
Looking for new rig

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Hey guys. I'm off student status an now have my "A" license. I'm in the market for a new rig. I have looked at the mirage g4 an javelin oddessey. I've read pros an cons on both an they seem pretty equal. I guess since I've read up on both I'm looking for your guys opinions. Preferably from g4 and oddessey owners. Thanks

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What narrowed your choices to just those?

Are you intending to buy a new container?

Do you know how to spell the word "and"? :D

People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Have you read any of the articles from this list regarding containers?


That is a good place to start to increase your knowledge.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Are you intending to buy new?

What negatives about the V3? Don't trust the reviews to give you a full range of opinions about anything.

Why not the other mfgs?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Some of the negatives I have read were stitching coming unraveled, the rig moving all over your back during freefly, uncomfortable in legs and shoulder under canopy. There are probaly a few more not mentioned. At my dz I've talked to both g4 owners and javelin owners an both had great things to say about there rigs with little to no negatives on both g4 and oddessey

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i'm VERY comfortable with my V3, and it sits firm on my back as well; no stitching undone as of yet, and i have the smallest size for my canopies.. so it's pretty tight in there!

edit: typo
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Choosing to purchase a new container is the least of your worries when it comes to purchasing new gear. This is due, pretty much to all the new containers being very, very good. Leaving IMO not a lot to choose between them baring luxury options and personal colour choices. Vector, Javelin, Mirage, Icon, Wings, Voodoo, Velocity, TSE etc, etc....
So really it all boils down to cost, waiting time, customer service. (Assuming a correct measurement and a correct fit).
And whether or not you choose to listen to whatever rumours, hearsay and other rubbish people generally spout whenever they justify their container choice against others. I for one have a Vector Micron, I have also owned TSE, Wings and a Javelin. They were all excellent!
Whenever I get asked as to what container to choose I say exactly as I've just posted.
They are all good!

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Some of the negatives I have read were stitching coming unraveled, the rig moving all over your back during freefly, uncomfortable in legs and shoulder under canopy. There are probaly a few more not mentioned. At my dz I've talked to both g4 owners and javelin owners an both had great things to say about there rigs with little to no negatives on both g4 and oddessey

A very high percentage of people will say great things about their rig, especially if they bought it new. That might mean that people have a bit of their ego tied up in their equipment, and want to confirm their wisdom that led to spending $2k+, or it could just mean that you are likely to have good results with a rig that is made to your measurements that hasn't been abused by someone else. I think it is a bit of both.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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And your absolutely correct. I guess it kinda comes down to personal preferance. As of custom designs, patterns, and colors I visited all 3 manufacture websites an designed a container and all 3 have awesome colors and patterns to choose from. But I'm not big on the flashy fancy containers. I like to keep it simple. On the other hand $ isn't a issue. Can't put a price on saftey if you ask me

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Some of the negatives I have read were stitching coming unraveled, the rig moving all over your back during freefly, uncomfortable in legs and shoulder under canopy. There are probaly a few more not mentioned. At my dz I've talked to both g4 owners and javelin owners an both had great things to say about there rigs with little to no negatives on both g4 and oddessey


Be very cautious of online gear reviews, especially slander. As the posters above me have pointed out, almost all current design containers are great.

Let me address a few of your concerns, as to give a little bit of insight on why people might complain and how it's most likely, user-error, poor maintenance, or simply the owner "living" with their purchase.

- All containers may have stitching unravel over time. This is usually caused by stuffing too big of a canopy into the container, which causes unnecessary stress on the flaps. Too big of a canopy can also lead to broken stiffener plastic or damage to the flaps around the grommet as the user stresses the fabric while closing. If you stick to what the manufacturer recommends for canopy sizing, this is generally a non-issue. Another common cause of stitch ravelling is mishandling the container. Dragging it along the ground while packing (stowing lines) can take its toll. Also, if the harness is incorrectly sized for the jumper, it can also cause undue stress to junctions, which can lead to broken stitches. Everything I've mentioned above, I consider user-error and not a strike against the manufacturer.

- The other 2 concerns about the rig moving around your back and/or discomfort under canopy, tell me that the harness is not the correct size for the jumper. The most common jumper remark is that "But the rig was custom tailored to my measurements!". Even so, manufacturers use your measurements as a guide, it's still an educated guess in the end. When you get your new rig, put a dozen or so jumps on it. If it's a little loose here, or a little tight there, dont just live with it! Tell the manufacturer ASAP and give them a chance to make it right for you. Most are willing to do the first harness resize for free, so long as you let them know right away, and not like a year later. So again, I chalk that up to user-error.

I don't have any input on either of the rigs you are considering, but both rigs are popular, and I'm sure it's for a reason. Good luck!
I have proof-read this post 500 times, but I guarantee you'll still manage to find a flaw.

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Something else you might add in your research is the input from your local riggers and packers. They see all kinds of gear and can provide their opinions regarding how they would rank the various products.

...and then BUY a Racer! B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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[reply Hey guys. I'm off student status an now have my "A" license. I'm in the market for a new rig. I have looked at the mirage g4 an javelin oddessey. I've read pros an cons on both an they seem pretty equal. I guess since I've read up on both I'm looking for your guys opinions. Preferably from g4 and oddessey owners. Thanks

you'll do good on pretty much any new container, i would go with mirage for personal preference of the tuck tab being up and i don't like racers because of other reasons but you can't go wrong with them either
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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Which tuck tab are you talking about? Risers? Reserve pin cover? Main pin cover?

Why do you like the tuck tab being up?

oops sorry, i was talking about the main. i like it mostly for the asthestic reasons and i feel it would offer better pin protection (for me) my next rig is going to be a wings or a mirage for that reason
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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Here's a question for you. You are a late diver and as you rush out the door of the AC, your rig rubs against the top of the door frame. Your upward tuck main pin flap gets pushed down as you exit. Your main pin is also packed pointing up. So as the flap gets pushed down, the pin gets pushed with it. Is this the best protection. Rigs that have a secure bottom tuck prevent this from happening.

Become educated about what can go wrong to help you make your decisions. There are positives and negatives to every choice.
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ere's a question for you. You are a late diver and as you rush out the door of the AC, your rig rubs against the top of the door frame. Your upward tuck main pin flap gets pushed down as you exit. Your main pin is also packed pointing up. So as the flap gets pushed down, the pin gets pushed with it. Is this the best protection. Rigs that have a secure bottom tuck prevent this from happening.

Become educated about what can go wrong to help you make your decisions. There are positives and negatives to every choice.

i see your point, i bet there are some ways a downward flap could become dislodged to. just have to see what works for you
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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i feel it would offer better pin protection (for me)

just have to see what works for you

No offence pal, but in this case your mom wasn't right, you're not special. There is no 'works better for you' or 'works better for me' when it comes to pin protection. It's out of your control, and every pin is along for the same ride and exposed to the same hazzards regardless of who the jumper is.

A specific harness geometry, or certain length of riser are things that work differently for different people, but a pin cover is not one of them.

If you spend too much time focusing on irrelevant things, you're going to miss something that really is important. Pin protection is important, but the performance is not related to you or any other jumper. it is what it is for all involved.

Another pitfall common to new jumpers is forming very 'firm' opinions on gear, or really any area of skydiving. There are ten safe, valid ways to do 95% of skydiving related activities, and to come to a solid conclusion without investigating most of them risks missing out on something that might be better than what you prematurely elect as your top dog. Don't do that.

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i respectfully disagree, sometimes my legs get really sore in the plane and how i move towards the door is sometimes different than others (drags bottom across floor). so in this case it works better for me
Look out for the freefly team, Smelly Peppers. Once we get a couple years more experience we will be a force to be reckoned with in the near future! BLUES!

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