
Should I have spoken out?

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Are you saying old people get front of the line cuts? Yahoo. Or were you just being a "smart ass".

Me a smart ass?

Sparky, you could cut in front of me any time.
And really, I do let older people in front of me any time there is a line.

I think he should have ran the old lady to the back of the line and then punched the fat fucks light out.:P
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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It is most apparent on the freeway when I'm white lining on my motorcycle in heavy traffic. People will hug the whiteline so I don't have any room to slip by.

Its bad enough on my motorbike but I was cycling home from work the other day and some guy pulled in towards the curb when he saw me coming, so I had to stop and lift my bike onto the footpath to get past. I saw him look at me in his mirror too. What a dick.

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Are you aware that there are people in this world that have no problems whatsoever with creating stories to gain sympathy and cut in the front of lines?

I knew one person that used to work where I did that was actually proud that she never had to stand in lines because she could always sweet talk her way to the front.

Yes. She really exists. She now works in marketing for a major software company.

People like this think they're superior to everyone else on the planet and that they and their time are more valuable than we or our time. I'm sorry, but unless I can plainly see for myself that there is in fact some sort of problem, I don't listen to excuses and all of those folks can get in line like the rest of us did.

This also applies to the fuckers that think a basket of groceries large enough to fed an army counts as one in 10 items or less line.

Wow. "Angry Quade" speaks.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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I would have simply offered to trade places with her thus inconveniencing nobody.

BINGO! You have to kill the asshats with kindness. I would not have only switched places with the lady, but I would have been a little loud about it (I'm from New York:P). I bet the couple in front would have followed suit and the asshat would have felt...well, like an asshat.

And sorry Paul, but who cares if there are some scammers out there? What would Steve have lost, a little of his time? He would have gained a lot of class (not to assume he doesn't already have class).

I one time was on line behind a lady at the customer service counter in Costco. She was ripping the clerk a new asshole over $1.00 that she believed she was overcharged. This went on and on. There was quite a line gathering and the clerk was beet red. I finally reached into my pocket, handed the lady a dollar and politely asked her if ruining the clerks day by her rudeness was worth a dollar, then I felt sorry for her. The line actually applauded. The lady had the nerve to take my dollar and stormed off. BTW, I was returning something that was past the 90 day return policy. Guess what, they took my item back without any problem.:)


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With the attitude he was displaying, do you really think he'd get it? I'm inclined to believe he'd just think the same thing about you that you think about him. He's a waste of skin, don't bother wasting your energy.

Blue skies and happy landings!

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Steve, there may be more to this experience than you've spoken about......
Ask yourself.........
1. Do I have a prejudice against overweight people?
2. Should I be attending an anger manangement class?
3. With as much time as I spend on this site, is my job just as worthless as the overweight person behind me in the post office?
4. Is it possible he was late to work because he was on his lunch break, as I was?
5. Did I secretely think that it wasn't right either, as I'm sure almost everyone thought, I just didn't say anything cause I try to have a little more couth.
6. Do I have the desire to go postal on someone in the post office?
7. Does it make sense to say I am peaceful sort of person that also wanted to bloody a man's nose and bust his kneecaps by fighting dirty, and I get violent when I play sports.

Just asking......;)
Here's your sign.......

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I would have told him he was being obnoxious and to settle down. And if he continued.. I would have introduced him to my ASS.. so he would feel comfortable when he kissed it.

Actually thats the big talker in me. I probably would have just given him a "you asshole" look.
I have some great looks.. some of em can kill...

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Holy shit. Everybody go outside right now and check to see if there's an eclipse happening! QUADE AND I AGREE ON SOMETHING!!!

I'll betcha a dollar that we agree on a lot more things, but because you've been focusing on a couple specific things we disagree on, it blinds you to them.

I find this is true of most people that disagree with me and they find it true of most people that disagree with them as well.

Honestly, I hate disgreeing with you for the fact that you seem to be a nice guy and I always question myself because in general, I'm always working on "being nice" but get hostile quicker than I ever wish(not a proud fact but, lack of control)
I always picture you as having "the Friendly smile" look.;) I see in some pics.
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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I think I would have been tempted to tell them to take my place if it bothered them so much. That way you make your point, the old lady gets to her plane quicker and they get to think about how petty they're being. :)
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I'm confident that if a fight would have broken out that I'm pretty sure the fat fuck would be on the ground right now with a bloody nose and a busted up knee (I know how to fight dirty),

but I actually am a peaceful sort of person.

Im Convinced[:/] .......lol

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Are you aware that there are people in this world that have no problems whatsoever with creating stories to gain sympathy and cut in the front of lines?

I knew one person that used to work where I did that was actually proud that she never had to stand in lines because she could always sweet talk her way to the front.

My two cents, groggy as it may be...

It doesn't matter if it's a real story or a fake story. It's how I address the situation presented to me that makes me who I am.

Sure, there are liars. And then there are folks who aren't, who really managed to screw things up timing wise and need a break. I am not the one who gets to make the judgment on if it's true or not, or if they need to get better at scheduling - what I can do is give them a break based on my actions.

For example, in the supermarket, if the guy behind me has 4 items, and I have a cartful, then he gets to go ahead. I don't wait for him to ask, I offer. He can be checked, bagged, and out of the store before I get my cart unloaded. So why not? I've had situations where I've let three people go in front of me; I was still unloading my cart when it came my turn. Sure, I could've made them wait, but why?

Same deal with this. If I am in a place, I have allowed myself the time to complete the transaction. But why not let someone go? What's it really matter? Who really benefits from it? The lady is still going to be rushing, the asshat behind me is still going to be an asshat, but I get the pleasure of thinking I've done something good for someone else. I don't care if they never stand in line, Quade - the way they live their life - their integrity or lack thereof is not of my concern in the long run. But if I can say I've done right by my own ethics and integrity, not added to someone else's burden during my day, and not behaved in a cynical manner, then I can smile at the end of the day, and feel good.

Back to the original question...I would've let my "Aunt Bertha" come into line ahead of me. "Hey, Auntie, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be catching a plane. here, stand with me..." as I bring her into line ahead of me. Or I would've offered to complete her transaction for her, thus allowing her to get going. The "fat fuck" (who, btw, would've been a fuck, fat or not) wouldn't have been able to say anything without lots of people hearing it, giving him his due.

There are many ways to handle a situation - it's not just a confrontation or not. I have no compunction about confronting someone, but that is often the last resort in my book.

I recall once, in Seattle, on the ferry, some kids were throwing trash at the seagulls following the boat. My mom was there, and she was getting all hot and bothered. We had some sandwiches for the ride. I took the filling out of my sandwich, walked over to the kids, offered the bread and suggested that instead of rock throwing, that they throw bread for the gulls to eat, and that maybe that would be a better thing to do. They were just bored kids, and yelling at them would've acheived nothing but contribute to their teenaged angst....instead, they took the bread, and made a game of seeing if the birds could catch it in mid air....I like to think that on that day, I made a difference to the kids, and the birds....and it only cost me a roll from a sandwich...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It is most apparent on the freeway when I'm white lining on my motorcycle in heavy traffic. People will hug the whiteline so I don't have any room to slip by.

---sympathetic response from a bicyclist.

Is 'whitelining' when the motorcycle runs down between lanes instead driving in the lane passing the slower moving cars - especially during rush hour etc.?

If so, then I don't see whitelining as the smartest thing to do. I wouldn't think of blocking because I don't want the truck to get scratched, but it looks unsafe and stupid. I'd 'guess' it's also against the law.

If you are a vehicle in traffic, then be in the traffic. You need a lane to pass.

IMO, whitelining has the same level of courtesy as someone running down the edge of the road during a jam or a single in the car pool lane, etc.

As far the guy edging over in **his** lane, that's pretty rude and also unsafe, but no more than the motorcyclist is being. But at least that guy is using area that he should expect to be his.

I absolutely love riding and owning motorcycles (even though it's been a few years) and this kind of driving doesn't help the cause at all for us being free to ride without a bunch of bad impressions forcing the law to invoke even more special requirements.

Just speaking out per the thread. Intent is serious, not angry......

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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