
Happy 93rd to the Gipper

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I'll wish a happy birthday to Uncle Ronnie. It's amazing, you know. My mom handled her mother's decline and death far easier than she is handling Reagan's slow and terrible demise.

Sadly, I greatly suspect this will be his last. [:/]

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Alshimer's is a crual diease. It robs you of your family members, and them of their dignaty, and all you can do is just sit, watch, and hurt. I know, it is happening to my dad as we speak :( No cure, and the end result is death. :( I feel for anyone that has a family member that has this dreaded diease. [:/]
To put your life in danger from time to time ... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities.

--Nevil Shute, Slide Rule

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Happy Birthday Mr. President. Very best wishes for you and Nancy (what a trying experience this must have been for her).
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Yep, I bet Ronnie is on-line right now check out this post.;)

It's very inspiring to go back and read some of the speeches he gave, his vision and dedication to America is not something you see in politicians today. Just finished reading his "Creative Society" speech. ***

Reganonomics...Boy did that go over well....Not.
He was one of the worst yet...

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Like it or not, Reagan did great things for this country. Go back and read books about him and his administration from authors that both hate and love him. You'll see. I guess people really hate the fact that someone actually had the balls to be a decisive president and spoke their mind. And supply-side economics works, like it or not. Go and do some searches for polls on the best presidents in history... Ronnie rates in the top 2 if not the #1 spot. Can't remember where I saw that, but go ahead. THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE LIKED A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT??? The horror.
Oh, hello again!

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