
How did your Valentines plans turn out?

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Good and bad!
My wife came out to the DZ and did her first Tandem...and after saying she was glad she did it, especially since I spend so much time doing it, but once was enough for her:( Oh well...
Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for lost faith in ourselves.
-Eric Hoffer -
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well, i intended to jump my ass off during the day, go to a wedding and get really drunk at the reception.

Now what ACTUALLY happened, no jumped what so ever..rain....30 minutes before the wedding we are all still sitting in the school watching SWAT on satelite. 15 minutes before the wedding i finally get in my car adn drive the 30 seconds to my house, shave, get dressed, and back to the DZ right on time. Some how became the offical wedding video guy. Didnt get drunk, watched everyone else get drunk and have fun. But i did manage to get a few dances in with a couple beautiful women there.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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I slept late and hung around in my pjs until I got bored and went for a drive.Came home to find my acceptance letter to SHSU in the mail and shared the news with my very ecstatic family.Post whored a bit.Went back out to treat myself in celebration of getting into my #1 college choice, so I bought myself some chocolate, fresh peaches and honey to drizzle over them (yummy!) a bottle of champagne and a cute charm bracelet.After arriving home I lounged around, enjoying my treats (and some chocolate cake my mom made for me) and finished up by watching a movie and getting into a good book.

I tried not to get bummed by seeing all the cute couples out and about, reminding me of how alone I've been...*sigh* it was definitely a day of mixed emotions.

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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well not the best but lol thats just my luck...ok so the girl im only talking to ...thus im not stressing just found it funny...well she took a job she well hates ...tryed to wait it out for a better one but bit the bullet needin cash and started work two days befour v-day ...TACO BELL ...let mne tell you she was thrilled so anyways as we all know im laid up with a broken back so hell im not much fun except b.s. here with ...some might even object to that ...hehe...so know she hates the job and well its her second day back and it her b and v-day all wrapped ... i desided to embarise the hell out of here and have two dozen roses dilivered to her work taco hell....... so they get there at like 1pm she gets off at around 4 and i dont here from her all night till the next morning ...knowing she just turning 21 was gonna get ripped... i didnt think much of it ..talk to her the next day ..well just got done talking to her ..asked how the day went ..she says you really want to know ..im like heck yeah ill love to here how your day went ...she tells me well your roses wernt the only one i got ..i laughed ..she like i had a date .. i was like cool cool ...kinda bumed out but whats a cripple to do you know...so trying to make light of it so she couldnt tell i was bumed ...i was like so you got three dozen roses man oh man i bet there is a bounch of ladies that didnt get any that would love to kick you but ..hehe ...she says to me well. no i didnt .... not regestering i say what.. she replys nah i got six dozen .... i guess the two i got her, the dozen the guy got her that took her out that night, plus the dozen her dad got her.... well ok that makes four .....im like where did the other two come from ...she says well these other two guys that i talk to each got me a dozen ....who also like my self sat alone on v day not knowin she was on a date ... i guess im the only one that has a clue of the rest...
i laughed so hard .... when did the women learn to play our game so well fellas

im such a sucker...:$

i used to do alot of things ....skydiving wont be one of them :)

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she tells me well your roses wernt the only one i got ..i laughed ..she like i had a date

I'm sorry, but what a bitch. She should have been more honest upfront. The way she said it was just like she wanted to get some sort of reaction from you or make you jealous...I don't know. She just needs attention. You are probably best without her.

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she tells me well your roses wernt the only one i got ..i laughed ..she like i had a date

I'm sorry, but what a bitch. She should have been more honest upfront. The way she said it was just like she wanted to get some sort of reaction from you or make you jealous...I don't know. She just needs attention. You are probably best without her.

he well thanks for the support i agree and you right im always best with out its when my game is at its strongest ...just makes for a cold lonely night ..

i used to do alot of things ....skydiving wont be one of them :)

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How Did Your Night Go?

Mine was pretty awesome! Dinner was just right. Hubby won $540 gambling, The Coasters Rocked that place, and My hubby and I danced together and had a blast. we had so much fun.Our night was fantastic!:)

Magical....best v-day I have EVER had!!!

We had champagne and read poems to each other along with plenty of snuggling and cuddling....

Scars remind us that the past is real

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I drank enough caffeine to keep me awake long enough to hang draperies. I also found out a few things: tape measures and pencils really do work, predrilling holes is preferable to stripping screws, and pipe cutters do *not* work on 1 and 1/4 inch wooden curtain rods.
God. I'm such a romantic.

Hey, I fixed shit too! I was doing it at the dropzone though. Heres what I learned this weekend:
-All building projects are easier with more "safety" beer
-Shoveling snow off the turnabout where the plane is parked sucks
-you sometimes do need instructions to build ikea-like furniture
-Shoveling snow off the turnabout where the plane is parked sucks
-Any tool can be the right tool
-Shoveling snow off the turnabout where the plane is parked sucks
-Sometimes, complicated isnt good. There is always an easier (and more obvious) way to do something, than the way you are trying
-Did I mention that shoveling snow sucks?
The weekend was still good though, we got to do our pre-second loads of the year (Nov. 30/03 was the last time anybody jumped there)

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Let's see...

Started it out with no plans...:|
Accepted an offer to go bowling with some friends that evening...:P
Ended up naked in a hot tub with 2 women for 5 hours...:)

Yeah, it went pretty well for having not had any plans! ;)

Yeah, it's fine, we'll walk down the line. Leave our rain, a cold trade for warm sunshine
You my friend, I will defend... and if we change, well, I love you anyway

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Let's see...

Started it out with no plans...:|
Accepted an offer to go bowling with some friends that evening...:P
Ended up naked in a hot tub with 2 women for 5 hours...:)

Yeah, it went pretty well for having not had any plans! ;)

uh do you honestly think you can just say something like that and not fill in any details?
Care to expand in exteme graphic details please and thanks in advance.

"Skydiving is a door"

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lets see . . . I ended up sitting at home, watching Star-Search - and talking on the phone to Sunshine as she was playing in the Pub. :| Eventfull to say the least - Eh?:S:P
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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lets see . . . I ended up sitting at home, watching Star-Search - and talking on the phone to Sunshine as she was playing in the Pub. Eventfull to say the least - Eh

Talking to me makes everything awesome!! And you got to hear me be rude to a customer while i was at work saturday afternoon...hehe. "I'm on break!!" :D


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Mine was super duper.....My guy was home from a business trip, I made 5 coach jumps with Dave Brown, from the Skyvan, with my new Sabre2-135 on my 1 year anniversary (from making my first AFF). And I got a BONUS surprise....See attached....

Then on the way home from the DZ when we could not get into any resteraunt for miles, we stopped and got Wendy's ;) then sat on the living room floor, eating and cuddling and watching video from days jumps....PERFECT!


Dreams become reality, one choice at a time...

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My plan was a quiet night, order Chinese in, and rest.

Instead, about 2:30, the plumbing conked out - flooded my potty, tub, and floor; the plumbers came about 5ish, and spent over an hour fixing the problems....and they made so much noise the cats got scared and peed on the floor. And then I checked my wallet and realized it did not have any cash in it for dinner.

So instead of quiet and Chinese, I cleaned up cat pee, a filthy bathroom, and reheated a blechy frozen chicken pot pie.

Sigh...some days, it's just not worth getting out of bed.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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My plan was a quiet night, order Chinese in, and rest.

Instead, about 2:30, the plumbing conked out - flooded my potty, tub, and floor; the plumbers came about 5ish, and spent over an hour fixing the problems....and they made so much noise the cats got scared and peed on the floor. And then I checked my wallet and realized it did not have any cash in it for dinner.

So instead of quiet and Chinese, I cleaned up cat pee, a filthy bathroom, and reheated a blechy frozen chicken pot pie.

Sigh...some days, it's just not worth getting out of bed.


Yep - some days chicken - some days Feathers. Sorry you had a bad one - at least you didn't have to watch Star Search with Arsenio Hall.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Instead, about 2:30, the plumbing conked out - flooded my potty, tub, and floor; the plumbers came about 5ish, and spent over an hour fixing the problems....and they made so much noise the cats got scared and peed on the floor. And then I checked my wallet and realized it did not have any cash in it for dinner.

Cheese and Rice Michele! I thought my V Day kinda sucked. You make me feel much better.....if that makes you feel any better. :D Big hugs!!!

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My plan was a quiet night, order Chinese in, and rest.

Instead, about 2:30, the plumbing conked out - flooded my potty, tub, and floor; the plumbers came about 5ish, and spent over an hour fixing the problems....and they made so much noise the cats got scared and peed on the floor. And then I checked my wallet and realized it did not have any cash in it for dinner.

So instead of quiet and Chinese, I cleaned up cat pee, a filthy bathroom, and reheated a blechy frozen chicken pot pie.

Sigh...some days, it's just not worth getting out of bed.


Plumbers...on Valentines day? That's has porno in the making.......bowchickabowbow.

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I accidently booked flights home to see my folks that weekend, boycotting icky nasty valentines day and spent hours walking the dogs up on the hills on a gorgeous sunny day and kept getting text messages from cute boys saying Happy Valentine's Day so it wasn't all bad :)

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