
Best Screenname and where did it come from???

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No interesting story here.....Was just trying to be creative in naming my video consession. Come to find out afterwards that there is a REAL company called Visionair that deals in communications.:( Ah well.

Huh?!? What cloud?!? Oh that!!! That's just Industrial Haze
Alex M.

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Day-um...she falls really fast!!!" Such has been the quote uttered from every instructor/coach I have ever flown with.

Blah Blah Blah Blah.....

quit jumping with FLOATYBUTTS:P

But my dear Amazon, it seems that I am surrounded by floaty-butts...:(

Except big Rob! Me likes jumpy with big Rob. Me NO jumpy with little Rob/aka 'Mr. Feather'.

But when I get my suit made, I'm good for everyone!!! :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Mine's a rather boring one I'm afraid..

souleh being short for the original version, soulchylde. I was in one of those deep and meaningful moods, your "soul child" being your personality or something. Yes yes, I agree, it made far more sense back then.. so now it just gets shortened. Plus nobody can remember the full ver, so I tend to get 'souleh' yelled at me.. :S It stuck, voi la. Though people seem to pronounce it 'soul EH', when it's souly, which kinda annoys me :P:P:D

'buttplugs? where?' - geno

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I'm afraid I'm gonna have to call BULLSHIT on this one!

I have to go with Kel on this.....even as tiny as she is, Lisa can easily be heard over the roar of a CASA on take-off. :)

Best Screenname and where did it come from???

I originally wanted "Jessica", but it was already being used. :(

My birth name was Patrick Leahy Francis King, Jr....I took my stepdad's name in HS. Started jumping at age 40, found out what a PLF was (and that I was damn good at it) :)

"When in doubt I whip it out,
I got me a rock-and-roll band.
It's a free-for-all."

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I have absolutely no idea. LOL It isn't like I'm loud or anything.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to call BULLSHIT on this one! ;)

Love ya, chica! When you gonna come jump with us again? :)

BUSTED...dang, well don't tell all ok?

Travis and I hope to be out this weekend sometime as I'm having fits to jump. Being on the ground this long is effecting me.[:/]

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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My name came after trying 50 or so diff names the 1st time I ever went online(battlenet)....got pissed off and used the 1st 3 letters from both 1st and last names.....now its my screen name for everything online and most ppl in R/L refer to me as DeN.(or assholeB|)

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Well, my REAL occupation for 26 years was as a violin maker. So my REAL screen name is Ofiddle
but because I am SO PURE when I am at the WFFC, (HA) I am Snowwhite. It is also because of all of the dwarfs who like to hang with me there. BTW. above my bed is a mural my son painted of snow, and the seven.

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Bwahahahahahahahahaha!!! As I explained while I was in Lake Wales a couple of weeks ago...

A taxi-way, Navigator 260 (in a gigantic Javelin that was too big for me...:S), and me on AFF=

Road Rash...teehee...:ph34r:...That was my first skydiving related injury...B|
Fly the friendly skies...^_^...})ii({...^_~...

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I choose my screen name because my home DZ is Skydive City. I've never had to jump out of anything less than a an Otter and I've never had to try to land on anything less than the acres and acres provided there. I went to Harvest Moon boogie and only made one jump because the landing area just wasn't big enough. I've only jumped from a Cessna once just to say I've done it. Because of this, I consider myself a spoiled little skybrat. I had to add 68 because someone else had just skybrat. BTW, has anyone ever seen just plain skybrat post cos I haven't.

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I have absolutely no idea. LOL It isn't like I'm loud or anything. :D:D:D:D:D


the first time i met her, every one in the bar heard her.....over all the talking adn the TV and the music

"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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The T-Shirt read: No shit there I was, thought I was going to die ... .

I love your sig line...... I remember using that same line 20 years ago while in the Air Force......Ha!!

Well, anyway where did Beerlight come from? After flying the last load, I was always asking if the DZO had turned the beerlight ON! classic huh?

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I am married to Streaker 574, and he has absolutely the BEST name and story, but it is a little long to tell this time of night. It has to do with us, a college class and his nakedness. I'll tell it tomorrow. It is a classic, and underscores his bravery.

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My screen name is derived from my real name and that of a character on NBC's "Friends" - one of Monica's old boyfriends who everyone called "Fun Bobby." I had been called that in years past in other circles, and then a couple of gals at the DZ started referring to me that way after witnessing my antics on the DZ and out in town.

The name just kinda stuck....


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There are some good stories here.

I'm Jarcie for my initials, JRC. When I was in junior high, some friends and I were playing around making names out of our initials. We came up with "Jarcie" for me (it was better than "jerk," which could also be a perversion of JRC). No one calls me Jarcie, but since both my first and last names are so common, sometimes I use it as a user name. But I can't always get it. Believe it or not, there are other Jarcies. :S

I think my most creative votes go to NoShitThereIWas and Crapflinger2000. B|

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Personally, I like mine the best....except for perhaps skybytch or gravity guy. Dont you just love Ren and Stimpy and POWDERED TOAST MANNNNNNNNNNNNN! He flies backwards and farts a lot I think.....been a long time since I have seen the show. GravityGod@aol.com aint to bad either.

*****Powderd-Toast-Man!!!!!***** "Quick, hang tenaciously to my buttocks!"

:D:D Love that show. Spike was showing it for a while. Haven't seen it recently.

Anyway, Gawain is a Knight of the Round table...mine specifically inspired by the Poem "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". B|
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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When I first logged on, I tried a series of what I thought were clever usernames. But each one was already in use. I finally decided to just use my last name knowing there wouldn't be a duplicate. I would change it to something more creative, but I've been here so long it would be a pain in the ass re-introducing myself.



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