
What's the deal with American titless TV?

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If they are small children, they'll see how you react and follow your way. If you don't react at all, then they'll do the same.

My two cents:

Americans are too hung up on sex and nudity. I never realized what juvenile assholes we all are till I was fortunate enough to live in Germany for four years. People there are better adjusted in regard to sex and are not as freaked out by these things. They don’t all become perverts just because people sunbath in the nude at public parks and there is some nudity on TV. We are the ones that need to grow up.
“Now click your heels together 3 times so you can return to Kansas to live in poverty with your teetotaling, dirt farming aunt and uncle!” paraphrased Prof. Farnsworth

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direct from a notable website:

According to the FCC, non-cable TV channels cannot air "obscene" material at any time and cannot air "indecent" material between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. The FCC defines obscene as describing sexual conduct "in a patently offensive way" and lacking "serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value." Indecent material is not as offensive but still contains references to sex or excretions.

sounds like a double standard to me... anyone else?

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- Voltaire

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Ok since we're all talking about "offensive" material on tv. How about the commercials for the new "viagra" alternative. Try explaining to your pre-teen what a "4 hour erection" is and why it was so bad that they suggest calling your doctor. It's fine for drug companies to advertise this stuff. Tampons, Viagra, Condoms... But it's not ok to show a tit on tv..

It's such a hot topic now because of the tit, that ABC's Niteline spent 30 mins discussing this topic of tv and censorship.

I'm so glad I hardly watch the "boob box" anymore.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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This is directed to anyone who has a problem with my post.

It's funny, I knew that I would get a bunch of crap from people. I think nudity is a personal thing. I have no problem with nudity. I like seeing my wife nude. Gets me hot. I however, do not want to see your wife nude, not matter how hot she is because she is not my wife. I do not want my son to objectify women. I do not want my daughters to be objectified.
My wife does not either. My 16 year is very proud of the fact that she is holding out for her husband. I am proud of that.

We should have a choice if we want to see someone elses nudity or not. In this case we had no choice because we did not know it was coming. You want to flaunt your nudity, then do so. But let me know where you are so I am not subjected to it. You think you have a right to subject my kids to it, just because you think it is okay? WRONG ANSWER!

I decide what is right for MY home and I do not give a flee flying fuck if you think it is archaic, puritanical or whatever other slew of vomit you want to spew. My life, my family, my choice. All I am saying is that we should have had the opportunity to change the channel. You know, Parental Guidance warnings. Heard of em?

And yes my wife and daughters were shocked because they did not expect it and it offended them. Guess that makes me unpopular. Guess what, we do not care. You can think your way and I have no problem with that, but to blast us for having a view of nudity being personal is bullshit.

And FYI, we do not treat nudity as something evil. We treat it as something personal. Big Difference. Furthermore, we do not watch MTV for this reason or a whole slew of other shows/movies/channels.

If you think we should not have the right to choose what our kids are exposed to then I submit that you bite me.>:(

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I understand and respect your opinion. But what people are trying to say is that if nudity were not such a taboo thing, than the viewing of a breast would not equate to objectifying someone. It would be no different than viewing an elbow, or a nose.

You definitely have the right to choose what your kids are exposed to. I suggest, however, that you think about why it is exactly that a lump of flesh should be shocking or offensive. Is it inherently shocking and offensive to see a breast, or is it an artificial stigma that you have associated with it and are passing that association on to your children.

Not criticizing you at all, it's entirely your choice. Just wondering if you are having a knee jerk reaction based on perceptions that you were raised with, or if you genuinely think that the human body is offensive or shocking.

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I do not think you are getting it:S. I do NOT THINK nudity is offensive or shocking, I think it is PERSONAL. And I should have the choice to see it or not. I have no problem with what she did, I have a problem that there was no warning. What you see as a stigma I see as modesty.

So that you can understand I will spell it out again. P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L.

Read that however you want. I'm not going to apologize for my beliefs.

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I do not necessarily agree with Sdgregory's point of view, but, I think that in this case, it was not only the nudity that was shocking or offensive. It was the fact that a man tore off a woman's bra top suddenly and unexpectedly to reveal her breast. OBVIOUSLY, it was completely planned by these two, but if any man or woman were to have done this to ME without my permission, I would hope that he would have been charged with some "offense".

No one can suddenly "force" a person to get nude. That is what this publicity stunt was supposed to look like. It was in bad taste to make that kind-of violence look normal. The whole tearing off of clothes to an unuspecting person is something that is meant to be degrading. I've had it happen to me. Trust me, it is degrading. Of course, Janet J.and Justin planned this making the whole thing even more absurd. :( The nudity is not a big deal, though, to me.

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I guess to you there is no difference. If we were shocked or offended by someone forcing us to see their bare breast then we have a problem with nudity. Is that your stance? Seems like it because I think I have explained my position very clearly.

Yes we were offended that our choice was taken from us. We were offended by nudity on TV because it is, oh I must say it again, PERSONAL. We are not offended by nudity itself.

Look at it this way, you walk past my house naked I will be offended. My wife walks around our home naked and I am not offended.

I guess for somepeople there is no difference, for us there is. Okay?

Nuff Said

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wow. i don't have a problem with your choices. i am simply drawn to the contradictions you present in your statements.

there are far too many ways to approach this and a lot of them will seem confrontational and as much as i enjoy being confrontational i will summarize by observing the world we are living in and the state of the media, which is not know for sneaking subtleties by us, and suggesting to you to either get out more or close the curtains tighter because it aint gettin any 'better' (?) any time soon.:|

i also find it so faintly telling that you would, in the course of watching ritualized gladiator carnage, find yourself so violently offended by an unsolicited breast. this is a uniquely american peculiarity. not saying good or bad. just making an observation.
namaste, motherfucker.

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not it is not pent up, this conversation is pissing me off. I guess I am not allowed to think my way without having some sort of deep seeded problem.

Isn't it neat-o how the same people shoving their views down your thoat in this thread would be ALL OVER a Christian if it was the Christian shoving his/her views on them.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Isn't it neat-o how the same people shoving their views down your thoat in this thread would be ALL OVER a Christian if it was the Christian shoving his/her views on them.

LOL! EXACTLY. Isn't it ironic?

Frankly, I don't give a flying poop who is nude, not nude, who cares who is nude or not. It IS a personal choice and opinion.

Enough said!

Please...let it die, everyone. It's getting silly.

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All I am saying is that we should have had the opportunity to change the channel. You know, Parental Guidance warnings. Heard of em?

I need to state first, that I've only seen (still)pictures of that JJ event. The next few lines are more gereral approach to this topic (of tits and everything ;)).

I understand your point, hear me out though:

Parental Guidance (US version) warnings are a constant topic of jokes here in Finland. I'm not saying that they should not exist. Quite the contrary. My point earlier about torsos and limbs is something to think about, though.

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) decides those ratings. Their (ultraprotestant) values dictate results where violence is seen more "natural" than two people making love or a naked person waking up and walking to shower... (Oh, I know that this is very abnormal behaviour, but I actually do that).

Why do I care? I live in Finland, right? Well, some very nice movies needed/will continue to be re-cut after MPAA gave/gives its ratings, for the studio wanted the movie to be e.g. PG-13 and there were some "obscene scenes" where one could actually see naked man (and heavens help) his penis too!!!

Well, of course I come from a land where whole families (such perverts!) go to sauna several times a week, all naked. Oh, if somebody really think that is pervert or unnatural - well, I made my point then. I rest my case!

PS. This was a general approach. I haven't seen the "obscene scene" of Janet Js mammary gland, so I really cannot comment whether that was derogatory to women.

PPS. I totally agree on the parents rights of choosing what they children will see or not. In fact, I don't even tend to let my children (if I'm ever given any) watch TV when they are young w/o me/my wife sitting next to them. Also, 1/2-1h a night (not even on daily bases) is enough TV for a child under 6. I do however know, that if there is naked man with a penis walking around in tv, my children will not get "disturbed".

just my .02 euro

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I don't think you need to appologize, or that your opinion is wrong. You're right, it is personal. I'm in no way bashing you for your personal beliefs. I was more commenting on the overall views of society in the US, which you happen to be a fair representation of. It just seems backward to me that violence and hatred is fine to air but nudity is not. I'm willing to bet more kids were upset by the ad for that movie with Dracula, Frankenstein and Wolfman. That commercial was violent and scary, but no one is upset about that.

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It's just such a hypocrisy here in the states I think. We sell sex everywhere you look....tv, magazines, etc... but a pair of breasts on a beach is offensive. Just irritates me is all.

I am still searching for it but may be some one with a little more skill can help me out, if I remeber correctly, sometime around 93-96 the women of NYC staged a rally and won a concession that if men could go topless in central park then so could women without fear of arrest

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I have been reading this thread because I knew this issue would come up on DZ.com. And I also knew many people from Europe and the US wouldn't understand the significance of what happened.

The facts are this:
There are FCC regulations on "Free" radio and TV in the US. That is the way it is.

The Superbowl used to be wholesome family entertainment free from the typical trashy cable channels. Sure, there is violence on the news, and on Cable channels, and regular broadcasts tv AFTER 8PM.

BUT The SB aired at 630 EST and 330PM PST. on broadcast tv where YOUNG kids were watching. Now, when your 6 year old asked why he did that, you explain it to them. Or when he see that on tv and then does it to a 3rd grader on the bus and gets suspended.

I personall was not offended, but if I had 4-8yr old kids watching and had to explain to them why it was OK for this pop star to do something like that, but not OK for them... I would be Pissed!!!!

This act was clearly lude and uncalled for. It wasn't showing boobs on National Geographic, it was a young man "RIPPING" the top off an unsupecting woman. Infront of an audience of over 89million.

I am soooo glad this happened!!!! I am glad because CBS and some other channels final know there is a line they can't cross. They have been pushing the envelope for years, and now the line in the sand has been drawn and a 5.5 million dollar fine laid out.

If yoiu want to show tits or what ever, do it on paid cable. Leave the free air waves for those of us with some fucking values....


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You don't have to explain it to me, I totally agree with you.
Except for ***unsupecting woman.***

And that is ONLY because she master minded the entire stunt. If you look at the outfit she wore it had snaps to hold the breast cup in place.

However I do feel CBS is to blame too, But I wouldn't be so quick to pass judgement on it's affiliates.
No one suspected this to happen, (on live Television) therefore the censors were watching the game/half time show and didn't have their hand on the delay button.

All I was saying previously is I don't think it is okay to show commercials dealing with sexual dysfunction and more than it was okay what Janet did during the superbowl.


Nick D

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