
chat rooms and relationships...

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ok, most of you dont know me and this is my first 'real' post here, other than in the intros forum. but something struck me as totally odd and im curious of all of your opinions.

when i wake up in the morning i grab my coffee, read cnn.com, check my mail, and sometimes go in this one chat room for people in the animal care business. just talk about new treatments, meds, ways of doing things, etc...no big deal. well this morning this guy FREAKED out on me telling me that it is disrespectful to my marriage for me to be in a chat room. im betraying my husband by conversing with other men (i was talking to women too) over the internet. the thought never entered my mind! after that, numerous other people vocalized their agreement with him. he stated that he would never put up with his woman, as he so eloquently put it, getting on the internet and chatting with other guys.

am i the only one that sees nothing wrong with this? i mean, if i'm just there to chat be friendly, and my intentions are innocent, am i disrespecting my husband? what do yall think? thanks!

Oh Canada, merci pour la livraison!

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I guess that it is only OK for single people to use the internet to meet and talk to people. IMO that guy is an ass. There is nothing wrong with getting online and talking to people. The bottom line is that the guy abviously is there with an agenda. He is there trying to meet women, if he wasn't he wouldn't have brought it up. The funny thing is that it will backfire on him if he does ever meet someone from an online forum or chat room. How is going to tell that person that they can no longer take part in an activity that was responsible for them meeting(especially if it is a forum/chat room discussing stuff other than singles). Just my $.02.


Don't church it up son

Don't you mean Joe Dirt? Namin' you that your Daddy must've really hated you.:D

I love that movie:)
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Do you really care what some stroke tells you over the internet? Tell him you want to talk dirty next time.

People read into stuff way too much, what is it his business who you talk to anyway.

If people can not talk about sex on-line they must have a hard time talking about it in person.

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LMAO! Thats just about the funniest thing I've heard in a long time.

Quick, go hide in your house from ANY man as long as your married. :ph34r:

My husband and I met in a chat room and continue to go to chat rooms/bulletin boards and have conversations with the other sex - and we're both fine with it. If you're really worried about it, ask your husband if he has a problem with it.

I highly doubt he will. That other guy is an ass.

Arianna Frances

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Tell that guy he needs to get married, or at least get laid. ;) Really, if you're just talking and it's completely innocent (none of the serious "oh yeah right there" variety ;)), then there is not a single thing wrong with it. Would you yell at your husband if he was on a plane and talked to the woman next to him? Of course not, so what different would this be? You're fine, doing nothing wrong whatsoever. This guy's just being a jerk. B|

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If you are flirting or entertaining thoughts of meeting one of the guys online then yeah it is wrong. Does not sound like that is the case here.

I have no problem with my wife being friendly with guys. She is my wife and I know whose bed she sleeps in (or doesn't sleep in :ph34r::$. I do not worry about her "falling" for some other guy because I know she loves me. She makes sure I know it every day.

Now I would not want guys calling the house to talk to her, that would be wrong and she does not go out to dinner or shopping or have guys over when I am not home. That would be wrong too. But to not talk to guys at all? That would be impossible to expect. Some of her friends are married. She has become friends with their husbands. My best friend is a guy and he calls here to talk to me all the time and my wife is friends with him. I would actually be kinda put off if she did not talk to him if he called especially if he called and I was not home. He is like part of the family to me.

I guess it comes down to two things, are you a controlling freak and need to have every action of your spouse under a microscope? Or are you so insecure that you cannot trust your spouse to be friends with the opposite sex without them being unfaithful? Hmm I would even go so far as to say the first one stems from the second.

This guy sounds like he is insecure about himself and projected it onto you. Then again he could have been a troll.

Also, if it is so wrong why the hell is he talking to women online? Oh wait, it is only wrong if women do it.:S

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well this morning this guy FREAKED out on me telling me that it is disrespectful to my marriage for me to be in a chat room. im betraying my husband by conversing with other men (i was talking to women too) over the internet. the thought never entered my mind! after that, numerous other people vocalized their agreement with him. he stated that he would never put up with his woman, as he so eloquently put it, getting on the internet and chatting with other guys.

am i the only one that sees nothing wrong with this? i mean, if i'm just there to chat be friendly, and my intentions are innocent, am i disrespecting my husband? what do yall think? thanks!


Whomever told you that sounds like a total ass and one caught up in some type of messed up time warp. This is not the 1950s anymore and women can do whatever the f*ck they want. Ok, I guess that kinda' pissed me off...sorry for the venting [:/].

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I can only imagine how he treats the women in his life.

Picture it: they go to a party. He breezes in and greets everyone, occasionally giving her the 'stink eye' at her place against the wall.

Picture this: After marriage, he searches the cookies each nite to find out where she's been and demanding a full account, then busting into each chatroom 'outting' her wanting to know what she said and to whom....

Yeah, he's single and its for a reason. Don't let this bonehead ruin your chat. I'm sure you have an ignore function. Blue skies~~April

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ok, most of you dont know me and this is my first 'real' post here, other than in the intros forum. but something struck me as totally odd and im curious of all of your opinions.

It's important for those of us on-line in this community to be able to trust each other. Especially when it comes to believing that we are who we say we are.

You probably just ran into a someone that either has some serious relationship problems, or some sort of identity issues themselves.

(Pun intended.)

Anyway, this person probably should seek some sort of psychological council and just be themself rather than some mysterious and ficticional on-line character.

If the person really bothered you, all you'd have to do is drop a note to whoever runs the chat board and they could probably confirm or deny at least some information about the authenticity of this individual's rantings. I'm sure that the person that runs things wouldn't look too kindly on this sort of thing and would start dropping subtle hints that this person is not welcome at all.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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