it. But, my honey loves the nice places. I'll be in those more often.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I stay in 5-star hotels only under protest.

It drives my crazy having all these goddamned syncophants fawning over me, and I tend to snap at them. They don't like it, I don't like it, and we all breathe a sigh of relief when I leave.

My only fixed requirement is being able to shower daily. As long as I can stay clean, I'll put up with a lot.

Blue skies,


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Shower daily is good. . .other than that, I really don't care. . .it depends on my budget and what I am doing. Since I tend to be a no frills kinda gal.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
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My last trip to London involved two hostels. The first had a curtain on the bathroom window that only covered half at a time. You basically got to choose which buildings across the street saw you taking a bath. :$

Hostels are cool though. I have met quite a few interesting people hanging in the TV room or the closest bar. :D

D.T. Holder

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trip # 2 backpacking around Europe - including Eurail pass, plane tix and also plane tix from Athens to Samos (Greek island) and back, then Athens to Rome, food, hostels, entertainment, alcohol, etc. was 1523$. Lonely Planet was the primary guide book but Rick Steves' guide books were also helpful.

Edit to add - Trip length: 21 days

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I've done the 'travel on a budget' thing a few times. Cheap hotels / hostels, rail passes, inexpensive meals and simple pleasures. It was all great.

But now-a-days I can afford the nicer hotels and the good meals. I'd much rather go that route. I'd still try to save money where I can and find good deals - but I enjoy and appreciate the extra luxuries as well as the simple pleasures. I don't consider myself plastic just because I choose the finer things. I've earned it. :)

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I go for something kinda in the middle.

I went on a cruise once. was bored out of my mind. Nothing to do but wander a big boat and see lame-o shows. :(

In Ireland, we stayed in Hostels and B&Bs, had a very loose itinerary (sp??) and probably had a budget of around 60 Euro per day, including car rental. we had a lot of fun.

However, I also don't mind doing the live out of a backpack and rough it stuff either. I volunteer on a dinosaur excavation with a paleontologist friend of mine every chance I get, and that's two weeks in the middle of nowhere living on mac and cheese with no hot water. and I have a great time!

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Stay FAR away from the Hotel Pennsylvania (right next door to the big Macys). I stayed there when my choir was singing at Carnegie.

It looks nice from the outside... but...

we had exposed wiring hanging out of our ceiling. The boys found moldy french fries under one of their beds. one of the elevators, instead of taking you to the floor you requested, would drop several floors down into the basement and open up to a cement vault door with a tiny window that you could see the subway through, and then take you up to your floor. The staff were rude. The whole experience was awful enough to prompt some of the guys to write a song called "The Pennsylvania 6-5000 Hotel Blues"

do NOT stay there.

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I'm a hostel guy;) Not always because it's less expensive, But because I always meet like minded adventurous people at hostels. When I travel I favor the Lonely planet guide books too because somettimes there are better places than your typical hostel that meet my same requirements.

I've spent a few weeks traveling in 5 star resorts and hotels in Africa and it left me feeling like I hadn't really experienced what I was there for. I spent another month and a half backpacking much of the same area and had ten times the funB|

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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would drop several floors down into the basement and open up to a cement vault door with a tiny window that you could see the subway through,

CoooooolB|.... sounds like a bonus to me! "The Pennsylvania, Featuring a private tour of New Yorks hidden underground!":D

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Speaking of which...

Does anyone have any hotel recomendation in New York City? As central as possible, and kinda nice without costing a fortune.

Depending on how many days, Ramada New Yorker, Radisson - Lexington, Wellington or the Metropolitan. I personally like the Radisson, but they all range from 90-150 a night and close to everything in Manhattan.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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