
Do Europeans have a death wish?

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Are you saying that you need a qualification 1st to do freefly, and then you are not allowed to go head down until you get the next freefly quali ?

Jesus, next you'll need SOT1 before you can take a crap in your jumpsuit (Shit On Toilette 1). :P

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You list all of these things as if just because we don't have a regulation, we don't do it. I've only been jumping for 2 years but this is what I've seen. The things you point out are simply not problems. People who want to learn freeflying jump solo to get up their skills before jumping with more experienced jumpers. As I said in an earlier post. What you do by regulation, we do by habit.

Wear a helmet?
1 in 50 jumpers, usually old salts.

Wear an alti?
Rare for someone to not have an alti plus two audibles.

Wear shoes?
Rare. I've only seen one visiting Euro jumper do this. I did it once and didn't see the point.

Carry a hook knife?
Most carry one, I carry four.

Get a pin check?

Have an “A” licence or above to jump?
Must be one hell of a ground school to be able to get an "A" license before you jump. We have the restriction that you can only jump with instructors and coaches until A.

Get a specific qualification for to jump with others?
"A" license.

Get a specific qualification to do Freeflying?
Peer coaching.

Get a specific qualification to do HD?
Peer coaching.

Get a specific qualification to do CRW?
Peer coaching.

Get a specific qualification to do Skysurfing?
I know nothing about this.

Have at least 100 jumps and B licence before jumping anything other than a pro-tec?
Why? Because other helmets are so inferior? Also, mostly old salts wear frap hats.

Have at least 200 and C licence before jumping camera?
That's about when anyone jumps camera anyway.

Have at least 1000 jumps for a D licence?
What's the point? What do you get with a D license that you need so much skill for?

Have a specified number of jumps before landing in the accuracy area?
DZ's restrict swoop areas and hazardous areas basd on the jumper's license.

Carry out flight line checks?

Be licensed to perform a flight line check?
Nope. Why? It's not like the AFF students do it.

No. We know that is takes x amount of time to get to alitude so when that time is up the we open the door and jump.:)
Be licensed to spot?
Would YOU trust a spot from an unlicensed jumper. We don't either.
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yup, must have FF1 before attempting head down:

a. Fly in a controlled sit/stand position
b. Control fall rate in a sit/stand position
c. Control forward/backward movement in a sit/stand position
d. Control turns in both directions in a sit/stand position
e. Fly relative to others in a sit/stand position
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Do Europeans have a death wish?

Not even in the same league as this guy.....

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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I thought it was a minimum of 50 jumps required though not a B licence. Am I wrong?

from memory - you need CCI permissoin and B licence. B licence is 50 jumps and IC1

So even if u have >50 jumps and no CCI permission and no IC1 - you can't jump a full face
Connextion: British 8 Way Team

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I know most of the things I posted are done by custom in the US. Im not trying to join in the slanging match, just point out that the inference that european jumpers are less safty concious is simply rediculous.

Over and above that I would say that in my experiance (and yes I have jumped in the states) US jumpers do not have anything like the system we do over here for signed off flight line checks involving all kit, dedicated jump masters who's resp it is to tell you what the exit order is or worries over jumping with others. You point to A licence as the requirement for jumping with others - we have a specific licence called Formation Skydiving 1 where jumpers have to demonstrate specific skills with a view to being competent enough not to kill everyone else - same goes for freeflying.

Remember, my intention was not to say that american jumpers/system is less safe, merely to defend the suggestion that european jumpers are.

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its cos the actual rule is "hard shell helmet" ie b4 then you must wear a pro-tec (if you ignore those crappy gaths). If you can land accuratly you ought to be able to do so without biffing in every other landing like the average student does.

so if you can land all nice - you can wear a helmet that doesnt offer the best protection available

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I agree, it all about common sense.

But one person's common sense might differ from someone else'. A low turn might be conceived as completely safe by one instructor, and as completely mad by another. With a regulation you can expect the same treatment from everyone. NO hook turns with less than 500 jumps. No room for personal interpretation there! And I think there really shouldn't be any room for it. As soon as you leave that crack in the door open, people will get hurt!

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Z1, soft touch black :-(

Bloody good point though, I reckon they must have it the wrong way around. If you can land in a specified area then you will be nice and safe and won't need the full face but if you can't land where you want then you might very well need the full face!!!!!:ph34r:B|;)

Better get some hop n pops done then I suppose to get it out of the way - at this rate I'll have my B licence for about a week before I get my C licence!

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More to the point, IMHO the potential danger with full faces (particularly in a UK winter) is the fact that they can mist or even ice over. This does happen less with Z1s than some other brands but can still happen. A certain amount of experience is required to deal with that situation, particularly if the helmet does not have a flip up visor.

Another potential (and real) problem with full face helmets, is that you go from being able to easily see your cutaway and reserve handles with an open face helmet to being almost unable to see them with a full face.

To me, a more sensible full-face requirement would be 100 jumps and successfully completed suspended harness drills wearing such a helmet.


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its cos the actual rule is "hard shell helmet" ie b4 then you must wear a pro-tec (if you ignore those crappy gaths).

what about the bonehead range? surely they're a hard shell?
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hey you 7-jump-wonder - watch your lingo! euthanize is definitely not a word to use in a joking manner >:(

you stirred 'nuff shit - why dont you go 'n play hide 'n seek with yo'self?
The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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