
50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

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Thats awesome Erica!!! :)
J and I have not had a fight yet (in our 1.5 years together), but we've come close. I'm very lucky that he communicates so well and makes it easy for me to do the same. It helps us avoid fights or hurt feelings. This is the first relationship I've had thats been like this (open comm lines) - and it's by far the best.

BTW - did you guys have fun making up? ;)

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RUN AWAY!!!!!!! RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!

shh, don't talk to my instincts... I'm busy trying to change them :P

if your relationship can survive TRUE honesty...it can survive anything

so far so good. And we've had plenty of stuff to "survive"! :)

Thats awesome Erica!!! Communication is so important. Working through things will only make your relationship stronger too.

It already is - weird to go through all this as an 'adult'. :S


J and I have not had a fight yet (in our 1.5 years together), but we've come close. I'm very lucky that he communicates so well and makes it easy for me to do the same. It helps us avoid fights or hurt feelings.

That's so awsome!! Good for you guys, amazing when both parties are willing to help it along! Our lines are always open too, but this time he was DRUNK!! and I was SOBER (designated driver)!! NOT a good combo for us. Will have to find a way over this hump, cause it's just going to happen more often.

This is the first relationship I've had thats been like this (open comm lines) - and it's by far the best.

Best of blessings to you two - can only hope to follow in your footprints.


BTW - did you guys have fun making up?

Don't you know it :), but since the fight was his fault I made him do most o' the work - gotta prove he was really sorry :$:P

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Don't you know it , but since the fight was his fault I made him do most o' the work - gotta prove he was really sorry



Would you complain? Boys sometimes like to be 'put to work' - as far as I've been told. ;)

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Don't you know it , but since the fight was his fault I made him do most o' the work - gotta prove he was really sorry



Would you complain? Boys sometimes like to be 'put to work' - as far as I've been told. ;)


i thought so to... hey, as long as it's typically 50/50 on doin the work - it's all ok. I like to 'give' too; but not when he owes me :P

***So are we starting a new thread titled: 50 Way to STAY with Your Lover?

sure, you go first.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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Would you complain? Boys sometimes like to be 'put to work' - as far as I've been told. ;)

Uh huh. There you go again. Talkin about men like being a pack mule or sumpin.

But yah. We do. :$

DD, you misread that. She said "boys", not men. A real man would have that woman making him a nice sammich. None of that apologizing stuff.

He doesn't have to admit he's wrong until he's married. Then he's wrong all the time and better get used to it. :ph34r:

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DD, you misread that. She said "boys", not men. A real man would have that woman making him a nice sammich. None of that apologizing stuff.

He doesn't have to admit he's wrong until he's married. Then he's wrong all the time and better get used to it. :ph34r:

Oh thanks dude. I totally missed that "boys" comment. Yah! No way I'd stand for that!

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Of course, my seemingly inexhaustible supply of free advice is worth every cent. ;) Applying it liberally to my own life is why I'm single. :D

Women have given up trying to sway me into something irrational by just using their feminine charms. It only works 10% of the time these days. :D A vast improvement from the 90% of the past. It's a daily struggle. :)

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ok I'm late coming but I just never read it when I was out of the country.

I have a couple breakup stories that are worth a laugh but I'll share my favorite:

Met a girl my senior year HS when she was a sophmore. We talked over the summer and then towards the end we finally hooked up. Her parents wouldn't let her come and visit me at college so I drove home every weekend and worked. We worked together and spent the weekends together. I did this for 2 years, every weekend, never spent a weekend except for the weekend before finals on campus. Then after she graduated from HS I helped her fullfil one of her dreams of seeing theh ocean and the sunset on the beach.
I couldn't make it with her to Cali because of a trip with my family coming up from Brazil so I called a friend and asked me to pick her up show her around etc. So we took our trips at the same time and then were going to meet back up in the airport on the way back thru and go home. During the trip I called and she kinda just was being more and more distant, more and more like my friend, addapting to his ways etc. Finally one night I went down to the corner from the hotel and used the payphone. I called her in her hotel room and my friend answered the phone:
"Hey dude is ________ there?"
"Yeah. Honey it's for you..."

the rest of the story you can figure out on your own. She didn't return to the airport on teh way back thru. He moved to Kansas from Cali. They married a year later and now have a 6month old kid. Haven't spoken to either of them since that night.

What goes around comes around though...She lost her job, has a kid, he spent all their money and so the story goes they're living in the gheto now and she's trying to run a home daycare.

Moral of the story, don't trust your friends, they'll always stab you in the back.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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You obviously haven't met the right woman:P

The little smiley with the tongue out confuses me. I can't tell if it is sarcasm or you are leading me on. If it is the latter, pm me a pic of your tongue. :P :)

LOL. I like sticking my tongue out for some odd reason.....kinda like there, there it is; ya know? It usually puts a smile on people's faces cause they try & get it with their fingers. If you want to see my tongue, believe it or not, there's a photo in my personal gallery:D:D

PS......I was trying to cheer you up even flirt some, I guess it didn't work:(
~Porn Kitty
WARNING: Goldschlager causes extreme emotional outbursts!

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Cheer me up any more? Impossible. If I was any happier, I'd have to be two people.

My friend Marcus (who is British) once told me, "Mate, you are just stupid-happy." Meaning that most peoples reality sucks and a person has to be stupid to not see it. Of course, he realizes that my life is that good, so he meant it in a nice way.

I can't think of any facet of my life that I could improve. I have a wonderful life and incredible friends. Trust me, anyone who knows me will confirm this. B|

The only thing that improves my day is when my fav people give me hugs. :)

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