
Expensive speeding ticket...

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I did a search and just found an article about this being in place. Here is the actually ticket...

HELSINKI, Finland (AP) - Police gave a record $216,900 speeding ticket to a millionaire under a system in which traffic fines are linked to an offender's income.
The Iltalehti tabloid reported that millionaire Jussi Salonoja zoomed through the city center last weekend in a 25 mph zone and police handed him a ticket of $216,900. It didn't say what his speed was.
The fine was based on information they got directly from the income-tax office, the Tuesday report said.
Salonoja, 27, could not be reached for comment, and police declined to discuss the alleged speeding incident until it reaches the Helsinki Regional Court at a later date.
Although it's the costliest ticket to date, it's not the first with a big price tag.
Two years ago, Anssi Vanjoki, then executive vice president of Nokia's mobile phones division, landed a $148,000 ticket after being caught doing 46 mph in a 31 mph zone on a motorcycle.
It was later lowered to about $7,500 after he showed a court that his income had dropped, but not before Finns flew into a rage over the high fine. But, after weeks of Parliament debates, discussions on TV shows and expressions of disgust in the media, Finns did nothing and the system remained.
Other hefty speeding tickets have included a $71,000 one for a professional hockey player and one for $190,000 given to one of Finland's wealthiest people
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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At least this way, you can get the attention of rich people who, because they can afford the ticket, think the law doesn't apply to them.

$200,000 will get anyone's attention, no matter how rich they are! ;)
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"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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the most I ever paid was $496
Iv'e never gone over 165 on Public HWY on my bike.....nor do I intend to.
JUst glad to still be here.[:/]
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