
What does a kiss pass mean?

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Here's one of mine i have posted in my personal gallery.

Oh, its only a skydiving picture. I thought, well, it was noted as a "Personal Gallery" Just thinking that you wre going to share ;)

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Its really nice when your SO shares the sky with you.


Yah, I agree.

me too. :)

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Awwww....now you're being sweet. I don't know how to deal with that. That was a VERY fun jump....Thank you sweety!

As much as we joke around and insult each other, you know i love you like a brother.:)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Sweetie I'm sorry but it doesn't mean anything. It's all just....ya know.....pillow talk baby. :D:D:D:D:D Wow, I'm REALLY not funny. ;):P

ANYWAY, ask Sunshine, she's a true skyslut, and proud of it. How many you have now sunny?? ;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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I've been hearing different opinions about this, and I'm just curious. Skydivers, what does a kiss pass mean to you?

it means your pregnant.

btw .. i am vallerina kiss pass victim #30, i think. the girl gets around.
namaste, motherfucker.

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So are you pregnant, Sky? :o Have you and Vallerina discussed names yet? Started saving for the baby's education? :)
Also, I think there are some threads in the Women Only forum about jumping while you're pregnant, if you're wondering when to stop... ;)

Congratulations! :)

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I think a kiss pass is a sign of fun and friendship. It's an expression of appreciation for sharing the experience.

And... I agree, it is a sign of confidence in each others skill level. Such a fine feeling. Brings anyone closer.

This is my first and I didn't see it coming!!...
guess that makes him SQ#1:)
Dr. "Q" PMS#151Shugah,Shugah,How'd Ya Git So Fly?

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I think a kiss pass is a sign of fun and friendship. It's an expression of appreciation for sharing the experience.

And... I agree, it is a sign of confidence in each others skill level. Such a fine feeling. Brings anyone closer.

That's my favorite answer so far!

And congratulations on your first post! :)
I'm learning a lot here. Please keep the answers coming, if you have something to say... ;)

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Here's a little poem I wrote tonight. Sorry if you think it sucks.

The Kiss

Smiles stretched across the face
With a few miles to fly through,
Rolls and twists riding the waves of
Atmosphere lost in airplane's trails,
Line of whuffos attached to
Veterans waiting for their next fix.

The kiss was everything. The kiss was
worth every last drop of sweat. The kiss
is finding enlightenment in the total
moment of ecstasy. The kiss is known by
few, and they hold on to it as a precious
event finding time at its fullest. The kiss is my existence.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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